Reality Check



  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    Loved your post! Perfect!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Meh, everyone is at a different level. 30 minutes on the elliptical 3 times per week may be a great improvement for someone who never got their butt off of the couch previously or someone who is incredibly out of shape or a single mom with no one to watch her infant and 30 minutes is all she can squeeze in a few days a week. Cut some slack, it isn't bootcamp and if people feel like they're in bootcamp they're probably going to be less likely to stick with it.

    I squeeze burger king/taco bell/whatever into my calories occasionally (heck, I did it last night!) , it's not something to do every day but being home to prepare a healthy lunch or having a preprepared lunch with you isn't always feasible. Sometimes you don't know you're going to still be out running your errands when it's meal time. It would be nice to be able to always be on a specified time table but life happens. Again cut some slack.

    If someone is trying to make changes and there is SOME progress then it is a step in the right direction. Doing a 180 on everything you've ever known nutritionally is more often times not going to work because it will be hard to maintain. Some people need baby steps. It's awesome that you can do it all overnight but it will be a long road for some people to retrain themselves.

    Tough love is great, but realistic expectations for a positive outcome are greater. Of course, it's all my humble opinion but to be honest, what does an anonymous person on the internet's opinion really matter to you? About as much as yours mattered to me :).

    I get wha your saying my partner works till five and gets home at half 5 and a few days a week i also do this , by time were in and cooked the family meal showered kids and washed up its 7 oclock our local gym closes at 8.30 so 30-60 min is all i can fit in. my fitness trainer at gym insists that i only work out every other day as i have a back problem due to an injection in to my spine that went wrong. so i go mon,wed and fri. sat and sun it closes at 6pm so what am i meant to do ? i walk with the kids on the other days or do 20-30 mins of a workout dvd . but this isnt enough ???? walk in my shoes for a week. and them she may realise not everyones lives a staight cut. im here because i know i need to change and at the minute im doin all i can.

    You're what we all should strive for. You're doing everything you can to make your life healthier and it's working. Those pounds didn't fall off overnight. The point is you've stuck with a program that works for you and your journey to better health. You're proof that if you stick with it and give it your all you will succeed. Grats on the huge success you've accomplished so far.
  • Troutman
    Troutman Posts: 28
    Most people are trying to lose weight. Yes you can eat anything you want as long as they are within your calories. You will still lose weight.

    It may not be the most healthy thing to do.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Meh, everyone is at a different level. 30 minutes on the elliptical 3 times per week may be a great improvement for someone who never got their butt off of the couch previously or someone who is incredibly out of shape or a single mom with no one to watch her infant and 30 minutes is all she can squeeze in a few days a week. Cut some slack, it isn't bootcamp and if people feel like they're in bootcamp they're probably going to be less likely to stick with it.

    I squeeze burger king/taco bell/whatever into my calories occasionally (heck, I did it last night!) , it's not something to do every day but being home to prepare a healthy lunch or having a preprepared lunch with you isn't always feasible. Sometimes you don't know you're going to still be out running your errands when it's meal time. It would be nice to be able to always be on a specified time table but life happens. Again cut some slack.

    If someone is trying to make changes and there is SOME progress then it is a step in the right direction. Doing a 180 on everything you've ever known nutritionally is more often times not going to work because it will be hard to maintain. Some people need baby steps. It's awesome that you can do it all overnight but it will be a long road for some people to retrain themselves.

    Tough love is great, but realistic expectations for a positive outcome are greater. Of course, it's all my humble opinion but to be honest, what does an anonymous person on the internet's opinion really matter to you? About as much as yours mattered to me :).

    I get wha your saying my partner works till five and gets home at half 5 and a few days a week i also do this , by time were in and cooked the family meal showered kids and washed up its 7 oclock our local gym closes at 8.30 so 30-60 min is all i can fit in. my fitness trainer at gym insists that i only work out every other day as i have a back problem due to an injection in to my spine that went wrong. so i go mon,wed and fri. sat and sun it closes at 6pm so what am i meant to do ? i walk with the kids on the other days or do 20-30 mins of a workout dvd . but this isnt enough ???? walk in my shoes for a week. and them she may realise not everyones lives a staight cut. im here because i know i need to change and at the minute im doin all i can.

    Sounds like you're doing things right and what your personal trainer has set up as your exercise goals should be what you listen to. You're exactly right about walking in your shoes for a week, people are quick to pass judgment because they *think* they can GUESS what it's like to be in someone else's shoes but until they've put your pair of Nike's on and hiked your hurdles they really have no idea. Keep it up, looks like you're doing great :).
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I get wha your saying my partner works till five and gets home at half 5 and a few days a week i also do this , by time were in and cooked the family meal showered kids and washed up its 7 oclock our local gym closes at 8.30 so 30-60 min is all i can fit in. my fitness trainer at gym insists that i only work out every other day as i have a back problem due to an injection in to my spine that went wrong. so i go mon,wed and fri. sat and sun it closes at 6pm so what am i meant to do ? i walk with the kids on the other days or do 20-30 mins of a workout dvd . but this isnt enough ???? walk in my shoes for a week. and them she may realise not everyones lives a staight cut. im here because i know i need to change and at the minute im doin all i can.

    You are exactly NOT the kind of person I'm talking about. You're doing it right - doing the best you can with the limitations imposed by work and family. You are working hard and finding ways to make it work for you - small changes in diet and fitting in the exercise where you can. You can't get to the gym, so you go for a walk. Brilliant! And you're obviously losing, so keep on keepin' on, as they say.

    But you're NOT trying to lose 5 pounds a week, eating crap and then *****ing about it. Bravo - you are a success story! :drinker:
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I agree with most of what you said. That being said, the majority of people would NOT be on this site if they had it all figured out. Like you said, people will fall of the horse many times. Maybe their complaints and poor nutritional choices are their falls. But you are definitely correct.

    I'm a perfect example of a person who knows EXACTLY what to do to get the job done, but is failing. I keep making excuses and failing with my goals. I probably know more about nutrition than a nutritionist, but still sabotage myself almost every day. It's not as easy as writing words. I have come to realize I have a real problem. I definitely am addicted to food. I've been around drug addicts in my life (I'm not one) and I can tell you, I feel the same way about food as they do about their drugs. Obviously it's easy to say "JUST HAVE WILLPOWER" and I tell that to myself every single day, but I keep having set backs.

    The thing that I focus on is that I am coming back EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm not letting myself go. I may not be succeeding, but I know that I have a problem and I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep coming back every day until I figure it out. I'm going to constantly think about my exercise and caloric intake until something clicks. I think the important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP.

    That being said I often get depressed and call myself a loser because I know I could do better. It's a viscous cycle that I struggle with every day.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Right on! I agree with everything you've said, millerll, *especially* the "balance all the nutrients, not just calories" point... a lot of studies have shown that many people are undernourished despite our large calorie intake, so we're obviously eating the wrong kind of food. It bothers me to no end that people assume only calories matter, not just because of the whole weight loss issue but also because I can't believe that the messages about how type 2 diabetes and heart disease and increased risk of stroke are associated with junk food aren't getting through to people. :noway:

    Thanks for posting this!
  • higher_miles
    I agree with most of what you said. That being said, the majority of people would NOT be on this site if they had it all figured out. Like you said, people will fall of the horse many times. Maybe their complaints and poor nutritional choices are their falls. But you are definitely correct.

    I'm a perfect example of a person who knows EXACTLY what to do to get the job done, but is failing. I keep making excuses and failing with my goals. I probably know more about nutrition than a nutritionist, but still sabotage myself almost every day. It's not as easy as writing words. I have come to realize I have a real problem. I definitely am addicted to food. I've been around drug addicts in my life (I'm not one) and I can tell you, I feel the same way about food as they do about their drugs. Obviously it's easy to say "JUST HAVE WILLPOWER" and I tell that to myself every single day, but I keep having set backs.

    The thing that I focus on is that I am coming back EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm not letting myself go. I may not be succeeding, but I know that I have a problem and I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep coming back every day until I figure it out. I'm going to constantly think about my exercise and caloric intake until something clicks. I think the important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP.

    That being said I often get depressed and call myself a loser because I know I could do better. It's a viscous cycle that I struggle with every day.


    I swear, this post could have come from me. Seriously. I feel like I am addicted to food and I'll work out like crazy and then screw it all up because I'll binge and justify it somehow because I worked out. My weight bounces around like crazy and I'm struggling to find a healthy relationship with food but it's just hard and I feel lost most of the time.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member

    I'm a lot like you. I'm pretty well educated about nutrition and exercise, yet I still let myself go. I knew what I was eating was bad and did it anyway. I knew I needed to get more exercise, but I just didn't feel like it. Forty pounds later I got sick of myself. So sometimes even having the knowledge isn't enough if you don't use it.

    As for your food addiction, that's a whole other realm than the folks I was talking about in my post. Obviously, there are many other issues at work besides simple will power when you're talking addictive behavior. Since I have absolutely no expertise in this area, all I can say is I hope you can find the help you need to overcome it. I can imagine it 's much harder than just saying "no" to the cupcake.

    You're not a loser at all. The fact that you admit to having this problem and are trying to change it puts you ahead of most folks I know. I wish you all the luck in your journey.

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I agree with most of what you said. That being said, the majority of people would NOT be on this site if they had it all figured out. Like you said, people will fall of the horse many times. Maybe their complaints and poor nutritional choices are their falls. But you are definitely correct.

    I'm a perfect example of a person who knows EXACTLY what to do to get the job done, but is failing. I keep making excuses and failing with my goals. I probably know more about nutrition than a nutritionist, but still sabotage myself almost every day. It's not as easy as writing words. I have come to realize I have a real problem. I definitely am addicted to food. I've been around drug addicts in my life (I'm not one) and I can tell you, I feel the same way about food as they do about their drugs. Obviously it's easy to say "JUST HAVE WILLPOWER" and I tell that to myself every single day, but I keep having set backs.

    The thing that I focus on is that I am coming back EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm not letting myself go. I may not be succeeding, but I know that I have a problem and I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep coming back every day until I figure it out. I'm going to constantly think about my exercise and caloric intake until something clicks. I think the important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP.

    That being said I often get depressed and call myself a loser because I know I could do better. It's a viscous cycle that I struggle with every day.


    I swear, this post could have come from me. Seriously. I feel like I am addicted to food and I'll work out like crazy and then screw it all up because I'll binge and justify it somehow because I worked out. My weight bounces around like crazy and I'm struggling to find a healthy relationship with food but it's just hard and I feel lost most of the time.

    Me too! I'm right there with both of you. I work my butt off during the week; I get in a great amount of exercise and have an awesome calorie burn only to come home and eat everything in sight. I really try to grab healthy fruits, etc. but I just am addicted to food. I live in a house where cookies, chips, and fast food rule. The problem is, I just love these foods and continue to eat them, fully knowing it is detrimental. I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds since Dec 2009. And I have about 40lbs to lose. I, too, feel lost and frustrated much of the time. I also feel so ashamed of myself that I just can't bypass the brownie to eat a handful of blueberries. It is depressing, because I KNOW I am stronger than food, but my taste buds keep winning.