Escape from FB

JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
I recently escaped from Facebook and it was pretty much really great. Anyone else here not have or have cancelled your fb? Some of my favorite things about not having a facebook anymore: not getting chewed out for missing someones event I didn't realize i was invited to, awkward people from my past, like people who were mean to me in highschool friending me. Talking to my husband about real things and ideas, not about what happened on facebook. A few of my favorite things.


  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I still have my FB account, but only to (very rarely) keep up with my family overseas.

    Much prefer my friends in my MFP Feed tbh. ")
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your FB experience is what you make of it.

    And clearly you don't have very nice friends to begin with.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I only really use FB to keep up with some politics, and my family and friends.

    To me if they're not friends why would you accept their request in the first place?
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    I mainly play games on there, and reshare the pics I find funny. Get some interesting recipes once in awhile too!
  • annettemarieprice
    I tend to agree that FB is what you make of it. If your friends are jerks in real life, they will be jerks on FB. If you accept friend requests from people you don’t really know or don’t really like, it kind of sets you up to have a bad FB experience.

    I think it’s a good way to stay connected to the people you care about — whether that’s 5 people or 500.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Your FB experience is what you make of it.

    And clearly you don't have very nice friends to begin with.

    Hard to tell. I'm not sure why but I just never enjoyed it. I blocked everyone's feed that bothered me - That was almost.. everyone. :)
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I still have my Facebook, wouldn't dream of cancelling it because it helps me keep in touch with friends and family who live all over. My FB experience definitely doesn't sound as bad as yours...

    I am definitely not that active on Facebook, but it keeps me "in the know", I am much more active on MFP though, and loving it! :)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I love my FB. I have 30 friends. haha...1/2 are family that I rarely talk to but we share pictures.

    I have had the page for 9 years and never had any drama with it ever.

    It's how I chat with my other mommy friends during the days and evenings.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'll never escape FB. I'm trying to accept that fact.

    Actually, I enjoy it.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    I still have my Facebook, wouldn't dream of cancelling it because it helps me keep in touch with friends and family who live all over. My FB experience definitely doesn't sound as bad as yours...

    I am definitely not that active on Facebook, but it keeps me "in the know", I am much more active on MFP though, and loving it! :)

    ^ This.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think people think they sound cool when they say they don't have a Facebook account. Like people who say they don't own a TV. I've had my account since it was new and restricted to college users and I don't plan on ditching it anytime soon. And I see nothing wrong with it. A lot of the time, I would rather communicate through Facebook because I'm much better at writing than talking on the phone.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    I still have my Facebook, wouldn't dream of cancelling it because it helps me keep in touch with friends and family who live all over. My FB experience definitely doesn't sound as bad as yours...

    I am definitely not that active on Facebook, but it keeps me "in the know", I am much more active on MFP though, and loving it! :)

    MFP is pretty awesome
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I have tried to quit, but for some reason I just keep going back even thought I find it very annoying at times.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think people think they sound cool when they say they don't have a Facebook account. Like people who say they don't own a TV. I've had my account since it was new and restricted to college users and I don't plan on ditching it anytime soon. And I see nothing wrong with it. A lot of the time, I would rather communicate through Facebook because I'm much better at writing than talking on the phone.

    I stopped posting certain pictures (I post throw-away ones, but nothing artistic) when they decided they owned all the content people post, but otherwise, I have no issues. I had one or two people start ridiculous drama and I blocked them. Easy peasy.

    I keep in touch with friends and family scattered literally all over the world. I've found and been found by friends who moved out of town when we were kids and we'd lost touch and I never thought I'd find again.

    I love it.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I do not have FB account and vowed never to get one. I don't want people from my past to talk to me. I am very tech saavy, but, just believe it is a waste of time and if I really want to talk to someone bad enough I will call or text. I don't have a large family so there is no reason for me to open an account. I also just don't trust it. This is just my personal opinion, though. I love MFP and will never give it up. Love my MFP friends.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I'm old school (I'm 47 years old) but I've NEVER been on FB and I doubt I ever will. If I really want to "reach out" to someone, I will. My husband just signed up a couple of days ago because he has a huge extended family all over Mexico, but he's never on it - so they probably think he's ignoring them. LOL
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    I took a leave of absence from FB and I didnt miss it at all. I have a 16 year old daughter, so I heard she was up to no good on there so I re-upped it and now I stalk her on there. Thats all I do on there now...
  • keishadanielle9
    keishadanielle9 Posts: 10 Member
    I know exactly what you mean!
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I have a Facebook account, but I only use it to keep in touch with a few friends and family members. I spend way more time here.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    I've been Facebook Free since Jan of 2012. Was my new years resolution.

    I found myself being those one of those posters that I hated seeing coming along and posting: I WOKE UP TODAY (then 10min later a new post) I JUST PEED AND READY FOR A GOOD BREAKFAST NUM NUM NUM (10min later) BREAKFAST DONE NOW WHAT?
    LOL I wasn't THAT bad, but I found myself, annoying myself lol.

    So, I actually went ahead and canceled the acct the week before Jan 1st 2012 so I know I'd be prepared/no excuses.

    Made it through the whole year no problem-o. Just had friends all year going, "did you see on facebook....oh no you didn't you're lame w/o a facebook!" - other than dealing with that lol it was a wonderful year.

    So I said Jan 1st of this year sure get one if you want it.
    I signed up - and turned right around and canceled it about 2 hours later.
    The layout and design had changed so much I was lost for starters!
    Then in those 2 hours I found myself insta-stalking some 'people of the past' - where in the whole past year I hadn't given them 1 thought. I was like what the 'eff david blane (if you're a youtuber you just caught that lol)!

    So here I am a year and a half Facebook Free - and not missing it 1 bit. Best thing I ever did :) twitter......that's another story lol.
    gotta check up on my new kids on the block every day! lol
    edited to add: but twitter is okay - because i only follow celebs - and not annoying "real life" people posting the fact they just peed or took their snotty kid to the dr today - etc lol.