This is what I looked like swollen from my soda addiction



  • Soda swelling? no. im pretty sure you saw your results from the reduced calorie intake not because you stopped drinking soda and your "swelling went down" you look different because you lost weight. good job though..
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Soda swelling? no. im pretty sure you saw your results from the reduced calorie intake not because you stopped drinking soda and your "swelling went down" you look different because you lost weight. good job though..

    No, I didnt start logging calories until I had already stopped my sodas. It is the MAIN reason I logged to get a visual... i didnt exercise or anything months after I began cutting down. Its okay if you think that way but this is what was my main problem and the solution was quitting....

    Laying off the soda = major reduced calories. That is the only thing I changed... exercise came later...

    Thanks for the 'good job' it was rough!!!
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Well done! I know how hard that it is 30 days without fizzy juice for me now and feeling so much better for it :)

    Thank you! and good for you, also!
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    Thanks so much for sharing this ! For the last three years ( due to stomach irritation ) I have drank very little soda ( less than 5 a year) recently I've been fighting with my teens over their addictions to soda ! I don't buy it or keep it at my house but their dad has a stock pile at his place ! When they are with me I find them going to the store just to buy pop and they will down a liter at a time it makes me crazy! I showed my fifteen year old this post hoping he would see its just not me!
  • im saying that the reduced calorie intake was the cause. soda has calories so that would = less intake. i was just saying the soda itself did not make you "swell"
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks do much for sharing!!!
  • mrsb102
    mrsb102 Posts: 16
    Wow! You look great regardless! Good job!
  • SlideboyxBrian
    SlideboyxBrian Posts: 35 Member
    well done. I have done the same thing for the last 8 months and have dropped 108 pounds or 49 kgs with about 10kg to go to be at my goal. It was one of the hardest things I have done. I have slipped back to drinking some diet soda and really should cut that again too. Soda is a waste of money and really bad for everyones health.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    im saying that the reduced calorie intake was the cause. soda has calories so that would = less intake. i was just saying the soda itself did not make you "swell"

    For me, personally, not for you specifically -- ingredients in the cola did cause fluid retention, bloating of my abdomen, legs, hands, face and edema in my feet. I was causing these problems because of the soda and it's ingredients.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    well done. I have done the same thing for the last 8 months and have dropped 108 pounds or 49 kgs with about 10kg to go to be at my goal. It was one of the hardest things I have done. I have slipped back to drinking some diet soda and really should cut that again too. Soda is a waste of money and really bad for everyones health.

    Good job!!! It's so high in calories, sugar, and even sodium (in root beer) just a waste.... Anyone could have told me that before and I would never have cared because I HAD to have it.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Wow! You look great regardless! Good job!

    I feel even better!!! Thank you so much!!!!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    awesome transformation!
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    I totally agree. I quit drinking diet sodas in April and I've noticed a huge change. I've always drank diet, starting with Tab in the 70's and kept drinking sodas until 4 months ago and I'm glad I stopped. I noticed that my headaches are gone as well. I think soda is detrimental to your health!:drinker: Drink Water!
  • mdonstad
    mdonstad Posts: 3
    Ok, my goal is to put an answer to this question once and for all: Is it the calorie counting/exercise or giving up the sodas that eliminates bloatness?

    The answer is quite simply BOTH. I started MyFitnessPal app 6 weeks ago and Ive lost 14 pounds thus far by simply counting calories and staying within 400 under my initial number. Pretty good results but still felt bloaty..My face is still chubby and I still have a gut. Then an amazing thing happened.

    I continued my dieting, but then I starting stopping ALL sodas.

    In 4 days Ive done it so far, my weight loss has been a lot less even though my calories have been about the same (less on some days). But my face is drastically changing and so is my stomach.

    I will keep this up another two weeks and post before and after pics, but I will say its something I did not expect.

    My theory on why Im not losing more weight but getting thinner every day? Im working out and Im retaining my muscle and water. The sodas cause us to lose a lot more water and in some cases more muscle since its made of water

    I will add that even though I gave up soda for now in my experiment, Im not drinking more water then I did before I stopped. But in this case its addition by subtraction.

    So Im staying roughly the same weight now going on 5 days but Im getting thinner in my face and stomach.

    I think its safe to say if you are within 20 pounds of your goal, stop all sodas to get the rest of the way. Those are my results thus far.

    Trust me..Ive been diligent lately and dropping the diet soda is making significant changes.
    If you are really over weight, I wouldnt drop diet sodas right away..Do it when your within 20 pounds of your goal. Good luck.
  • Fitblr7
    Fitblr7 Posts: 2
    "Polishmehappy"- good luck with those ailments you have. I just had surgery to remove a very small hernia. Keep going no matter what, but don't over work yourself. Good luck again, you can do this.
  • kkramey1970
    kkramey1970 Posts: 82 Member
    Good job. I kicked the diet soda habit at the beginning of April and feel a whole lot better. Also not as bloated looking or feeling. There is something in diet soda that is addictive. I felt like a druggie going through withdrawls when I stopped...
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I am so sick of typing messages and losing everything. What is wrong with this site??? I mean I do love everything except losing my message and clicking and having what I wrote repeat 10x. Sorry I'm on a rant I just wrote a whole message and it disappeared. Congradulations on kicking the soda habit. It is a tough one. By the way you are beautiful. I have been addicted to Diet soda for years. I have been weaning myself off of them for about 3 weeks now. I had had some headaches but I have done a good job weaning myself off. I have half a two liter in the kitchen and when that is gone I'm done. I'm not going to buy anymore. I have started doing fruit waters and tea. I just drink plain water most of the time andI like it.
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I was drinking 5-8+ cans of Diet Dew a day and zero water. I gave it up three weeks ago and after the initial withdrawal I feel great! It saves me money, too!
  • aaasky
    aaasky Posts: 68 Member
    What an amazing change! You look great! Congrats on sticking with the soda-free lifestyle. I love seeing other peoples' stories about kicking soda. I was always more of a diet soda fiend, but it had to go too.
  • Can you re-post the original pictures since the link is no longer working.

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