Anyone care to check my diary and help me explain....



  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    TDEE 1711

    sat sun mon tues wed thur Fri

    Eaten 1988 1554 1324 1409 1293 1607 1347 10522
    Exercised 0 200 300 200 200 100 0 1000
    Balance -2967 -0.85

    Based on your last 7 days, with a TDEE of 1711, I would estimate that you should of lost about 0.85 pounds.

    If you haven't then either

    a) you're holding onto the weight for the moment (water weight etc)
    b) your TDEE is off
    c) you're underestimating what you eat
    d) you're overestimating your exercise.

    Try going down to 1200 for a couple of weeks?
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    1200 calories?! As a PE teacher I'm not sat around all day and I think I'd feel very tired on this. Also I've not logged my exercise calories and probably underestimated because I've not had my hrm working. I rather underestimate than over.
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    I looked at your diary, as you asked. If your diary isn't a reflection of the truth then I can't help.
  • GravyBrah
    GravyBrah Posts: 34 Member
    I was told by a MVP member on here to eat at around 1500, as my tdee-15 was around 1700.

    I've kept at programmers for 6 weeks and seen no results.

    My cardio sessions now are more intense higher burns with more circuit style training. Running and high impact exercises have taken their toll on my knees.

    Generally I'm hitting 1500-1600 per day with an average burn of 350cals burn 5 days per week. I'm told not to do tdee but if I did I'd be eating at probably 20%below if I'm on Sidesteel's goal of 1500. According to online calculators my tdee is around 2096.

    I'll try and maybe cut down all fats then?

    Everyone's advice is valid but the problem is everyone's body reacts differently. The majority of the numbers on this site are meant for normal to obese individuals. You seem like a dedicated and active person, someone I would consider athletic.
    A perfectly healthy amount of progress for an athletic individual to cut is about a lb a week. If you aren't seeing any progress, the most obvious reason is that your calories are too high.

    The cutting numbers I would suggest you try are:

    127lb X 13 = 1651 cal - 300cal deficit = 1351 cal/day regardless of exercise

    40/40/20 = 135g Protein/ 135g Carbs/ 30g Fats
  • nikki94541
    nikki94541 Posts: 7 Member
    You do not want to under eat as that will hang on. You have muscle weight. Muscle weight is heavier and it also burns fat you are doing the same thing and your body is used to it. you need to feed your body if you are burning a lot of calories. Swimming will burn more and work every muscle in your body. If you increase the intensity of your work outs you will get out of your plateau.
  • surreygirl23
    surreygirl23 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means, but at first glance, there is quite a lot of fruit... and you're not showing your daily sugar totals.
    Go into your settings and change one of your columns to sugar and see what happens.

    You may well want to ditch some of your fruit for veg's...

    Just a thought! :)
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    So the consensus is to eat lower than 1500. My fruit is quite small portions. I feel I don't seem to be able to eat fruit or veggies now if its hindering weight loss?
  • surreygirl23
    surreygirl23 Posts: 85 Member
    NO! Don't ditch the veg! Vegetables are your friends, embrace your vegetables! Just cut down on the fruit.
    I've just had a quick look and your sugar totals are deffo in the red...

    As I said, I'm no expert. SOmething a nutritionist said to me recently was, if you start to plateau, try varying your daily calories and also the types of food you eat. So, have an egg for breakfast for a couple of days, then some oatmeal, then maybe go all mediterranean and have cheeses and olives!
    Basically, confuse your metabolism.
    Likewise, with the exercise, as someone else said to you earlier. Not easy with your profession of course.

    Anyway, you look great to me! :smile:
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks, I've gone low sugar, higher sugar had eggs for breakfast, oats, yogurt, stopped pasta , had changes!

    How much sugar is recommended?

    I'm trying to lose fat...not just weight by the way.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Thankyou for your compliment. I dont think my pic shows how big my lower half is. My strength is really good but my hips and thighs wont slim down and show definition. My tummy is pretty flat and toned it's more on my bottom half. I'm 27.5 waist but over 38 on my hips.

    Haven't had my body fat done for ages. Not sure where to go as i know callipers arent that accurate.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    When i was underating and doing excessive cardio i was very tired and always cold. Very grumpy too.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Are you tracking your progress with photos?

    My measurements barely change, so I don't rely on them. My hips and waist might stay the same, but the area between the two could change. And even within that change, if my bum perked up and my stomach flattened, I'd have the same measurement, but not the same appearance.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Yep, looking way less defined than before
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I was told by a MVP member on here to eat at around 1500, as my tdee-15 was around 1700.

    I've kept at programmers for 6 weeks and seen no results.

    My cardio sessions now are more intense higher burns with more circuit style training. Running and high impact exercises have taken their toll on my knees.

    Generally I'm hitting 1500-1600 per day with an average burn of 350cals burn 5 days per week. I'm told not to do tdee but if I did I'd be eating at probably 20%below if I'm on Sidesteel's goal of 1500. According to online calculators my tdee is around 2096.

    I'll try and maybe cut down all fats then?

    You cant erase years of under eating with a few weeks of eating 1500 calories a day. Did you try to eat at maintenance for 8-12 weeks then cut down.

    Patience is the key. I am 4'11'' and I am very happy when I lose 1 pound a month.
  • SkinnyMozza
    SkinnyMozza Posts: 66 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here's a brain dump of my first thoughts...

    You eat a few things that are processed... (not a lot compared to most people, but some especially for losing weight).
    To try to add another option for you... I would try and remove all heavily processed food for 2 reasons. Processing is not that great for u with the removal of fibre and nutrion (so its easier for the body to digest with no calories burnt) and also u never know what salt or chemicals are in there. So remove malteser's, chocolate, crackers, sugar free yogurt .. and replace with more raw veggies. I know u already eat a lot, but its just an idea.

    Although i think u are eating a good amount of calories... I would suggest lowering it by 5 or 10 %, just in case you are under estimating the calories u ingest?

    If you are drinking anything but water make sure you track it.

    I think either Ur body is happy at your current weight, u r underestimating you caloric intake, u r not eating enough if u r very active and ur body needs everything it has... or u r storing water from salt?

    Thats all i got ... Goodluck.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    OP - I'm going to recommend you post this question over in the Eat, Train, Progress group. The folks who run that group have a lot of knowledge, and are very helpful. In the main forum like this, you're going to get a lot of conflicting information at best. At worst, you'll get some really bad advice.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I never did do a reset, I never knew at the time of trying to eat more.

    I understand the whole not eating processed food but when I restricted before I'd say I probably had this if not more. The maltesers are more of a treat. I thought I'd see more results having elongated the excess alcohol and all its toxins.

    I only drink water or sugar free drinks. Mainly water though.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I would probably try and eat more.

    If you're eating 1500 and burning 300-400, then that's a net of 1100-1200.

    Find out your BMR and make that your net.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    OP - I'm going to recommend you post this question over in the Eat, Train, Progress group. The folks who run that group have a lot of knowledge, and are very helpful. In the main forum like this, you're going to get a lot of conflicting information at best. At worst, you'll get some really bad advice.

    I definitely second this. And also doing a maintenance/take a break from deficit for a bit. I would not recommend cutting to 1200 yet.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    May I also add that I had an eating disorder for 12 years, and at one point I would maintain my weight at 1500.

    My maintenance is now more like 2000.

    Have you tried HIIT? I found that started making big changed to my body along with weights. My HR would get up to 200 during the sprints, then I'd walk for a few mins, then repeat. Doing about 5 sprints ranging 30-60 secs twice a week and my muffin top significantly reduced. :smile: