MILK- to drink or not to drink...that is the question



  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member
    any body here ever do the Gallon Challenge?

  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Hello all! I have been reading all this but not posting because I haven't done much research on the subject - but then I remembered something!!

    One of the girls I run with just got back from a conference where the FDA/Dairy Council presented an arguement to High School coaches from all over the country on why their athletes should drink milk after their workouts. I will be seeing her tonight for the first time since she has been back and I am going to present all these arguments to her and see what she says.

    I do remember her saying that the Dairy Council (Association?) got sued by two GIANT beverage companies (i'll let you guess which ones!) when they ran the ads about milk being beneficial for losing weight. That is why those ads disappeared!

    I will report back tomorrow on what she said!!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    any body here ever do the Gallon Challenge?

    Does this have anything to do with those people who buy the bucket sized drinks from the Tom Thumb??? GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue: I told my son the size was called the "bladder buster." :noway: :tongue:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I drink milk...


    It does the body good!

    (It is a great way to get in "missing" calories at the end of the night.)
  • Zeii
    Zeii Posts: 89 Member
    I am horribly lactose intolerant so it doesn't really effect me. I do buy it for the kids though even though it grosses me out.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: LOVE milk!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I don't think there is a thing wrong with drinking milk and I actually agree with an earlier post which said that milk can help you lose weight. So I say drink away!!! :drinker: I go through about a gallon a week! :wink:

    Any "diet" that restricts milk - you can count me OUT!!!
  • paul82682
    paul82682 Posts: 48
    any body here ever do the Gallon Challenge?

    Does this have anything to do with those people who buy the bucket sized drinks from the Tom Thumb??? GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue: I told my son the size was called the "bladder buster." :noway: :tongue:

    haha no no it's when you try to drink a gallon of milk in one hour but you can't puke before the hour is up. we used to do it in college. i myself have never been able to get more than 3/4 down before puking but i once saw one guy do the whole thing. it was awesome. we tried it with eggnog one year around christmas time. that's probably something i'll never do again, and i'm ok with that.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    any body here ever do the Gallon Challenge?

    Does this have anything to do with those people who buy the bucket sized drinks from the Tom Thumb??? GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue: I told my son the size was called the "bladder buster." :noway: :tongue:

    haha no no it's when you try to drink a gallon of milk in one hour but you can't puke before the hour is up. we used to do it in college. i myself have never been able to get more than 3/4 down before puking but i once saw one guy do the whole thing. it was awesome. we tried it with eggnog one year around christmas time. that's probably something i'll never do again, and i'm ok with that.

    LOL That sounds like a TDY project...GAG!!! :tongue:
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Personally, I am not a big milk drinker, but I try to get in dairy servings through at least one serving of milk along with cheese or yogurt daily. My concern is osteoporosis. I would say, before completely eliminating dairy products (for which I know that there are widely varying reasons why people do), please talk to your doctor about it, especially if osteoporosis runs in your family.....
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    any body here ever do the Gallon Challenge?

    Does this have anything to do with those people who buy the bucket sized drinks from the Tom Thumb??? GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue: I told my son the size was called the "bladder buster." :noway: :tongue:

    haha no no it's when you try to drink a gallon of milk in one hour but you can't puke before the hour is up. we used to do it in college. i myself have never been able to get more than 3/4 down before puking but i once saw one guy do the whole thing. it was awesome. we tried it with eggnog one year around christmas time. that's probably something i'll never do again, and i'm ok with that.

    I thought this was physically impossible...
    the milk curdles in your stomach before you can finish? or something to the effect that your stomach cant handle all of it/ break it down quick enough causing the puking.
    If youve seen someone actually finish this, he must either have a huge capacity in his stomach or his body must be a freak powerhouse that can handle high doses.
  • ladywalkalot
    ladywalkalot Posts: 230 Member
    BIG milk drinker here! I think that my drinking Skim Milk has actually HELPED me in my weight loss...mainly because it fills me with little calories.

    DItto! I drink a glass of skim milk after a hard workout for is a great balance!
  • AugustBaby1973
    I agree with everyone who said milk causes tummy issues and ear infections! :sick: My son was drinking whole milk after he was about a year old and off breast milk/formula. He was constantly going to the pediatrician for ear infections, mucous in his eyes/nose and tummy aches. The doctor threatened to operate on my baby's ears and put tubes in them to help with the infections, and I decided to try a few things. :happy: I completely changed his diet---no milk, no cheese, and if he did have milk it was soy. He was so young, he didn't care that he was drinking soy milk! :laugh: After three weeks, I noticed a HUGE difference! He wasn't as fussy about his ears, his tummy didn't hurt and he was eating regularly again, and his runny nose and mucousy eyes were no longer a problem! :drinker: Calcium and Vitamin D can be found in so many places---how do you think the cows have such strong bones???---so just do what's best for you and your family!!!

    Oh, and by the way...I drink fat free organic skim milk and I'm lactose intolerant. But, I love cereal, so I consume it!!!
  • smillermom
    smillermom Posts: 38
    I'm from dairy country and also close to 50! I drink 1 cup of skim milk a day as well as eat a lot of broccoli, which is a veggie full of good vitamins! I try to keep away from any processed dairy products such as cheeses and yogurts. I love plain yogurt in smoothies as well as with fresh fruit with a sprinkle of brown sugar. I would be hung by my ears if I stated "no dairy" here in Northern NY!!!! I know my sons drink almost a gallon a day between the 2 of them, they have great teeth, never a cavity, good and strong, tall, healthy boys. I have never used cheeses that are heavily processed or allowed Velveeta in the house. Again, I think milk is a personal choice, not for everyone, but for those of us that love it, YUM!!
  • kwill23
    kwill23 Posts: 122
    Maybe we are the only species that drinks milk after infancy because we are a more evolved species than any other, also we are almost the only species that has such varied nutritional needs (carnivores only need to eat meat, herbevores only need plants) so it seems reasonable to me that we would need a wide variety including milk.
  • apt84
    apt84 Posts: 24
    :drinker: Soya light... instead of semi skimmed or normal milk...i think its better.. less fat and healthy as well:drinker: :drinker:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    :drinker: Soya light... instead of semi skimmed or normal milk...i think its better.. less fat and healthy as well:drinker: :drinker:

    I love the pic. The baby is just too adorable! :happy:
  • paul82682
    paul82682 Posts: 48
    any body here ever do the Gallon Challenge?

    Does this have anything to do with those people who buy the bucket sized drinks from the Tom Thumb??? GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue: I told my son the size was called the "bladder buster." :noway: :tongue:

    haha no no it's when you try to drink a gallon of milk in one hour but you can't puke before the hour is up. we used to do it in college. i myself have never been able to get more than 3/4 down before puking but i once saw one guy do the whole thing. it was awesome. we tried it with eggnog one year around christmas time. that's probably something i'll never do again, and i'm ok with that.

    I thought this was physically impossible...
    the milk curdles in your stomach before you can finish? or something to the effect that your stomach cant handle all of it/ break it down quick enough causing the puking.
    If youve seen someone actually finish this, he must either have a huge capacity in his stomach or his body must be a freak powerhouse that can handle high doses.

    dude seriously, no lie! i couldn't believe it. he and his brothers drank milk with every meal when they were growing up so maybe that had something to do with it. plus, he is freak powerhouse.
  • sunshine92
    sunshine92 Posts: 228 Member
    has anyone ever heard of Calorie Countdown? They offer low fat, fat free, and chocolate milk. I think the chocolate milk is amazing! Only 90 calories, 5 g of fat, 4 carbs,8 g of protein, and 3 g of sugar!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I don't know the answer, but the thought of drinking milk makes me queasy. I like soy alternatives like chocolate silk. Oddly, I can still eat yogurt, cheese and ice cream in all their full dairy splendor without feeling ill.:laugh:
  • lk14040
    lk14040 Posts: 90
    I didnt really have any time to read every message on this, but what about organic skim milk. I did see that skim milk is probably the worst to drink, but what if it is organic? Does it go through all the horrible prosessing like regular milk?