Tattoo Healing Ointment - Tell me what you use!



  • birdvsplane
    I have 4. I wash mine with Dial antibacterial soap and then use a thin layer of Nivea lotion a few times a day.

    Did the same thing. The artist recommended buying some things he had in-store (which were all quite pricey), but several friends suggested basic and relatively inexpensive products such as Dial and Nivea.

    About a week after I got it done it seemed to be peeling badly and I was near kicking myself for not going about it a different way, but after a day or so, despite how bad I thought it was getting it, it was just fine. Glad I saved some dollars and had everything turn out like it was supposed to.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I've always used A/D ointment, available in the first aid or baby care aisles.

    ^^^This is the correct answer^^^

    Have been told by multiple artists.

    Yep. Same.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Pure vitamin E oil. As long as you are not allergic (skin test first). My back piece was completely healed in 6 days. The great thing is my tat was not dry and crusty by the time I got home from work: still smooth and moist. Healed beautifully, and I have tried it all. Vitamin E is best from a place like Vitamin Shoppe or GNC, not the generic, cloudy, Wal-Mart crap.

    ETA: the ONLY reason my artist doesn't recommend Vitamin E to everyone is because some are allergic, but she uses it on herself.
  • ashlielinn
    A&D :)
  • blueduckie
    blueduckie Posts: 25 Member
    I use Pegasis tattoo creme or bepantine :) Both work equally as well :) x
  • tcoupe27
    tcoupe27 Posts: 199
    Lubriderm lotion
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    Any unscented lotion will do (I used Vaseline moisturising lotion, my tattoo artist said she liked Curel), and some plain Dial soap to wash it in the shower.
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    I use vasaline :) im allergic to most healing ointments they recomend. So i've always used vasaline & all my tattoos have healed amazing & are very brite still
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    Aquaphor is AMAZING. My artist recommended it, and it worked great. I keep it around to use on burns as well (I'm really good at burning myself on anything that could possibly burn me).
    Yup, I agree. I won't use anything else.
  • patrickcoste
    There is an amazing new product available called Saniderm Tattoo Aftercare, check it out here

    It is a transparent adhesive bandage which is breathable, waterproof, durable, hypoallergenic, flexible, and keeps out dirt and germs. It eliminates the need for lotions and ointments and, when used correctly, prevents scabbing, disfigurement and fading, lessens pain and itching, ensures colors heal darker and more vibrant, and improves healing time dramatically.

    Wounds heal faster and better when they are kept moist and clean. That is why people put lotions and ointments on cuts and abrasions and new tattoos. The problem is that the lotions and ointments dry up quickly and you have to put them on 5-6 times a day, and your tattoo still dries up between each application. When a new tattoo dries up, scabs form, your skin cells become dehydrated, and cells die. This causes fading, distortion of colors and design, and longer healing times. Your body tries to keep a healing wound moist by sending fluids and enzymes to the site of the wound, but these fluids and enzymes become ineffective when they dry up and are actually what forms the scab. The purpose of the scab is to protect the wound from environmental contamination. But, at the same time, scabbing has some disadvantages.

    Make sure you ask you tattoo Artist about it!!!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    There is an amazing new product available called Saniderm Tattoo Aftercare, check it out here

    It is a transparent adhesive bandage which is breathable, waterproof, durable, hypoallergenic, flexible, and keeps out dirt and germs. It eliminates the need for lotions and ointments and, when used correctly, prevents scabbing, disfigurement and fading, lessens pain and itching, ensures colors heal darker and more vibrant, and improves healing time dramatically.

    Wounds heal faster and better when they are kept moist and clean. That is why people put lotions and ointments on cuts and abrasions and new tattoos. The problem is that the lotions and ointments dry up quickly and you have to put them on 5-6 times a day, and your tattoo still dries up between each application. When a new tattoo dries up, scabs form, your skin cells become dehydrated, and cells die. This causes fading, distortion of colors and design, and longer healing times. Your body tries to keep a healing wound moist by sending fluids and enzymes to the site of the wound, but these fluids and enzymes become ineffective when they dry up and are actually what forms the scab. The purpose of the scab is to protect the wound from environmental contamination. But, at the same time, scabbing has some disadvantages.

    Make sure you ask you tattoo Artist about it!!!

    Wow thanks for the info. My tattoo is already finished but this would have been handy! I'm going to send the link to my tattoo guy so he can look into it and maybe he'll suggest it to others. It looks awesome and if it really is the best way to heal it would make a world of difference in the progress of healing. Thanks!
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    no fragrance lubriderm....make sure you read the label to make sure its fragrance free too! I accidentally used frangranced lotion because I grabbed the wrong bottle (they were side by side on my desk) and you wouldve thought someone was trying to kill me!!! It hurt so friggin bad!!!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Im getting a wrist tattoo and the going camping 8 days later... there will be water involved. Has anyone had any luck with waterproof bandaging ?
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I keep the bandaid on for 5-6 hours rinse it with super hot water gently use a cloth to get the extra ink off then I leave it be until it starts to really dry out then I put non scented no dye hand cream on it 2-4 times and that's it, every single one of my tattoos has healed perfectly
    You don't need all those extra creams, it's a tattoo, the ink is there to stay
    THIS ^^^^^

    My artist didn't try to sell me a bunch of high dollar crap, told me to just wash it with hot soapy water, then a good unscented lotion when dry. That's it! He actually told me oil based products like vaseline & neosporin, etc.....can cause ink loss and DO NOT USE IT.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Im getting a wrist tattoo and the going camping 8 days later... there will be water involved. Has anyone had any luck with waterproof bandaging ?
    I went to the beach 2 weeks after getting mine which was exactly the time my artist told me I would be ok to get it submerged for any length of time, especially in salt water..........
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    I've had mine for almost 20 years and I just used good old fashion vaseline. Still looks like the day that I got it done. The ink didn't fade or bleed. Just need to keep it moist.
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    I use vasaline :) im allergic to most healing ointments they recomend. So i've always used vasaline & all my tattoos have healed amazing & are very brite still

    Yep!! mine is 20 years old and that's all that I used. Still looks great!!!
  • jrniven
    jrniven Posts: 74 Member
    Half the time I use nothing at all. Lotion few times... 80% of my body is sleeved up. I have very good skin for tattooing, and retaining color, and brightness. So I am told anyways.

    Usually 4 hours after tattoo I take a very very hot shower. Then I apply a little lotion. Make sure it is clean no fragrence, no alcohol. I apply the lotion 1-2 a day for the first 2 days then that is it. Usually I just forget after I day or two and dont take care of it. Heals fine. However if it scabs up you need to take care of it with lotion 3x a day and protect it.
  • fleurdelis504
    Tattoo Goo...they even have the soap.
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    I use A & D for the first few days and then unscented Keri lotion. On my feet, I used Neosporin Plus instead of the A & D. It just worked better for the swelling.