Nights out and alcohol!



  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    I’ve cut back a lot of drinking but will never give it up entirely. I will always log my entire alcohol intake, even if it was 2 shots and 8 beers. I do add a little more exercise to my day so I have those calories back. Some of my fave drinks would be adding mio to vodka/water or skinny girl cocktails Cheers!
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    If I'm really dancing all night...the vibe rocks and I am moving I don't worry about the amount I drink. I just drink a glass of water in between each beverage...
    But, If I am just sitting around or playing pool I try to order a Skinny Girl margarita or two... I count it as part of my daily allowance.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    There's 64 calories in one once of vodka. I can't see your diary so I don't know what your calorie goal is for a day, but if it's set at 1200 calories you would have to drink almost 19 drinks to go over 1200 calories. If your going to have 5 or 6 drinks that's 384 calories so you're not going to be too much over. You have to live so go out and have fun!

    At the moment my daily calorie intake is 1300-400. I know it sounds bad, but 19 drinks is less than what I'd usually consume on a night out, which is why I'm so worried about it affecting my weight loss for the week! :/

    You drink MORE than 19 drinks???? I would try to look at why you drink to such excess. This is completely unhealthy and not sure how often you do it, dangerous. Maybe you need to limit yourself. This sounds totally out of control.

    Not often at all - like I've said in previous post, I may just be assuming that I'm still the same person I was during my binge drinking student days. I rarely drink at all nowadays.

    Well, from the reactions I'm getting I guess I'm going to not worry about the calories in what I'm drinking and take more notice how the quantity of what I'm drinking. As much as I don't like the feeling of being judged, it's at least made me realise that I perhaps need to cut down. I just want to stress that this is literally the first time I'm going to have had a drink in about 5 months!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I'm sure I'm not the first person to have had a lot to drink on nights out. I don't want this to turn into a post where people judge or criticise me for my alcohol intake. I drink once in a blue moon nowadays. I'm aware that I drink a lot occasionally. To be honest, the 'over 19 drinks' was probably the old me - I haven't been out much since my binge drinking days as a student, so perhaps I'm still assuming I'm that person. I might find that I'm content with less alcohol nowadays, I don't know yet what will happen! Please can you not judge, I was just looking for some friendly advice on how people factor in alcohol to their lifestyle :/
    Most people would be shocked at someone drinking 19 drinks. You say you don't know yet what will happen? You can determine how much you will drink and not poison yourself. It's easy to fit in a few drinks but 19 is a whole other story!!!
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    19 DRINKS?

    But to answer your question, I normally exercise the morning before I go out to give myself some more calories to work with since I know I will be drinking. I normally plan to have about two or three drinks and try drink less caloric drinks. If I still go over my daily limit, I exercise a little more the next day.
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    19 drinks in one night? How are you alive?

    That aside, when I know ahead that I'll be going out, I save all my exercise calories from the week and use them for the alcohol (and food too because I can't be a lush without going out to a Coney Island afterwards or something). I did this this past weekend and was still under my calorie goal for the week.
  • mariliak
    mariliak Posts: 36 Member
    so i am almost like you .I drink and I drink a lot usually . So now i started having like 5 times of the week no drinks , once a week a beer or some wine , and every friday I drink as much as i want as long as I can still remember how much it was . No more than 8 drinks lets say including shots . That night I plan agaid to eat lighter -less the entire day , exercise a lot before , walk and dance , and no dinner so I can have something later when i return and more drinks . seems to be working for me so far . But thats what i do . one day is party day , no diet thinking , then I am back on track . And if the night is not going to be such an amazing party night i just drink less and go home once i predict its gonna fail
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    Thank you for all the advice. I think I have my answer now, I guess this post is done..
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If its been 5 months its a perfect time to drink a normal amount, have you ended up in the hospital after such big binges? You honestly could die.
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    I'm sure I'm not the first person to have had a lot to drink on nights out. I don't want this to turn into a post where people judge or criticise me for my alcohol intake. I drink once in a blue moon nowadays. I'm aware that I drink a lot occasionally. To be honest, the 'over 19 drinks' was probably the old me - I haven't been out much since my binge drinking days as a student, so perhaps I'm still assuming I'm that person. I might find that I'm content with less alcohol nowadays, I don't know yet what will happen! Please can you not judge, I was just looking for some friendly advice on how people factor in alcohol to their lifestyle :/

    I don't think people are judging you, but rather are more concerned for you.
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    If its been 5 months its a perfect time to drink a normal amount, have you ended up in the hospital after such big binges? You honestly could die.

    Nope, never ended up in hospital! Never even been sick! I guess when I go out this weekend I'll probably realise that I can't drink as much as I used to. I think the reason I used to drink so much is because it was cheaper to have 'pre drinks' in the house - so I'd drink as much as I could.. then when I was out I'd be unaware of how much I was drinking because I was already fairly drunk!

    This weekend will be an experiment I've decided - no pre-drinks, pace myself and I'm only going to take out enough money for a few drinks. That way I don't need to worry about calories, quantity or making a fool of myself :P
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    I'm sure I'm not the first person to have had a lot to drink on nights out. I don't want this to turn into a post where people judge or criticise me for my alcohol intake. I drink once in a blue moon nowadays. I'm aware that I drink a lot occasionally. To be honest, the 'over 19 drinks' was probably the old me - I haven't been out much since my binge drinking days as a student, so perhaps I'm still assuming I'm that person. I might find that I'm content with less alcohol nowadays, I don't know yet what will happen! Please can you not judge, I was just looking for some friendly advice on how people factor in alcohol to their lifestyle :/

    I don't think people are judging you, but rather are more concerned for you.

    Perhaps. I really wish I hadn't posted this now, or had at least not mention my alcohol consumption, as it doesn't reflect who I am NOW. It reflects who I was in my binge drinking years at Uni. I'm aware that it is a ridiculous amount to drink, I'm not oblivious to the effects of alcohol and I realise that it is extremely detrimental to my health. I just made a silly reference to how much I would've drank in the past, assuming I'm still that person. Which I definitely am not :P
  • vkc1978
    vkc1978 Posts: 63 Member
    Only having a few drinks isn't really an option for me

    Probably want to deal with this issue. More important than calories.

    I mean on 'big' nights out when everyone is drinking, dancing etc. I'm perfectly ok with only having a few drinks if I'm just out for a social lunchtime thing, and I'm fine with drinking nothing at all. It's purely on these nights out that I feel uncomfortable if I've only had a few drinks.

    this isnt AA..
    go out and have fun....(although 19 drinks is kind of a lot?????)
    vodka is my friend. why not take the 'on the go' packs of crystal light and ask for a shot of vodka plus a glass of water - add the crystal light then add the vodka and voila - instant semi healthy drink????
    (edited for spelling)

    ^^^ Yep, i secong this! My fav drink is a margarita made with crystal light/tequila (silver), waayyy better than any mix cuz they cause me so much heart burn and your focusing your cals on alcohol. SCORE!
  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    .. you drink MORE than 19 drinks on a "big" night out? yeah i think you need to focus on that right there before you worry about the calorie content of 19+ drinks!

    Ummm... ^^^ couldn't have said it better myself
  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    I use this website sometimes.
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    When I go out to have a few drinks, I don't count calories. I just go to have fun!

    If I notice that I've had a couple of juice based drinks, I switch to vodka & soda.
    Also, I like to have a glass of water in between each drink (hangovers are no fun)

    Some one mentioned earlier that Vodka + water + one of the million 'water enhancers' out now, would probably = awesome!!

    Have fun! Don't binge drink! And start fresh the next day!!!
  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    Honestly, you may want to scrap your calorie counting that day because it's worse if you aren't eating enough with excessive drinking. No judging here, we all had our crazy college days, but it may be in your best interest if you plan to drink that excessively to eat enough to not get yourself in a really bad place. As a grad student with a moderately more boring lifestyle now, I would just try to at least halve your drink intake and eat like you normally do. And drink plenty of water!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you always have a drink in your hand would it still be socially awkward? It that helps try alternating 1 vodka/diet coke for just a diet coke and sip that slowly. You will be able to enjoy your night out without worrying about going over calories too much.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I just fast all day. But I log whatever I have, and if I'm over, I make up for it in the coming days by eating less.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I just do it....being over on calories occasionally for a night on the town or hanging out on the back patio is not going to do a whole lot of damage. When I'm at maintenance, it's a lot easier though. I can pretty much do what I want and maintain so long as I'm getting my fitness on.