Postcard Challenge - Round 6!



  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Weigh in 262. Loss of 2 pounds!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    I'm sooo in. Weight this morning 203.3 lbs. Btw, you did awesome MissDasha, congrats on winning the last round. Now, that you host round 6, we will hopefully have a change to get this postcard without such a contester like you. LOL

    This morning ... 197.8
    makes a loss of 5.5 lbs in two weeks. I guess I can be very happy. =^_^=
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    start weight 194
    finish weight 188
    6 lb loss
  • Weight to go everyone!!!! GREAT NUMBERS! You are all doing so AWESOME!

    Congrats Galathea on being under 200! You must be so stoked.

    Waiting for some more replies! :)
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Weight to go everyone!!!! GREAT NUMBERS! You are all doing so AWESOME!

    Congrats Galathea on being under 200! You must be so stoked.

    Waiting for some more replies! :)

    Oh I am. Happy, happy, happily happy LOL I was jumping up and down on my scale when I saw the ->1<- on the display. I like my scale, it has been sooo good to me lately. :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    This is what I love the most, seeing all the numbers pour in!! Y'all are doing great!! And congrats on reaching 'ONEderland' Galathea!! Woot woot!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Forgot to weigh in yesterday! my weight this am was 172.8 - I'm almost at pre-pregnancy weight!!
  • Forgot to weigh in yesterday. Today: 209. Not a horrible two weeks. Looking forward to the next round and better results!
  • Still waiting for some more replies, get those numbers in!
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    oops forgot to tell you my weigh-in

    SW for this Challenge 281
    CW 278!!

    down 3 lbs!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    weighed in this morning up 1 lb....but was away so not too bad...weight 182......congrats to everyone on their great weight losses...hopefully I will do better for the next round.....won't be going away for any of it......congrats to the winner ahead of time...
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Ending for this challenge 177
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    SW fir this challenge: 227
    CW: 224
    3 lbs lost! Woohoo!!
  • tericamp
    tericamp Posts: 19
    I hit a deer on the way to "Toolie" (hehehe) once.... Since moving to Nashville, I haven't seen many deer... oh wait... yes I have, they look like large dogs here... :) well enough of my poor jokes. I would love to get a postcard from "Two-ill-ah"! My weight as of today is 189. Thanks!

    I officially lost nothing. But the good thing is I didn't gain anything either. My ending wait remains at 189. Oh well, hopefully I will have better luck next time.
  • tericamp
    tericamp Posts: 19
    I hit a deer on the way to "Toolie" (hehehe) once.... Since moving to Nashville, I haven't seen many deer... oh wait... yes I have, they look like large dogs here... :) well enough of my poor jokes. I would love to get a postcard from "Two-ill-ah"! My weight as of today is 189. Thanks!

    I officially lost nothing. But the good thing is I didn't gain anything either. My ending wait remains at 189. Oh well, hopefully I will have better luck next time.

    Wow. Can't spell either! wait = weight
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    hade kind of a rough couple of days , but still working at it...

    CW 245:smile:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Ugh, a rough couple weeks for me, but I did manage to break the plateau for a loss of one pound! Started the challenge at 170, today 169.
  • Great job everyone!

    Still waiting on a couple of people to reply!
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    So sorry everyone for my late reply, I just got back from holiday last night! I've gained so definitely haven't won x
  • Bumping for more replies! :)
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