Y U NO Log water consumed?



  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    I know I reach or exceed my water every day so don't really bother or forget
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Why are you paying attention to others water intake? :huh:
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I think having to click a button 20 times to accurately log the amount of water I consume is tiresome and not worth the effort. If I could just type the number that would make me happier.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Why are you paying attention to others water intake? :huh:

    She wants to know who's most likely to have a full bladder so they can go piss all over someone's thread? :laugh:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I pay attention to pee color
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I log it
  • nighthawke
    nighthawke Posts: 45 Member
    I dont log it either. I carry around a 20 ounce bottle that I refill atleast 7 times a day. So I know I'm more than hitting my needs.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I don't drink anything but water. I'm pretty certain I consume enough, therefore no need to log.
  • Greybird3339
    Greybird3339 Posts: 6 Member
    Two reasons: First is because between water and green tea, I already drink more than the 'recommendation', and second is because that recommendation is silly. For the vast majority of people - those that don't work in the hot sun or have medical issues - it isn't necessary or helpful to drink that much water.

    It is an urban myth that became such 'common knowledge' that nobody bothered to question it, including doctors who simply accepted that it was true. We do need a great deal of fluids every day. We successfully get most of that through the fluids present in foods. Lettuce? 95% water. Bananas? 76% Cooked meat? ~60%+ water.

    There is no scientific basis for the idea that we need to drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

    Another urban myth? That drinking caffeinated beverages dehydrates you. The extra fluid lost through the diuretic effect is less than the extra fluid consumed in the beverage.

    Look them up on Snopes.
  • silvercanoe
    silvercanoe Posts: 95 Member
    I don't log it because I always drink at least 3-4 litres a day and it's annoying to keep clicking the arrow on the water tracker to record it! I might record it if I could just type in the amount.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    A lot of people who know they drink enough water don't feel the need to log it, I'm one of them. I drink water all day and know I am quite hydrated, and honestly it would probably be annoying to log every cup I drank.
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    It is funny that this came up today!!! I have logged my water intake since I started in January, but I typically quit logging it at 10 glasses...and decided that after today I won't log it anymore. All I drink is water and I am consistently over 80 ounces a day so it's not an issue I need to track anymore. :drinker:
  • anyways,i dont log water either..maybe if you entered number of glasses than clicking,i would.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I have no problems drinking enough water.. I crave water and it is pretty much all I drink all day =)

    I just don't really feel that I have too.. and everyone has different needs for water. As long as your feeling hydrated I wouldn't even bother. I lose track any way =p
  • mookybargirl
    mookybargirl Posts: 165 Member
    I never log it either. I drink about 2 litres a day but just never bother to record it. It makes no difference to my tracker. I do log anything with calories - squash, tea, coffee etc. :smile:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I don't bother logging water because I know I drink enough.
  • daggoneit
    daggoneit Posts: 34 Member
    wayyyyyy too lazy for logging
    i drink enough though
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