eating between 200-500 calories



  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    what did you eat when you had food pisioning?
    anything she loses will be more than likely just water weight....

    I had food poisoning once and dropped like 8 pounds in four days but it slowly came back over next few weeks...

    bad chicken ...

    no i mean whenever you couldnt eat, what did you have?
  • csfillmore
    csfillmore Posts: 16 Member
    even though this is likely a troll thread. When I had the flu in April I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. (I was only eating 500 calories as I couldn't keep anything down). I gained it all back within three days, so if your friend is trying to gain weight I wouldnt worry.
  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    thank you
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    thank you but how much weight will she lose each day or two days?

    That's seriously the only thing you're concerned with?


    ^^^^ This!! Screw weight loss, get her to the Doc!! Health comes first, weight loss should be the last thing on your mind at this stage!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what did you eat when you had food pisioning?
    anything she loses will be more than likely just water weight....

    I had food poisoning once and dropped like 8 pounds in four days but it slowly came back over next few weeks...

    bad chicken ...

    no i mean whenever you couldnt eat, what did you have?

    i could only keep down chicken broth and sip water for about two days...totally sucked...after that toast with honey ...
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    No random person could tell you how much weight she could lose from one day (or more) with a stomach bug. There are too many variables, too many considerations that completely impact every little ounce your friend could lose. Is she 400 pounds or 120? Whats her normal calorie expenditure? Did she lay in bed that entire time or did she try to run a marathon as well? We can't tell you what she might lose with no information and even then it would just be a guess.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    thank you but how much weight will she lose each day or two days?

    My guess is she won't lose anything.

    I've consistently lost 1lb or more per week for the past 6 months eating 1400 to 1600 cals per day. Last week I had 1 whole day where I only ate 400 cals (had an operation under GA so I wasn't allowed to eat or drink). I actually put on a few pounds the days immediately after the OP.

    Does this answer your question?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Wait she has a tummy bug & most of you are saying she is going to pass out? Hello but a tummy bug usually means you cant keep anything down anyway & therefore MAKING a person eat is not going to be great for the person.

    Shame on some of you. Eating is most likely the LAST thing this 'friend' can do without vomiting it all back up right away & making it very unpleasant.

    Shame on the OP as well... seriously. Being sick & all you can think of is her stomach shrinking?????? Huh?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    'She' will be very ill if she doesn't eat as soon as 'she' feels up to it.

  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    thank you but how much weight will she lose each day or two days?

    That's seriously the only thing you're concerned with?


    I was thinking same thing ....two options..

    1. This is troll thread...
    2. OP's "friend" is really just her....

    It is the OP, not her friend.
    Check her diary.

    Look, OP, you're not feeling well & you ate only a little today. And you're trying to recover from an ED.
    But right now, how much water weight you're going to lose to being sick, isn't important. Getting better is.

    To get more cals in you for today, tomorrow, etc.
    Make a smoothie with protein powder, greek yogurt, banana, milk of choice, and some berries or whatever.
    It'll be like 400-500 cals and be pretty easy on your tummy. Or go buy Ensure or Bolthouse Farm drinks - those pack a calorie punch and have nutrients you'll be lacking due to being sick. Drink like two of those plus eat what you can so you can get your cals up until you can eat normally again
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    If you have a stomach bug and you're spending your time chucking your guts up and crapping every 2 minutes then you'll obviously not eat much and lose weight for the duration of the bug. There's not a lot of point forcing calories in if they're literally squirting out both ends an hour later. The main point is getting in fluids to keep you hydrated. If you...sorry...her...can manage it, try some dry toast.

    When the bug is gone and you can handle food and are eating normally your weight will come back up. If it's a case that 'your friend' is worrying about the weight loss because she was starving herself to a stick *before* the tummy bug...then the answer is to eat more when she gets over it.
  • Well she'll only lose water weight but I second the others on here in saying weight loss shouldn't even been considered if she's not well! Should be the last thing on anyone's mind.

    It's worrying when someone becomes ill and weightloss becomes the primary concern. Hope you/she gets better very soon and I mean that in all senses. xxxx
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Wait she has a tummy bug & most of you are saying she is going to pass out? Hello but a tummy bug usually means you cant keep anything down anyway & therefore MAKING a person eat is not going to be great for the person.

    Shame on some of you. Eating is most likely the LAST thing this 'friend' can do without vomiting it all back up right away & making it very unpleasant.

    Shame on the OP as well... seriously. Being sick & all you can think of is her stomach shrinking?????? Huh?

    Ummm if you read the OP's profile she has an ED and her "friend" is most likely her....that is why everyone is telling her "friend" to eat more...Maybe you should read some of the posts before you blast everyone..
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Assuming this is real, eat BRAT: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. Plain, bland foods that are easy on the stomach. Stay hydrated with fluids with electrolytes, like Gatorade.

    If there's no other medical complications, try Pepto Bismol or something similar to settle the stomach. If it lasts longer than a day or two, or if she's passing out sick, see a doctor.
  • Harmony2376
    Harmony2376 Posts: 27 Member

    ^^^^ This!! Screw weight loss, get her to the Doc!! Health comes first, weight loss should be the last thing on your mind at this stage!!

    Well said!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    What to eat when having tummybug:

    Try drinking something? Hot soup, and even sugary drinks like coke or pepsi is better than no energy at all. Also try eating candy, berries or snack.. anything you can comfortably eat a small piece off to test how it goes down.
  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    'She' will be very ill if she doesn't eat as soon as 'she' feels up to it.

    it honestly depends on her physiology. she will lose some water weight due to being dehydrated.

    just get her to a doctor if she is the same tomorrow.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Normally anything you lose due to a tummy bug will be gained back as weight loss is mostly caused by dehydration.

    If this is a serious post, then don't worry about whatever eating plan your friend is following. Yeah she will lose some weight but once she can eat normally it should be easily gained back, if losing weight is a worry for your friend.

    Concentrate on getting fluid in to her. Sips of water frequently and if she can stomach it some of those dilutable sachets that add back salts and minerals to the body. Even things like ice pops (popsicles) can be helpful, I give my kids those if they have tummy bugs as it's a slow way of getting some fluid and sugar in to the body without too much at once.

    If she gets to the point where she is hardly peeing or its very dark in colour then she needs to go get checked out at the hospital and probably fluids via IV.

    Once she can stomach a little food, stick with plain things like crackers, dry toast and maybe some broth.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Wait she has a tummy bug & most of you are saying she is going to pass out? Hello but a tummy bug usually means you cant keep anything down anyway & therefore MAKING a person eat is not going to be great for the person.

    Shame on some of you. Eating is most likely the LAST thing this 'friend' can do without vomiting it all back up right away & making it very unpleasant.

    Shame on the OP as well... seriously. Being sick & all you can think of is her stomach shrinking?????? Huh?

    Ummm if you read the OP's profile she has an ED and her "friend" is most likely her....that is why everyone is telling her "friend" to eat more...Maybe you should read some of the posts before you blast everyone..

    I actually read the posts..... why do you think I said shame one some of you? Really. As for your comment "and her "friend" is most likely her." then well MOST LIKELY is not proof it is.

    Perhaps before you jump the gun...prove it.

    Also to all those as far as you claiming it's the OP...... ummmm ONE meal & your dying to scream ED? I know I got told I had a ED when I'd only logged one meal so far that day....lunch. Sorry but that oes not scream ED when the day beforehand is over 1400 cals for the whole day.

    FFS....some people are just racing to the ED decision.
  • FlabFighter86
    FlabFighter86 Posts: 233 Member
    I was ill for 6 weeks this year and had to carefully watch what I ate otherwise it would upset my stomach. Pro biotic yoghurt seemed to help, fruit when you can manage it, or combine the two and make a smoothie. Rice to fill you up. Or if you're not up to that, eat crackers, oatcakes, biscuits. And keep drinking water. If you do lose any weight, you'll put it straight back on once you start eating again. But as a lifestyle, it's pretty miserable to live on that for a long time.
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