Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I found this that sounds really good and likes to splurge and have a drink every now and then:
  • dorkazoid4u
    I have 157 pounds to lose, so I started a blog about my journey. It's been really therapeutic for me, and hopefully I can stay motivated to achieve my goal. Here's a link to my blog:
  • YourFriendBecky
    Hi there, group! I just signed up for My Fitness Pal in the last hour. Wow, everyone is so friendly here... so nice. In the past I did Weight Watchers Online for awhile, and boy, there are some really snarky people on there criticizing the newbies. No sense in paying for that when this lovely site is free! Looking forward to getting to know you all, sharing the journey, sharing recipes, etc. I have about 150 pounds to lose and it's going to be great to be able to talk to others who can relate to what it's like.

  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    have lost nearly 100 and have another 100 to go.. so would love to
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    I did somethibng similar... In my Holistic clinic someone had left two brownies on the counter... So. I but them in the fridge...At the end of the next day they were still there... so I tossed them in the trash... Now that is empowering.:laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I want to congratulate everyone who has joined this group. To date we have about 65 members, and I am so proud of the courage shown by each and every one! ::flowerforyou:

    Hope you are befriending each other and encouraging each other. I thank everyone who has befriended me!

    I had a big taco salad yesterday and went over my calories but I am moving forward and it is already behind me. It just makes me want to exercise a little bit more today. Don't let a food set-back get you down!!!! Give yourself a pat on the back for getting up today and trying again! :wink:

    To those who are new and don't know their way around you can get back here by going to your home page, clicking on "Message Boards" then choose "Motivation and Support" then under topics, scroll down till you see "Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!"

    Hugs to all,

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    QUESTION:: Do other people count plain coffee as a glass of water? I've been doing that and am not sure if it is right. I do add up the calories I doctor it up with (skim milk and lots of artificial sweetner - 4 packets per 12 oz. cup) But I'm not sure what to do about the coffee itself.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    happy monday, friends! (well, let's try to make it happy anyway lol!)

    so this weekend was a doozy for me. i had a bunch of friends visiting from out of town all weekend which means lots of wining and dining going on. i was SO worried that i was gonna be super bad and gain weight and guess what? i lost 2 lbs! i got on the scale this morning and was like WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! lol i'm so excited. i made my august goal early!

    next goal: 25-30lbs lost by halloween (15-20lbs to go!)

    i am so motivated right now, i feel like i can do anything! hope my motivation rubs off on those who are struggling to find it!

  • tfagler
    tfagler Posts: 30
    QUESTION:: Do other people count plain coffee as a glass of water? I've been doing that and am not sure if it is right. I do add up the calories I doctor it up with (skim milk and lots of artificial sweetner - 4 packets per 12 oz. cup) But I'm not sure what to do about the coffee itself.

    One key thing I have learned is coffee of all form will have a fractional amount of calories. Something like 2 to 5 calories depending upon brand / how brewed and so on.

    So I just put it in a 5 calories. over estimate then under estimate.
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member
    I don't have quite 100 lbs to lose, but pretty darn close! Count me in
  • traclin
    traclin Posts: 15
    I have only been on this site for a few weeks and this is exactly what I needed. My starting weight was 279.8 and as of last Tuesday I was down 12.8 pounds. I do go to a clinic weekly for the weigh in and to review the food and exercise log that I keep on this site but I have a bunch of skinny people telling that I can do it. That is great and all but it would be really empowering to be part of a group of people needing to travel the same road. I am really looking forward to learning from you all. Thank you for the invite.
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    Just so many people on here. Wow. Exciting. Sad that we all need to lose so much but nice to know we are not alone. Everytime I get a chance to get on here i look for this message board first. I enjoy reading what you all have to say. Good and bad.

    I have heard that you can count coffee and tea as water as long as you still have about half of it in actual water. Although I have never had a problem with this. It seems like I drink constantly. I bet with all my liquids i drink a gallon a day.

    My scale is still not really moving, of course it is an old time one so I dont know exactly what it says but I think the scale is laughing at me. But I will win. I lost last time when it did this but I will not lose again.

    Everyone do your best today, and be proud of what you do right and forget the rest.
  • posy43
    posy43 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone...happy monday

    I had a great weekend. I have done all the exercise I had planned and I have stayed within my calorie allowance, its always more difficult I think at weekends...but yet again I won this weekend :smile:

    I was all rearing to go for the start of the new week and then as I walked into the office some guy yo know it's onloy 124 days until christmas....I could have slapped him lol

    Normally it wouldn't bother me but my sister is getting married on boxing day and I so want to be a lot slimmer for her big day than I am now . I know I will be but it was just such a shock to realise how close the date is getting... I do love christmas though :laugh:

    Stay strong everyone we can do this

    Ali x
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    I'd like to join your group too. So far have lost over 40 lbs, had lost 45 but put a bit back last week .. was tough week, anniversary of Dad's passing. Am more on track this week so far. Am exercising as best I can with my local Y on a week of maintenance. It takes time to loose all the weight but I do think it's achievable but not easy.

  • Loisandrev
    Looks like there is alot of us out here that need to lose lots. I need to lose 96 lbs. total. Have been counting calories and trying to find exercise I enjoy. Having a hard time staying in my calorie range. Need to find foods that fill me up with low calories. Any suggestions would be great.
  • YourFriendBecky
    Hi everyone, welcome to a new week, hope you're all feeling well. My daughter started back to school today, so it seems like a good day for me to begin something new as well, and here I am.

    Posy, it's actually kind of nice that you have a specific goal like your sister's wedding. Four months is a pretty good period of time-- you can definitely be slimmer by then.

    Sunny, big hug for you, I'm sure you're missing your dad this week.

    Here's a story for you guys... we just recently moved to a new apartment and have a built-in microwave over the stove. Unfortunately, sometimes when I put something in the microwave, my big stomach hits the knob on the front of the oven and turns the oven part way on! :embarassed: Usually I remember to check it but sometimes I forget... last night I was tired and I didn't... and in the middle of the night the smoke alarm started beeping and scared the living daylights out of us! My daughter was annoyed and is probably secretly worried that my fat stomach will end up killing us both. Talk about a scary and embarrassing WAKE UP CALL. Geez. On the other hand, leaping out of bed probably burned a few calories... trying to look on the bright side here, but truthfully, I'm just glad we had the alarm to wake us up or who knows! I think I'm going to start making my tea on the stovetop.

  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    I had to kind of laugh at that last post. You are brave taking responsibilty for that. I would have been like "I wonder how that happened". Never would have told them my belly did it.
    Busy night tonight so I am going to have to skip the exercise. I hope I can find time to make me dinner. We will see. Have a good one.
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    Monday is going good so far, but I'm headinfg in to work for another 12 hr. shift 7pm till 7am. But I am back on making a plan to make it through. Tonight will be a good night. Around 9:30 I'll have some fresh fruit to hold me over until I can have dinner, which will be around 2:am, then fruit and yogurt around 5:00 am for a snack. For my exercise I will fit that in at about 4:00 am I'll let you know tomorrow how it went! Wish me luck!:wink:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I have a 120 pounds to lose. So count me in. I can't believe I used to weigh over three hundred :sick: A part of me wonders what was I thinking?
  • YourFriendBecky
    Good luck, debjunti! I'm working a 12-hour shift today, too, sitting here at this computer. I'm glad I get to sit while working but it has its downside... which is the size of my backside. : ) I'm trying to remember to get up and walk around more often.
