How long to get to goal weight after baby?!



  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    My daughter graduated from high school yesterday--she's 18. I have about 85 pounds to go. :)
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    Girl! I am nine years and still looking to lose weight! LOL. It is just how hard you work and what you do!. I didn't so there you go. Your answer is - it just depends. Granted I breastfed and the weight fell off but I did not keep up exercising so when I stopped breast feeding and still ate - well you know what happened... What ever you do - do it now and keep it up!
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    It depends! With my first son I naively gained 40 lbs which was twice was I needed for a healthy pregnancy. This marked the start of my weight problem from then on. It took me nearly a year to gradually lose 20 lbs and was then forever stuck with the remaining 20, making me officially overweight and unhappy with my body. I now know that this was a result of me not eating correctly and being misinformed about proper eating habits. So I was actually quite frightened of what would happen with my weight when I found out I was pregnant again 4 years later. I vowed to myself that I would not make the same mistake twice and I was vigilant in trying to eat right and keep my weight gain down to a healthy minimum. I kept my weight gain to 21 lbs which was fine by my doctor since I was already overweight. With a little breast feeding and continued healthier eating habits I had formed during my pregnancy, I lost all 21 lbs with in 2-3 months of giving birth this last September. Encouraged by my rapid recovery, I decided to see if I could do better and lose that pesky 20 lbs from my first child. I did just that and reached my pre children weight of 150 lbs within 6 months. My baby is now 9 months old and I have lost an additional 10 lbs.
    Sometimes I think I just got lucky but then I remember how much I struggled with my weight after my first child and how hard it was and am reminded that this process the last 9 months wasn't luck or good genetics ( my mother struggles with the same weight issues I do) But that I simply wanted it enough and worked hard. Maybe my results are a bit abnormal but I've always been a pretty normal girl so it leads me to believe that others can do what I have done just a quickly or even faster. In fact I've seen several lovely ladies on here do it in a mind blowing short few months. Typically though, I hear and think a year is about average time for women who are vigilant it getting back into shape,
  • Reina2701
    Reina2701 Posts: 2 Member
    Im 4,5 months post partum with my 2nd boy, it took me 2 years to loose all the baby weight with my first one. This time around I gain around 55 pounds during pregnancy and have lost around 35 of it, got another 20 to loose and my target is to loose it in 3 months. Slowly is better to keep the weight off for good.
  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    I had my oldest 7.5 years ago and I just hit my prepregnancy weight this week. I had 5 kids (6 pregnancies) in 5 years after my 1st.
  • arisamay7
    arisamay7 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I gained 44-52lbs with each of my pregnancies (I'm 5'10", normally 165lbs, and had 9+lb babies). I lost all but 8-10lbs within the first 10 weeks post-partum with my first two pregnancies. I didn't lose the rest until my babies weaned at 15 months old, and then it just fell off. Breastfeeding can definitely help you lose pregnancy weight (from burning calories) but your body also usually holds onto about 8-12lbs as a calorie reserve just in case you get sick, etc. My youngest is now 6 months old, and it took longer for me to lose the initial 40lbs, but I am now 4lbs away from my pre-pregnancy/'normal' weight. Now, after 3 pregnancies in 5 years my abs sure as heck ain't what they used to be! So...while I was able to lose the weight relatively quickly (which I can say now--I certainly didn't feel like it was 'quick' at the time!) my body certainly isn't the same, and probably never well, which is a fact that I'm now trying to accept. :-)

    ETA: I don't have many friends on MyFitnessPal (most of mine have ditched the program for various reasons) so I'd love if anyone other new moms want to 'add' me and help keep in on track. :-)
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    can some of you tell me how long it took to get back into shape after having a baby? I'm three months postpartum and still have a way to go :(

    I gained 46 lbs
    And lost 40 lbs in 7 months the last few pounds were a very slow process but when my son turned 1 I was 5 lbs down my pre preggo weight and now at 20 months pp I'm 6lbs below pre-preggo weight. Only 4-6 lbs to go to be ay my ultimate ideal weight. That would be the lowest in 10 years.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    can some of you tell me how long it took to get back into shape after having a baby? I'm three months postpartum and still have a way to go :(

    I gained 46 lbs
    And lost 40 lbs in 7 months the last few pounds were a very slow process but when my son turned 1 I was 5 lbs down my pre preggo weight and now at 20 months pp I'm 6lbs below pre-preggo weight. Only 4-6 lbs to go to be ay my ultimate ideal weight. That would be the lowest in 10 years.

    Forgot to add I breasted for 12.5 months
  • coloradotara
    coloradotara Posts: 29 Member
    Baby #3 is 4 months old.... I gained 40lbs and still have 15 more to lose. Don't ever use nursing as a way to lose weight!! Some women can lose it with nursing and some, like me, can't. It's almost like my body wants to hold some extra weight while nursing! I've been eating well and Walking daily for the last two months and have lost 5lbs! But I have noticed my clothes are fitting better, so I'm sure I'm losing inches. I'm also eating fairly clean, way more protein and veggies to help curb the hunger. I am under the same mentality as others, took me 9-10 months to put the weight on, will take 9-10 months to get the weight off. Good luck ladies!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am 8 months post and I have 10 pounds to.go to get to
    pre baby weight. I still have another 50 after that though.:sad:
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    1st pregnancy, It took me 1.5 years but it was my own fault. I stayed on my *kitten* and wasn't active.

    2nd pregnancy, I was in the best shape of my life and kept exercising the whole time. Started at 115lbs, gained 34 lbs and now, I'm 3 months post-partum and down 21 lbs. i breastfeed exclusively, but the weight is not "melting off". It's tricky. I'm active. i'd like to be even more active, but if I do so and not eat enough, my milk supply is affected. I'm guessing it's going to take me another 3 months to lose the last 10 lbs.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Oh and nursing makes me soooo hungry! So, no, it's doesn't always melts the fat away.
  • kaybee9489
    kaybee9489 Posts: 17 Member
    every pregnancy and woman is so different! i was very aware of my eating/exercising during pregnancy and gained 33 lbs, and it was all off within 3 weeks. I got lucky. Don't give up! As others said, it took you 9 months to gain it, give it 9 months to come off! keep working hard and eating right!
  • annacolour
    annacolour Posts: 10
    After my first baby I breast fed (so didn't reduce calcories) but walked for about 45 mins vvvv brisk rate with push chair and when daughter was about 8 months I suddenly noticed I had lost lots of weight! I was back to pre baby weight. Second one I am still trying BUT lots of things different with second! :-( Good luck just keep walking!
  • ShannaKayB
    ShannaKayB Posts: 157 Member
    I just had my twins 12 weeks ago. I gained 30 lbs with them. I lost all the weight by a month post partem but have now gained about 5 lbs back. I just had surgery last Tuesday to remove a lump under my armpit. As soon as that is healed, I plan to start working out and really putting the effort in to pick up where I left off. Even though I'm not far off on the weight, my body is no where close to where I was. Realistically, I know it will take a while. My biggest challenge will be finding the time to work out! But, as the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way.
  • gensteele1
    gensteele1 Posts: 60 Member
    It took about 9 months before the weight was gone. I was unable to breastfeed so that slowed me down a bit. I am now 15mos post-partum and working on toning everything back up. Baby weight is the hardest weight you will ever encounter. Be patient and soon the weight will be running from your body.
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