i desperately need all the help i can get to lose 95lbs



  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I just had this conversation with my personal trainer yesterday. It's frustrating and I cave in to food. He told me, don't look at it from the perspective of losing 50lbs. In his words, "that would overwhelm anyone." Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, out loud "I'm going to lose 7lbs this month." It's not as high-pressure that way. If you come close, you still lost and if you're over, great!! He also told me not to get on the scale all the time. Once a month max, or when you notice clothes fitting differently.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. We all need supportive friends :happy:
  • :flowerforyou: You can do this!!
    I just started and I have about 40+ pounds to lose. I try to take it day by day, and if I have a bad day, there is always tomorrow and fresh start.
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    You can do this. When I started I had 122.5 lbs to lose. I have lost 80 now (after gaining at Christmas and last week while on vacation). I know it seems like a lot but if you break it down into manageable goals and forget the big number it is not as scary. Do it 10 lbs at a time. Focus on those 10 lbs. Doesn't seem that daunting anymore does it?
    Set some small non food related rewards for yourself so you have something else to look forward to.
    And remember to live a little. Dont get totally obsessed that you forget to enjoy time with your daughter and family and friends.

    Good luck! Add me as a friend on here if you wish!
  • kathyhamiltonn
    kathyhamiltonn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Lah
    Here is what I've learned since February. The days are going to pass, some slower, some faster. Why not start each day as healthy as you can. The pounds will fall off. I was so discourage a couple of months ago, I only average 1 pound a week. and a friend said, so what? there are 52 weeks in a year, the time is going to pass anyway, why not let it pass and you do what you half to to be as healthy as you can. I try to keep at 1200 calories, most days go to 1500 calories, so I lose slower. All diets work, we just don't stay on them long enough. I am a creature of habit. I found a few meals that are easy and fast, so I repeat them often. I stay away from fast food most the time, Although a 6 inch Subway, with deli mustard is only a little over 400 calories, so I do allow that. Did you know for every pound you lose equals 4 pounds of pressure off your knees? I will have to watch my calories the rest of my life. It was the times I didnt watch that got me overweight
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    I will give you as much support as you need, but you need to believe in yourself also. Set your goals at different levels. Work on the first 10 and celebrate it! If I think I am going to go over on calories then I do a few aerobics to burn them. On the other hand that was yesterday and today you can start fresh. We all have a bad day once in a while. You can do this and you will feel soooo good about it! Feel free to add me as a friend and look at my diary.
  • Sarahonly
    Sarahonly Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome Lah!

    Looking weight loss in the face can be intimidating and scary, but you CAN do it! Educating yourself is part of the process, so be sure to make use of all the resources you can. Finding your motivation can be hard too, but being here is the first step and once you see progress it can only help it to grow!

    Don't worry about little setbacks too much. I've learned over the years of doing this that it's just not worth it- like someone said earlier, tomorrow is always a new day. Try to change your entire relationship with food and that will make it easier. I've had a weird relationship with food for years, and I'm still working on getting over it as well, but it will come. You'll learn what choices to make, and train your body to know when it's hungry and what it's really hungry for.

    I just started my journey over (again- did it in 2008 first), so feel free to add me if you'd like and good luck! :)
  • Kristy7418
    Kristy7418 Posts: 85
    Hi Lah! I am in the same exact boat. I need to lose apx 130# and at times I feel like I will never do it but then I see the wonderful pics and success stories of those who have and then I think to myself NO! stop thinking like that You CAN do this. If they can I can. And we all have small setbacks. Last weekend I went to the drive in... I had a chocolate chip cookie bar, a small slice of pizza and a foot long hot dog! Oy but I didn't beat myself up over it and the next I just got back on track. Feel free to add me as I would love to help support you along your way and vice versa!
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I think you have taken one of the best steps just by joining MFP. I also have a lot to lose, and was doing very well last August through December, and then took some time off. It was only supposed to be a few weeks, but those weeks turned into months and I have gained almost all of the weight back. Anyways, the hardest part of getting started is in fact getting started. This has been the best weight loss experience I have every had so far in terms of support. My friends on here are the best support group! They support without beating me up about my slips. 500 calories over for you one day? Don't get discouraged. As we both know, it could have been much worse.

    I think you will find once you get into a routine of logging your foods (and being brutally honest about it), it gets easier. I still eat what everyone eats for dinner most of the time, I just know the calorie counts and eat less. I exercised (when I did not have a bum knee) about 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes on my exercise bike. Don't try to go hard core with exercise right out of the gate. I know for me that is not realistic and I would get burnt out quickly. Work on your eating first and then in a week or so start out by doing some sort of exercise for 10 minutes and then working up from there. I read that it takes 29 days to form new habits.

    After a prolonged hiatus, I am back in this on day 4 of getting my eating under control. I know deep down that this site is the key to me losing and getting more fit again. I wish you well on losing weight and getting fit also.
  • CharleneG_Barnes
    CharleneG_Barnes Posts: 25 Member
    Lots of great advise.
    You will get what you put in, commit to yourself and stay with it -- you can do it (through the learning given to you by bad days).
    Try not to get discouraged by a bad day, just dont use as an excuse to give up, pick yourself up and start again--your worth it.
    As has been said, concentrate more on what you eat and what your fitness goals are and the weight will take care of itself. a week with a gain but with health improvement is still better than doing nothing or giving up.
    I have become more lax these days but during the biggest part of my journey, I weighed and measured everything and I mean everything---I logged everything I put in my mouth ..... If I couldnt log it I didnt eat/drink it and that held me accountable to myself and it worked, so far I have lost 123 pounds and on my way to goal.
    You can do this girl.
    Any other variable is up to you, day you weigh in, etc just eat healthy, move more than you think you can and LOG, LOG, LOG.
    The thoughts about setting smaller goals on the way to your big goal--thats super advise and yes if you dont believe in yourself, any other advise is wasted energy.
    Good luck to you.
  • majicalme
    majicalme Posts: 3
    Hi lah, I'm 96 kilos and 5'5 FT. And I'm obese loosing weight for 11 days now and I lose 3 kilos the last Sunday I've weigh in. We need to set goal first that we can actually lose in an possible time. Like me I want to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. Just for this 1st stage of my journey. I exercise 30 minutes in the morning cardio and 30 minutes YOGA!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I have about 120 lbs left to lose after losing 30. Anyone can feel free to add me as well!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    You can do it. It is hard, when you have a lot to lose, not to look at that big number and feel like you will never get there. Set small goals for yourself to start with, and do not worry about the total number so much. It seems really overwhelming, but those couple of pounds at a time really do start to add up if you stick with it. I have lost 119 pounds, and still have about 60 to go, so I totally understand where you are coming from. But you CAN do it, and it will be soooo worth it!
  • smialyneyez
    smialyneyez Posts: 7 Member
    You are already ahead of the game... you are committig and reaching out!!! i started my weight loss journey in 2006 when i weighed in at 280 pounds!!! it took me 2 years, but i lost 110 pounds... i kept that off for a few years then slowly about 20 pounds creeped back up on me... i am now back on track with the diet and exercise and MFP is really a HUGE tool!!! yes.... we all have bad days!! the thing about 'us' is that 'we' have an addiction to food... where some people use alcohol or drugs or gambling... we (at least myself) have an addiction to the very thing we need to survive... FOOD!! soooooo.... it is very hard as i'm sure everyone in this can attest to...
    add me as a friend please..... we can be each others support!! read about nutrition... learn how to eat the foods that will keep you full... learn what are the foods to eat before a workout that will burn off quickly but give you energy for that workout (apples!)... the workout part of losing weight, for me, was the most difficult thing for me... i don't love to exercise... but have learned it helps my heart to be healthy...
    BEST wishes to you!!!!!
  • NaEl1
    NaEl1 Posts: 67 Member
    You can do this, take it one day at a time. The weight isnt in control of u, Your in control of your weight!! :smile: :smile:
  • BlessedLah
    BlessedLah Posts: 18
    Thanks a lot for the advice. Yea you are right smaller goals are more realistic and manageable
  • Deloresbolt
    Deloresbolt Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Lah, add me as your friend, I am almost 62 and still have a long way to go. Just realized last night that I was doing good during the day (work) and horrible at night. You can do this woman!!
  • BlessedLah
    BlessedLah Posts: 18
    Thanks a lot. It's true it won't be easy but so worth it
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I started last July with 165 pounds to lose. Very daunting! But setting 5 pound goals with small rewards for each of those little goals has helped me a LOT. I just keep shooting for that next five pounds. I also make sure I don't ever feel "deprived". If I want a treat every day, dang it I have a treat! I just budget for it in my calorie allowance and limit myself to one serving (instead of one package ha ha). It's working well for me - I still have 90 pounds to go but it feels doable now by taking it in small increments. You can do this!
  • BlessedLah
    BlessedLah Posts: 18
    welcome lah! congrats on posting here as that is the biggest and hardest step! day 1 is always the most difficult, but you WILL reach your goals through consistency and logging every little morsel you eat! everything! even if you ate the whole house. and i promise over time, it gets easier as the weight falls off. you should be HAPPY you are sick of being overweight and unhealthy, because that is the motivation you need to succeed!

    i thought the same as you...looked at the whole number i had to lose and cried because it overwhelmed me so much. but i knew i had to start then before things got worse, and the number got bigger! i took baby steps. broke the final goal into bits, and my first major goal was to hit 10% of my body weight (http://bit.ly/11Aodvs). it wasnt important to me how long this was going to take, but that i was actually going to do it, period.

    first few weeks, i logged EVERYTHING i ate. and i mean everything. it gave me a better understanding why i got so fat. i forgot what normal portion sizes were, as i was eating easily for 2...even 3 or 4! so i also joined weight watchers online, while logging again to MFP. while on ww, i relearned how much to eat, what a normal portion size was etc. its helped me TREMENDOUSLY, and now i understand how to eat.

    i bought a digital weight scale to reinforce how much of a food i was eating, so i could be accurate in my logging. next i bought bodymedia link to see how many calories i was expending each day. no more guessing and assuming since this measured my bodys calories. i gave myself a goal to hit 10K steps a day, but that was impossible for me when i first started, considering all the weight i was carrying..it just wasnt easy to get around. so i broke it down to 5K and tried hard to reach that step goal no matter what it took. i walked instead of getting into a cab, and over time, it got easier to walk and i can proudly say i can hit 10K now without pain. it gets easier!

    so i started in mid feb, and i have already lost 33 lbs. i can tell you i havent really tried that hard to lose weight this month, so its been slow, but im OK with that. i know that i will reach my goal, and i know that you will too. it just takes effort (you have to WANT THIS!), consistency and a bit of exercise (walking is mine). also tons of water too! if you start feeling ill eating healthy at first, remember you are detoxing your body, and the toxins of all that bad food is leaving your body.

    you'll have your days here and there, but it doesnt matter. this is really a lifestyle change not a diet, and habits are hard to break, but they will break if you keep at it. these boards have saved my life really...the support is no other, so keep logging daily and never give up.

    and remember, you CAN have your favorite foods and lose weight. ive lost this weight on eating healthier versions (and portions!) of pizza, mac&cheese, alfredo, ice cream, you name it. anything can work if you fit it into your calorie goals. incorporate LOTS of protein in your breakfast and lunch, and you will not feel the urge to binge...at least i didnt.

    if i can do it, you surely can.

  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I have a ton of different goals - lose 10 pounds (done), lose 25 (done), buy new pants (done), get work pants taken in because I can't wear them anymore (done once - soon twice), break double digits in metric (ie, hit 99kg) (done), hit the 50% mark on the way to a goal I'm not sure I can hit (Aug 7th, if my spreadsheet holds out), become JUST overweight (should be end of August)...

    I have a spreadsheet that charts a predicted 2lb / week loss for now. I think I'm going to have to adapt to a 1lb / week target in August when I get closer to leaving the Obese category, but that's fine. I've been changing my calorie targets up every 5-10 pounds down, and things are doing alright. I even had a big greasy burger (without cheese, mayo or fries...) AND a box of movie theatre popcorn in the same day this past weekend and I'm only a couple ounces off my Wednesday goals.

    I've had to change HOW I eat, but mostly I eat the same things I used to eat, with modification.