How many calories do you have a day?



  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    youre not eating enough...and I bet you're not eating back your exercize calories. but carry on....
    to answer your question...I eat between 1300 and 1500 a day..PLUS exertcize calories. I eat very well.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I set mine at 1460 calories/day, which is 'supposed' to get me to a 1.4 pound loss/week. I do eat my exercise calories back (or at least some of them), and if I eat 1500/day (or around there) even on days I don't exercise I don't stress about it, because that should still net me a loss for the week. I'm good with 1 pound/week, but if I'm not hungry, a little acceleration on that makes me happy.

    I tried to do TDEE, but for me (just a personal thing) 'earning' calories via exercise got me more motivated to stick to working out, so I prefer to start lower and earn more that I can eat. Whatever works, right? :smile:
  • Eat more and add exercise! I'm 5'8ish at 128 pounds.. MFP sets it at 1560 but I eat around 2200-2800 a day.. I exercise by running for 15 minutes a day in the morning, and then after dinner, I do 30 squats, 50 sit-ups, and repeat for 2 more times..
  • sunshineblue1
    sunshineblue1 Posts: 60 Member
    gosh thanks everyone...responses have been great

    yes i have stopped loosing, i have been naughty time to time but the maximum i have every netted was 1,300......and i was loosing pretty quickly and now nothing.

    I will up it to 1, 300 see how i do......but every time i eat something i am racked with guilt and i start to feel low, however effective this calorie counting business is, it is rather emotionally draining :(
  • shannonegeary
    shannonegeary Posts: 13 Member
    I eat from 1400-1650 it's good to zig-zag based on your activity level that day. Like everyone else is saying (not trying to criticize, but help) under 1200 cal can send your body into starvation mode and actually make you gain weight.

    Good luck!
  • redbreva
    redbreva Posts: 8 Member
    Pretty much what most of the above posters have said - ABSOLUTE minimum NET of 1200 I was losing steady 1KG every 10 days, up to the point where I felt able to exercise more. My GROSS stayed at 1200 / 1250, but I was burning 200/300 calories per day with some steady cardio - Weight loss completely stopped! Realised what was going on after a couple of weeks, and started to eat MORE, so that NET was 1250... Weight loss restarted :-)

    Don't give up, it will happen if you want it enough (And ask for help when it doesn't)
  • Are you exercising? You should never be eating less than 1200 calories. My cal intake is 1350 without exercising and I have lost 24 pounds since January 1st. You don't want to lose too fast. I hope you are using the Food tool on myfitnesspal, it does work. If you have lost weight with taking in 1300 calories, you are doing okay. You just need to kick in some more exercise. Don't drop the calories.

    Below is what LiveStrong says about not getting enough calories. Good luck .

    Minor Side Effects
    Eating less than 1,200 calories per day will send your body into starvation mode. Do not attempt this sort of diet without the supervision of a physician. Some side effects are minor in comparison to others and transitory. They can become more pronounced depending on how much you restrict your calories. Some symptoms of severe calorie restriction are weakness, fatigue, cold intolerance, irregular menstrual periods, dizziness, constipation and swelling of the hands and feet, according to "Nutrition, Exercise, and Behavior: An Integrated Approach to Weight Management."
    Major Side Effects
    Gallstones are caused by going on a severe calorie-restricted diet and losing weight too quickly. Often, you will need to have surgery to remove your gallbladder if this happens. Gout, or a painful inflammation of the joints caused by high uric acid in the blood, can start or become worse from low-calorie dieting. Since you are not taking in the proper amounts of vitamins, proteins and electrolytes, you are at risk for malnutrition disorders and electrolyte imbalances. Sudden death is a very rare but possible side effect from extremely low-calorie dieting.

    Long-Term Considerations
    Low-calorie diets force your body to take energy from other sources. You are more likely to burn muscle than fat because your body needs protein, according to Healthwise. This lowers your metabolic rate and makes it more difficult to lose weight. You are also not likely to stay on this type of eating plan for long, and you will eventually go back to your normal eating patterns. All the weight will come back. Furthermore, the electrolyte imbalances will cause your body to leach calcium from your bones, potentially weakening them and leading to osteoporosis.

    Read more:
  • 1000 cals
    90 min cardio daily
  • mookybargirl
    mookybargirl Posts: 165 Member
    I'm 5ft4in

    SW 288
    CW 220
    GW ?

    I'm set to 1630 at the moment. Usually eat about 1500 most days. When I started I had over 1800. Funnily enough, it was harder back then as I was still learning. Lol.
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    I average about 1120 calories a day.
    I do very minimal exercise because of health problems that I have.
    I try to walk 25 mins a day. Have to break it up 15 mins in the morning and 10 mins in the evening.

    But on the average I lose about 1 pound a week.
    I have only 3 more pounds to go.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    202 lbs
    2000 cals/day
  • lauramacaroni
    lauramacaroni Posts: 25 Member
    You're not eating enough. You will lose weight for awhile, but then will find difficulties. Dramatic calorie restriction is not a healthy long-term way to lose weight. You should combine sensible lower calories with exercise. I have been following the following method & have found it VERY successful over the long term.

    I recommend it:
  • emyishardcore
    emyishardcore Posts: 352 Member
    I'm 5'7 (67 inches). Around 130 pounds. Trying to just loose the last 10 pounds of fat( meaning I'm not trying to loose 10 pounds based on the scale cause I could loose weight from fat and then gain weight from muscle) I eat anywhere between 1600-2000. Sometimes I eat a few 100 calories over or under but it is all depends on how I feel.
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    SW 310
    CW 242
    GW 145

    I eat between 1300 and 1650 every day. in the beginning i tried 1200, and after i lost 25lbs i upped to to 1400, and now 1650. i am happy at 1650 but often wonder if i should go higher. 1200 was fairly hard to manage
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 26, female, 5'0" and 127lbs, around 27% body fat trying to get to 20% body fat which would put me around 117lbs at goal weight. I eat anywhere from 1400 (sitting around, no exericse at Mom's house on a rare day) to 1900 calories (at work, running all over the building, plus heavy lifting or a run). According to my Fitbit, I average about 1620 calories a day.