


  • Momof3kidz16
    Momof3kidz16 Posts: 9 Member
    it seemed a little pricey but really you are getting a lot of supplements, meal replacements, etc.. and that all adds up at the store anyway. If it works then I'm all for it. Yes, I have to change my eating habit in addition to all the supplements.
  • I just got off the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I loved the products. I lost 20 lbs over all! (This was before I became a distributer). Then after I became a distributer made it cheaper to get the products with the discounts.
    Fyi. OmegaPlex is 1 of 5 top rated (purest) fish oils. And it is cheaper ($21.50) than your bottle of Mega Red ($34.99)
    To some people this is a scam, why? Ill tell you why. They dont put in the time and effort it takes to make the money. No1 starts at the bottom and is a success over night. But like any JOB you have to work at it to get promoted. Right now the extra $500 I make with this is good enough for me. It covers my products.
    ANY company has law suits against them. Direct Sales it targeted because most people do not know how it works and refuse to even consider it because of people screaming "oh its a Pyrimid Scheme" bs. That lawsuit against Advocare Arginine Extreme was what 1 product lot that tested positive for 1 banned substance in one singular instance? Which has most likely been rectified after that suit.
    If id didnt work for me I wouldnt even bither posting. But it has, so go on and nay say, it just gives us fuel to strive to do better. 21 years strong and counting brother!
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    For the people vouching for the product. What is your companies pitch regarding keeping the weight off? I understand a pre-planned product for someone not sure how to lose weight and just needs to drop a few lbs before a big event but the majority looking to lose weight need to lose a lot and then keep it off. Even if the company didn't have so many negatives said about it, it just seems that they are promoting a product for temporary results which 99% would then fall back to old habits and have to restart the program. As a company this is brilliant marketing, it is preying on insecurities and people desperate for an answer. Yes I know you said it teaches you new habits but restricting large numbers of foods is not a new habit, with out a medical condition it is pointless and not really something most can stick with especially someone who already lacks will; which they have shown by being overweight and looking for a quick fix.

    The easiest argument is you have never seen someone that has never had a weight problem on these programs ( ED excluded). Also at what point is it in the plan for them to maintain they just need moderation and to stay in the calories they burn. People of a healthy weight eat when hungry stop when full this cuases them to eat in moderation.

    The lack of will comment was not meant to be insulting. Most, myself included showed a lack of will when we allowed our weight to need to be managed instead of eating to live.
  • Yvonnep33
    Yvonnep33 Posts: 1 Member
    I keep hearing of "scam" and "pyramid scheme" regarding Advocare; however I don't know if there would be such negative reviews about it if Advocare did not have a direct selling marketing technique. People generally seem to be skeptical when someone is directly trying to "sell" them something rather than the person making his or her own independent decision to buy it at the store. Is Advocare REALLY that bad guys I mean c'mon. I don't sell Advocare so I'm not even writing this for my benefit or theirs.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Way to open an ancient thread.
  • clare120
    clare120 Posts: 41 Member
    So gross and time consuming. Eating at a caloric deficit is more effective and even easier (in my experience).