I want to cry - a million day ones



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    10,000 mile journey starts with a single step and a motivation to succeed.

    PM me if you need help.
  • SteveK279
    SteveK279 Posts: 134 Member
    Back in October I was exactly where you are - motivation is tough, but it's completely doable. Sure it's not always easy, but life allows you to screw up and once you don't let it get to you, then it really doesn't negatively affect your good efforts too much. You can never change what you did in the past, but you can always strive to be better today and from now on. Once you stick to reasonable goals, you'll find the weight falling off. Sure some foods are better than others, but you really can eat pretty much anything once you stay within your goals.

    Focus on the reasons why you want to change, like your daughter and keep telling yourself you're doing it for her.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It got much easier for me once I figured out I didn't have to cut out the foods I like forever... I just had to eat less.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Seeing that you come from a background of deprivation can certainly make you have food issues--I really think counseling could help you. Contact your county mental health department to get started. If you don't have a lot of spare cash, they can help you find affordable providers and/or programs.

    And hey, I ate around 4500 calories yesterday (had a party and I wasn't going to deprive myself of all the good food I made) and I'm not beating myself up about it, nor am I going to try to starve myself the rest of the week to make up for it. I may end up with a positive calorie balance over the week, but it won't be huge and it's not going to kill me.
  • ocsoanita
    ocsoanita Posts: 12 Member
    OP here!

    I can't believe this. I can't believe how much a thread changed my life. It's so much different seeing people say things like this on the board and then seeing people say it to me. I have the wrong perspective on life and i need to change it. I never thought anybody would give a damn about me and my situation. I've been exposed to so many negative people my entire life that it's colored my view of people in a bleak/hopeless light. I forget that there are good people out there and i should be seeking them out.

    I have a lot of mental issues i need to work out. The fat is just a symptom of a bigger problem. My mom isolating me from family, being homeless til i was 12 and even then, living in crappy situations. I never had anything my entire childhood. No food. No family. No place to stay. That when i grew up and got a job and had money, i appreciated food so much more than the everyday person that i just kept eating. It sounds ridiculous, but i was so poor growing up going to mcdonald's and getting a burger was a luxury. Combine the lack of food growing up with my mentally ill mom modeling all the wrong things for me, it's not something you can just grow out of and get over. I need help.

    I've never asked for help because it was always drilled into me that everybody would say no, so don't bother asking. But i need it now. I'm thinking more and more about my future and i can't get over this ticking clock i have in my head of my time running out. I'm supposed to be an example to my daughter of what a man should be and i've been good at projecting an image of someone that i'm nothing like (a happy caring dad) that i never thought to really work on my issues. The reason for living is to give life meaning and i don't want to look back on all these years and think about how i wasted so much time feeling sorry for myself and failing over and over again. I'm going to do it. RIGHT NOW because there is no such thing as tomorrow. There is no waiting on my life to change there is only right freaking now that matters because that's what i can work on and god dammit i'm going to do it. I need all the support i can get and you people are so amazing. I want you all in my life because your words mean more to me than anything.

    Really moving thoughts... I think you are on the right way and you deserve all the support and caring you can get from us!!!