Experience with the "whoosh"?



  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    I personally only show a loss about every three weeks to a month where I will drop 2 or 3 pounds at once.
    I'm exactly the same! This is really interesting. In my case it's always the week before my period, which I think is unusual.

    I'm not entirely sold on the science, but I am interested to read how many people seem to lose in a similar manner.
  • I've never noticed anything like this. My weight loss tends to be fairly steady.
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm not sure that I've experienced this.... at least not in the way that others have referred to. Is there a term for a reverse-whoosh, where one GAINS several pounds seemingly overnight? Because I've definitely experienced that from time to time!!! :frown:
  • afrouws
    afrouws Posts: 11 Member
    Ok so this is the deal with me. Daily I drop 2 lbs overnight. Always. But I can gain or lose up to 4lbs in a day. Water weight? hmmmm don't know. But, I work out 5 to 6 days a week for the past 3 weeks burning at least 1000kcals to 1800 kcals. My calorie intake has been low; about 12-1300/day. But I continue to gain. I started this diet 3 weeks ago at 184 I am now 188.5 and gaining. I can feel myself just blubbering up. lol. What should i do?
  • afrouws
    afrouws Posts: 11 Member
    So lets go back to your schedule. The 1600-2000 etc...are those calories to take in or calories burned?

    Sometimes I need to spoken to like a 2yo. lol
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Cedarghost---Why don’t professionals know this? I am of the eat less, move more mindset. So, it bothered me that I was working my butt of and stalled for 2 weeks. I went to see a Registered Dietician and she gave me a diet/workout and said you WILL lose 2lbs this week on this. I did it to the letter and still nothing. She questioned me about condiments …like was I getting too much sugar from ketchup, pickle relish, etc….she even asked me if I ever notice a mess in the kitchen like was I sleep walking and eating in my sleep!!! So, why wouldn’t she assume it was dieter's edema? Apparently, me eating in my sleep is more probable than dieters edema??

    Because professionals don't know everything.
    My Dad did that eating in the night thing and never remembered doing it. Mom would get up and find the dirty dishes in the fridge.lol.
    My sister also did it but she was taking Ambian at the time.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Actually bodyrecomposition.com is a very credible source. It is Lyle McDonald's website. It's full of scientifically accurate information. (I have not visited the other sites.)

    I've never heard of this guy, but when I looked him up, I couldn't find any information about his degrees. Also, when I read articles from .com sites, I generally look at the sources cited, and if there are journal articles, I'll go read them and if they're in line with what the site says, then I consider it credible.

    So far, everything I have seen on that site is backed by scientific research, which is pretty rare for a website.
    I don't know his curriculum vitae, but it's my understanding that Lyle has coached bodybuilders and powerlifters, as well as authored somewhere around 8 books on training, dieting and nutrition, at least several of which are very highly regarded in the fitness world. Some of his articles are opinion-based (and he usually makes that very clear), but the majority of his work is based upon research review and he backs it up with sources. He can be pretty abrupt and no-nonsense, which rubs some people wrong, but his info is solid. Lots of interesting and educational articles on his site, definitely worth spending some time there. If you want more of the technical stuff, go to his "Research Review" section, where he dissects and reviews scientific studies.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Bump to read later
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    I really hope this is my issue... so far I had a 3 lb loss a month ago and have not dropped since... going on 3 1/2 weeks at the same weight!! Will post later if when I experience a loss... Hoping for big number :o)
  • I'm hoping the whoosh will happen for me soon. After losing 6 pounds between March and the beginning of this month, I've been stagnating at 127-128 for the last few weeks despite my consistent ~20% deficit. I'm reluctant to try a carb refeed (recommended by leangains) because I already eat a lot of carbs, but if my whoosh doesn't come within a week, I may take a shot or something to try and give that water retention a little kick in the butt.
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
    I had my first whoosh the other day. Marbly fat led to a lot of urination. By the next day I went down three lbs. It was so shocking I thought it was fake. I stayed at that weight for several days. Then my TOM came. I picked up the usual 3 lbs. It's been several days since the end of TOM and I'm still up 3lbs. It's like my whoosh never happened. Needless to say I'm getting discouraged. Does this happen to anyone else. Did I really lose the weight, or was it a farce??? So confused!
  • Kristendcampbell
    Kristendcampbell Posts: 786 Member
    Ok so this is the deal with me. Daily I drop 2 lbs overnight. Always. But I can gain or lose up to 4lbs in a day. Water weight? hmmmm don't know. But, I work out 5 to 6 days a week for the past 3 weeks burning at least 1000kcals to 1800 kcals. My calorie intake has been low; about 12-1300/day. But I continue to gain. I started this diet 3 weeks ago at 184 I am now 188.5 and gaining. I can feel myself just blubbering up. lol. What should i do?

    Sounds like you are burning more than you eat. Regardless you need to find your TDEE eat at it . Your body stores fuel (seen in weight gain) when you are stressing the body with intense excercise and not enough food. If you at ate TDEE and do your regular excercise you should lose the weight.
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
    So I whooshed today...finally! But unlike the last time--when I was clueless about all of this--I have been keeping weight data everyday. There seems to be a pattern between a slight increase followed by a large loss (3lbs). I'm going to keep collecting data for a while to ensure this is not a coincidence.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So I whooshed today...finally! But unlike the last time--when I was clueless about all of this--I have been keeping weight data everyday. There seems to be a pattern between a slight increase followed by a large loss (3lbs). I'm going to keep collecting data for a while to ensure this is not a coincidence.

    This has happened to me too. I believe it may be that water fills the now empty fat cells, then finally empties.
  • BUMP for some new responses!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It's an interesting topic. I'm not much of a "whooshed" anymore, but I used to be. A graph of my weight looked like a damn staircase. :laugh: And yeah, it was triggered by a "refeed" type meal. Which is weird, because those are typically loaded with sodium (pizza is my refeed go-to).

    Anyway, I made two big changes (for unrelated reasons, I dumped low carb and I added a LOT of cardio) and the issue seems to have mostly gone away. There is still a 4-5 "wiggle" visible in the weight graph, but that is short enough that it could be just about anything.
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    I always thought it had to do with my monthly cycle, but I have experienced this "whoosh". I will lose about 2-3 pounds in a 1-3 day period then I won't show a loss for about another month.

    I also thought it had to do with weight-training because I was losing at a fairly steady rate before I began to lift. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

    ^^this. I have whooshed several times from 2-3 lbs at a time, and slow down in loss for about a month after. I don't get the dimply skin, but I do retain water and feel somewhat bloated. When this occurs, i usually think that there's no way I could lose weight feeling this bloated, but then I hop on the scale the next morning, and I'm down 3lbs! I have had this happen after a refeed too...weird.

    I don't lift, but I do run and mostly cycle by the way.
  • juanpegler
    juanpegler Posts: 92 Member
    I see a lot of people say this happens to them.

    It has not happened to me yet. or I have not noticed it yet.

    How long after you started has this started happening? And/or How many lbs or kgs down before it happened for you the first time?

    Just curious.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    For me, I think the lower my body fat, the more it happens. It also happens to me when I introduce a new exercise regimen. I think like Lyle says, it seems more common in women, too.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I see a lot of people say this happens to them.

    It has not happened to me yet. or I have not noticed it yet.

    How long after you started has this started happening? And/or How many lbs or kgs down before it happened for you the first time?

    Just curious.

    Oh hey super old post of mine...

    For the record: As silly as the term sounds, it seems to coincide with my scale weight drop. I'll got a month or two, no loss, but inches changes... than I'll lose 1-2 lbs every week or so in a month. Repeat.

    I feel like the only notice (which may be ridiculous, since I'm just more aware of this happening now) is a sort of "softness" and lots of urinating... then wham, wake up tighter one day. Get on the scale. There it is.