i desperately need all the help i can get to lose 95lbs

hi my name is Lah and have only joined MFP this June '13. i am so worried that i will not be able to lose weight at all as i sometimes cave in to food. like yesterday was my worst MFP day ever as i found myself more than 500 calories over my daily allowance of calories. i really need a lot of support and all the help i can get so am looking for friends to push me and encourage me while i will also do the sae to the. i am now so scared to have my weekly weigh in on sunday, i am worried i would have gained instead of losing.

at times i look at the 95lbs number and think can i ever lose all that? what i know is i am sick of being overweight and unhealthy and i am ready to change that. please feel free to add me as your friend, i need you


  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Hello Lah and welcome!

    Firstly as someone who has to lose about the same amount as you - I know how you feel. 95lbs seems a huge mountain to climb.

    But no-one has to climb Everest in a day. So start with a small goal. Maybe to lose 5lbs or to change one thing in your diet to a better option.

    This journey has to be for life - its not a sprint - in fact you are better off taking it slowly and one step at a time.

    Good luck and feel free to add for mutual support. :flowerforyou:
  • pawheeler1
    pawheeler1 Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome, althought what you face right now may seem impossible, remember to take it one day at a time. It will be hard but in the end it will all have been worth it. And your MFP family will be here to support you, Add me if you like!!
  • You can do this, sometimes it's one hour at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time. Yesterday is over, start again today. I won't tell you it's easy but I will tell you it's worth it!:wink:
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    I am with you!!! I have lost 40 lbs and have 100 to go. It's a long journey, and at times so so difficult. The only thing you can do is keep going. You will fall, make mistakes, just keep getting back up. Learn from your mistakes, and what triggers the bad decisions. It's a learning process. Just don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • Dianimal68
    Dianimal68 Posts: 2 Member
    We all have one of "those" days...one off day won't undo the several good day's you've had - keep your chin up and keep tryin'!! Maybe setting smaller goals would help - don't look at the whole 95lbs - you know, set a 15lb goal...when you reach that, set the next one for 25lbs. :wink:
  • Dianimal68
    Dianimal68 Posts: 2 Member
    haha - I really should change my picture...it's not very lady-like - but, in my defense, I only have one friend on MFP (and she knows how I am) - and, I didn't expect to be commenting on anyone elses posts...
  • Roludy
    Roludy Posts: 3
    Hi Lah

    Nice to meet you :-)
    I too have joined MFP this June and have lots to loose... (70lbs)
    I have fought this weight loss battle for so so SO long that at times I really feel like its a battle that I am never going to win so I wanted to encourage you and say "WE CAN DO IT!"
    Having a bad day can really depress us and make us feel worthless but I say its ok.... "So what if you have had a bad day, today is a new day and you can do it"
    I have given myself small goals as I know 70lbs just feels unachieveable... so for now my goal is to go down one dress size and 14lbs :-)
    I also measure myself so knowing that I am loosing inches/centimeters makes a difference.
    You are not alone...

    Ciao for now
  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    I know how you feel, been there over and over again myself. Here I am again trying to get my act together. :blushing: If I don't track everyday then it's too easy to fool myself into thinking I haven't eaten that much. :noway:
    I will add you as a friend if you will accept. I haven't added anyone I know yet.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Hi there Lah,

    Glad you joined, and I can understand the struggles your having. I have a lot of weight to lose. Because of that, I set mini goals for myself cause in the beginning if I thought OMG you have to lose 140 lbs I would have given up. But, if I think of 10 pound increments it's not such a scary thing.

    Also, I try to focus more on health, nutrition and fitness goals more. I set monthly goals of where I want to push myself fitness wise. Each time pushing a little further. When I focus on my health, nutrition and fitness the weight takes care of itself. Those things mean a lot more to me then a number on the scale. I can breath more, I can walk further, I can lift heavier, etc.

    You can do this, just focus on making small changes and small goals at a time.

    Have a wonderful day

  • Hi Lah I know how you fee, l I will give you some advice that was given to me, never weigh in on a weekend, change your weigh in day to a friday, I used to weigh in on a monday and of course the weekend is always bad because of family gatherings and such. I would get frustrated because I always gained weight. I have learned that as long as I post what I'm eating I tend to eat right, it took me a lot of practice to learn that and alot of falling on my butt only to get up and jump back up. Also a lot of walking, I walk three or four times a day, if I don't walk I don't lose. My husband and I walk in a mall with carpet so its not as bad on the knees. If you want to add me feel free
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    welcome lah! congrats on posting here as that is the biggest and hardest step! day 1 is always the most difficult, but you WILL reach your goals through consistency and logging every little morsel you eat! everything! even if you ate the whole house. and i promise over time, it gets easier as the weight falls off. you should be HAPPY you are sick of being overweight and unhealthy, because that is the motivation you need to succeed!

    i thought the same as you...looked at the whole number i had to lose and cried because it overwhelmed me so much. but i knew i had to start then before things got worse, and the number got bigger! i took baby steps. broke the final goal into bits, and my first major goal was to hit 10% of my body weight (http://bit.ly/11Aodvs). it wasnt important to me how long this was going to take, but that i was actually going to do it, period.

    first few weeks, i logged EVERYTHING i ate. and i mean everything. it gave me a better understanding why i got so fat. i forgot what normal portion sizes were, as i was eating easily for 2...even 3 or 4! so i also joined weight watchers online, while logging again to MFP. while on ww, i relearned how much to eat, what a normal portion size was etc. its helped me TREMENDOUSLY, and now i understand how to eat.

    i bought a digital weight scale to reinforce how much of a food i was eating, so i could be accurate in my logging. next i bought bodymedia link to see how many calories i was expending each day. no more guessing and assuming since this measured my bodys calories. i gave myself a goal to hit 10K steps a day, but that was impossible for me when i first started, considering all the weight i was carrying..it just wasnt easy to get around. so i broke it down to 5K and tried hard to reach that step goal no matter what it took. i walked instead of getting into a cab, and over time, it got easier to walk and i can proudly say i can hit 10K now without pain. it gets easier!

    so i started in mid feb, and i have already lost 33 lbs. i can tell you i havent really tried that hard to lose weight this month, so its been slow, but im OK with that. i know that i will reach my goal, and i know that you will too. it just takes effort (you have to WANT THIS!), consistency and a bit of exercise (walking is mine). also tons of water too! if you start feeling ill eating healthy at first, remember you are detoxing your body, and the toxins of all that bad food is leaving your body.

    you'll have your days here and there, but it doesnt matter. this is really a lifestyle change not a diet, and habits are hard to break, but they will break if you keep at it. these boards have saved my life really...the support is no other, so keep logging daily and never give up.

    and remember, you CAN have your favorite foods and lose weight. ive lost this weight on eating healthier versions (and portions!) of pizza, mac&cheese, alfredo, ice cream, you name it. anything can work if you fit it into your calorie goals. incorporate LOTS of protein in your breakfast and lunch, and you will not feel the urge to binge...at least i didnt.

    if i can do it, you surely can.
  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    You can do this, sometimes it's one hour at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time. Yesterday is over, start again today. I won't tell you it's easy but I will tell you it's worth it!:wink:

    Love this.
  • crzycylr
    crzycylr Posts: 78 Member
    You can do it Lah! Take one day at a time...if yesterday wasn't great, try today. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • buchmansrus
    buchmansrus Posts: 34 Member

    Please feel free to add me. At first my pic is my before/after pic of my weight loss in 6 months but I let myself go afterwards and recklessly ate out of control after I got where I got.

    Now I'm back to square one. I have still been in a slump trying to get back in the swing of things and as easy as it was to do before I still keep messing up however, I'm starting back so feel free to add me if you want.

    About your post of losing 90 lbs. Just keep doing what your doing. Atleast with you documenting it now you are seeing where your problems are, also at the bottom of the page where you exercise or food log put in your thoughts. It does help.

    I wish us both luck and all the other ladies too.
    God bless
  • Nice to meet you, I have to do the same. I found this has been the easiest thing to work with so far. Just don't forget to write things down. I found I forget a lot of things during the day :wink:
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    What is your daily calorie allowance?
    You may have it set too low - as my fitness pal generally does that.

    Feel free to add me as i have about 90 pounds to loose to my first goal
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Years ago, my Dad wanted to lose ten pounds. He became so committed that he lost 80! I have carried an extra 35-40 ounds for 25 years. I decided 16 months ago that I had done it long enough. I started counting calories on this website, and attending "boot camp" at my office. It took 16 months, but I have finally, gladly, lost 30 of those pounds. You can do it, too. People here can be very supportive, and helpful. One day does not decide your success or failure. It is a journey. You can do it. Good luck.
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    YOU can do this! The tape measure is my BF! Hate the scale so I only weigh in once a month, if that. I look at my pant sizes going down and all the clothes I have donated from 24/26 to now I am wearing 12/14's. In one year I have lost 85. I do heavy lifting and minimal cardio. That is what works for me. I don't have cheat days, I cheat whenever I feel like it, BUT then I make sure I do my workouts. You will be amazed at all you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. Good luck on your journey to being healthier than you were yesterday. One day at a time.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    You can do this, sometimes it's one hour at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time. Yesterday is over, start again today. I won't tell you it's easy but I will tell you it's worth it!:wink:


    I hate to say this, but you don't actually need our help. There's really nothing we can do except walk this path beside you.

    What you do need is to believe in yourself, and to educate yourself about nutrition and exercise. YOU WILL PROBABLY FAIL sometimes. Most, if not all, of us have done so. The key is to get right back in the game and not let past defeats dictate your future.
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
    I understand how you feel. Some days are harder than others and for some people it takes longer than others. Take one day at a time and don't get down on yourself and give up. Just remember that tomorrow is a new day and you can always do better the next day. I am trying to lose at least 100lbs probably 150 but it is slow moving. 13lbs in 120 days so far but at least it is better than nothing :)
    Any can feel free to add me I am on daily and will do my best to support and encourage you :)