Do u want to weigh the same as u did in High School?



  • In highschool I was 135 which is in healthy range, the higher point og the healthy. Im only 5'2''. But I was a cheerleader and cheer coach so I was cheering 6 days a week. I would like to be 125-135 So yes highschool weight is fine with me.
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in a strange position now: When I started my weight loss journey on MFP in December, I wanted to lose 40 - 47 pounds. If I lost 47 pounds, that would put me at my high school weight. Well, I lost 25 pounds, and I work out like crazy, so interestingly enough, I have put on so much muscle that I gained back 8 of those 25, but I'm still losing dress sizes! So I'm the size I was in high school, but I weight quite a bit more. I finally decided to quit weighing and not have a "weight loss" goal, but to keep a "fitness goal" based on clothes and how they fit. I'm currently battling an injury, so have decided to really cut back on the workouts for a week or two, while rigorously counting calories. Hoping to get slightly leaner, drop a few more pounds while healing, then add back the awesome workouts again. I did not expect to be a smaller size at this weight! I'm pretty surprised.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I still remember the first day of football practice my senior year when we all got measured and weighed in for the program. I was a string bean 6' and 130 lbs. The coach looked at the scale and said "we'll round that up to 135 for the program." Yeah, that made it sound much better.

    It would be impossible for me to be that skinny again, but I'd take the same body fat percentage.
  • I was 129lbs and annorexic in high school. I'm 5'6 and 129 does NOT look good on me. I was so skinny (can you imagine if I had weighted 110 or so? YUCK!) that I honestly looked sick and like a walking skeleton. I'm not meant to be super skinny like that. I was 165 when I got pregnant with my son, and while that's considered overweight, I looked good. I was in a size 7-9 jeans and was comfy with my body. I've always had my DD boobs, but would like a reduction so that they 'fit' my body. If I can get down to 165, we'll see what I look like since I'm sure having 2 kids surely shifted my body structure.
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