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living with a huge eater? anyone else in that boat?

My hubby of over 40 years could stand to lose some weight. Not alot - maybe 20 - 30+ lbs or so. And he knows it. BUT - He eats more calories in one sitting than I can eat in an entire day. What made me write this post was watching him cook up 3 huge bratwurst in beer and then grill them. All for him. Then a can of pork n beans to go with, plus a few beers.

He ate breakfast - He ate a large lunch and he'll be eating again before the day is done. He must consume 3000 calories per day.
He can polish off a 1 lb steak and be hungry again in a couple of hours while I pick away at my watermelon or slice of cheese or low fat egg mcmuffin. I have one egg for breakfast - he has at least 3 ,, plus hashbrowns, sausage, etc.

It's very difficult listening to him complain that he needs to lose weight, but then eats and eats and eats. He spends his evenings in front of the computer listening to music. It's his job to mow the lawn. I do everything else.

I guess I never noticed it before until I realized that I'm always doing dishes and I rarely get anything dirty other than an occasional frying pan or coffee cup or water glass.

Don't get me wrong. I love him. It's just hard to be around someone who is constantly eating. Those 8 pieces of fried chicken at Walmart or any other deli? That is a single serving for him. more of a snack. I buy rotisserie chicken - eat a little of the breast meat and then make stuff with the rest. (if he doesn't get to it first).

ARGHHHHH! does anyone else have this issue? if so, how do you cope with it? I don't want to criticize him, but gee whiz! Kind of like when we decided to quit smoking years and years ago. He kept saying we need to quit - I did. 2 years later he finally did. I'm really glad I have willpower.

Off to getting the pool clean, the garage swept, the plants fertilized, the dishes done, the laundry folded, the bed made and invoices sent out as well as balance the checkbook and work on at artwork layout for a customer.

It's no wonder when I get done at night - I fall asleep standing up. PLUS I did a 40 minute zumba workout, swam in the pool for about 20 minutes, and did a Sparks DVD bar workout.

I think I need a drink! lol


  • mrsriisky
    mrsriisky Posts: 129 Member
    A little bit different situation, my hubby is a big eater but very in shape- he just has so much muscle that he can put away very large amounts of food without gaining weight! For me, the trouble was that I was serving myself portions that matched his for a few years, and gained weight. When I started cutting them back, I've lost most of my weight, but sometimes when I see him eat so much more than me for dinner and still be in such vastly better shape, I get grumpy!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You sound like you're jealous.
    My husband ate like that for years til he had chest pain.
    Now he's on medication and has lost 40 pounds and works out just like I do.
    Hopefully your man will get a grip before it happens to him.
    Meanwhile, talk to him about helping out more around the house.
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    I'm in the same boat exactly - I've tracked my boyfriends calories on this site and he eat over 3000 just to maintain his weight. He needs to loose about 30 lbs but still wants chicken wings and burgers every day.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Do you have kids? When I was in hs my metabolism was through the roof, plus I was VERY active. I regularly ate 3-4 times what my mom ate in a given day. Yet she kept her cals in check. It's not that hard.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    My husband is thin and in good shape, and he eats a CRAZY amount of food but he works a physical job. Is it hard to not take a second helping when eating next to someone who eats so much, yes, do I stick to eating what I should eat, yes, because it's my goal to be able to run in a sports bra and shorts and have nothing move not his. His health is his health I love my husband but the reality is he is my husband not my son. Tell your husband what you are thinking and move on. (I agree with healthygreek)
    All the other 'stuff' needs to be addressed but that's your own business. Marital problems breed more problems when they are discussed with everyone but your husband. You should know this 40 years married.

    10+ years and still happy
  • Hotdawgnothotdog
    Hotdawgnothotdog Posts: 179 Member
    That's like my dad, though I don't think he eats quite that much, he's a pretty heavy eater. It's almost… I don't even know, it's conflicting to see him eat like that. One, because I worry about him, he's at his heaviest and is well over 40, not the healthiest road to be on.

    Two, though it's actually the other way around, I see myself in him, though I don't have the stomach (at least not anymore) to eat as much as he, I can see where I got so many of my bad habits. Eating too much because of boredom, eating anything (he was eating those little Coconut sprinkle things one night) to snack around.

    Thirdly, one good thing about him, is though he enjoys large amounts of food, he's very generous, I'm pretty good at denying his offer, but sometimes, I want that dang piece of pie. LOL.

    As far as how to handle it, keep doing what you're doing. My mom and I, though worried about his health, have felt too guilty to just go up and confront him about his weight, luckily, it seems that, with all this weight we're losing (mom 35 pounds, me 60) my dad's motivated to do better. Just yesterday he made me add up all his calories!

    Sweat on!
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    Well, let me first say that I don't think I'm jealous. I don't think that would be it. He DOES gain weight. He weighs 235 and he's 6'. He carries all of it up front so he looks about 8 months pregnant but if he wears the right clothes - it isn't very obvious. I think frustrating is more like it. He goes on and on about how WE need to exercise more. I'm 5'10+ and now weigh 168. still not where I want to be, but getting there. He tells me he's in better shape than I am. He's stronger - but I'm more aerobically fit.

    I am NOT a carnivore but do eat meat once in a while. I prefer fish. I"ve tried to get him to play tennis with me but he says it would probably kill me to play.. He just doesn't want to, but he also doesn't want me to play with anyone other than the kids or grandkids. I told him I was going to bring my rackets into the shop and play against the wall in a vacant section of our building. He thinks I'm nuts.

    Yes, I have kids. all grown and living on their own. I also have 12 (going on 13) grandkids. We are self employed and business sucks. He goes into our shop every day. I work from home, unless we have a job that requires 2 of us, then I help with that. Work has been really slow, so the bulk of that falls on me. He's great at it when we have it, but it's been scarce.

    His Dad had a stroke at about 62 years old and spent the rest of his life in rest homes. I don't think my hubby is quite as bad as his Dad was, although his Dad did lose quite a bit of weight before he had his stroke.

    When he was younger he could eat TONS and never gain a pound. He's 62 now and although he's still pretty lucky there - he does gain weight. If I ate that much I'd weigh 300 pounds. I'm kind of a light eater but would love to be able to splurge. I gained my weight when I screwed up my knee last fall. I could barely walk, let alone exercise. We have no insurance (self employement sucks) so I had to get over it by doing what I thought was best.

    We've been married for almost 42 years and together for 4 before that.

    I think what bugs me is when he says WE when he doesn't participate. I have a little over 13 lbs to go. I'm probably OK now, but wanting to be a size 8-10 again. I don't want him to have a heart attack and I know he's frustrated that he's not losing weight. How does one gently suggest that perhaps he should track what he consumes?

    I eat frozen yogurt once in a while. he wants me to make the homemade butter pecan full fat stuff. He's addicted to fried chicken and LOVES Golden Corral which I try to avoid because I know ME. Every time we go somewhere he wants to eat out, so I try to go alone. I bring bottled water and a granola bar to KEEP me from wanting to eat fast food.

    I'm really interested in all the input. I don't feel so isolated. but, for the record - this is kind of a vent of sorts.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Who buys the groceries?
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    Marital problems breed more problems when they are discussed with everyone but your husband. You should know this 40 years married.

    Actually we are pretty happy. We do take walks almost every day to get the newspaper. We love to garden and just walk around our property. We've been business partners our whole life and don't hate each other. :love: lol Not many husbands/wives have accomplished that. We pretty much agree on everything but this weight thing is frustrating. I wouldn't call this a marital thing.

    I was just looking for input. Maybe I'm just grumpy today. Too much rain, not enough sunshine..................drinking my black coffee when what I really want is something really fattening..........:laugh: LIke one of those 380 calorie brats:laugh:
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    My husband needs about 3000 calories a day just to maintain or he quickly becomes anorexic. I do ALL the cooking. He isn't a big eater so I have to make calorie dense foods for him. It's hard because he will eat half of it and then say he is full and I'm eating veggies and looking at his unfinished plate like "I'm gonna finish that for you."
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    Who buys the groceries?
    I try to go alone to buy the groceries. Every time I bring him along we spend 3x's as much.

    I also try to 'feed' him if he's coming with me to the store. Feed him first - save $$$:smile: We don't shop regularly. I can go to Costco and eat my way around the place and come away happy!

    I joke with him about our grocery store runs. I head for the produce (because that is what I like ) he heads for the meat dept.

    I can eat a toasted baguette with avocado and tomato for lunch. He just looks at me cross-eyed and gets a steak or something out of the freezer. I guess it's pretty funny. My daughter brings over this BLT dip which is mainly mayo and bacon and he LOVES it! I can't touch the stuff. Give me some guacamole and pita chips for a splurge and I'm happy. or hummus. He likes all that stuff, but it's second to all the bad stuff for him.

    If it's fattening - he'll find it. If it's moderate - he'll overdo it. I guess I gotta work on him because he's a good guy and I'd hate to see him have a stroke. He'd rather be a goner than to put his family thru taking care of him like that. I can relate to that. I just don't want to be a stinker and really go after him for his bad eating habits. Doesn't matter how long you've been married - you still have to treat your spouse as you want to be treated. he is my hubby, not my child.
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    "Doesn't matter how long you've been married - you still have to treat your spouse as you want to be treated. he is my hubby, not my child."

    I love how you said that! :)

    Also, my husband is a huge eater. He's been very athletic all his life, and I swear his metabolism is through the roof. EVERY night he eats pizza or ice cream around 11pm, or a gigantic tupperware bowl of cereal. He's gained a tiny bit on his stomach, but the rest of him.....well it's just disgusting to me! I'm so jealous! :)

    When I first started this diet he would still bring his bags of candy home after work or eat a tub of ice cream right in front of me, and I guess he got tired of the dirty stares because now he takes his late-night binges into another room where I don't have to watch!

    Luckily he really loves all the new "skinny" meals I cook, and he never had a clue I changed the ingredients.
  • kate1103
    kate1103 Posts: 23 Member
    I've realized something really quickly when I got married-for all of my OBSESSING about dieting and calories (I've seriously been doing it since I was 8), I know NOTHING about the dietary needs of a man. My hubby is the most attractive guy I know, but he wants to lose some weight. I used to try to "help" by suggesting we go on diets together. I think our last official one was the 17 Day Diet. I thought it was going ok, I felt a little hungry, but whatever. I think hubby was starving. Chicken and fruit all day just didn't do it for him. I'm sure there's a way we could have made it work, I'm not trying to knock that particular diet, but what I am saying is that I now know that his needs are way different than mine. Sometimes he says he's hungry and I think, there's no way, but he's not a little 5'5" girl like I am. If there's something I can do to be helpful, I will, but I don't try to have any control over what hubby eats anymore. I'll support whatever he wants to do, but that's it.
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    Maybe there's hope for us yet? :smile: He is always telling me how gorgeous I am and I'm always reminding him he has a 'not-so-hidden-agenda. How do you deal with a guy like that? I'm 59! Hello?:laugh:

    I love to cook. I'm trying to work on stuff that's low cal and lower in fat that he'll eat but he hates onions and a few other things that I feel are critical.

    We have several gardens around our property. We walk to get the paper (our driveway is 1/2 mile each way -) when we get back to the house we 'make the rounds'. First - check the first blackberry bush (they're flowering) then the blueberry patch ( some berries but not ripe) then the tomato garden (30 romas and 8 others - all flowering) then onto the zuchinni and winter squash raised bed. then back down the hill to the other blackberry path, the cherry trees, the apple trees, the rhubarb patch and then up the hill to the peach trees (TONS of peaches this year - not ripe, but looking forward to them) then it's up to the pergola covered in grapes. just past the other grapes that we thought had died and they came back with a vengeance.

    around the pool and north to the strawberry patch. (not many this year - the mint took over that raised bed). farther north to the garden with the seed potatoes, green beans, and beets. That is just north of our huge rasberry patch (I had the first one of those the other day) tons to come in the next few weeks.

    back to the house - on the deck where I have cherry tomatoes, basil, sage, an eggplant that he bought me from Home Depot - a Stevia plant, multiple mosquito plants and some dill I planted in a container. (big mistake - I have tons of it in another raised bed that is growing wild.

    Other stuff growing - just can't think of it all.

    Now wouldn't you think summertime here would be an easy way to lose weight with our edible yard? He comes in and heads for the fridge. :laugh:

    Like I said earlier - we do get along. this isn't a marital thing. It's a FOOD thing.
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    . If there's something I can do to be helpful, I will, but I don't try to have any control over what hubby eats anymore. I'll support whatever he wants to do, but that's it.

    probably the best advice so far. He keeps talking about the no flour - no sugar diet which he did for awhile and I think it worked, but I don't want to do that. I bake bread and that has flour. Sourdough and focaccia as ciabatta are my specialties.

    I eat very little sweet stuff. Sometimes - but rarely. I find if I eat sugary stuff I tend to want more of it, so I try to avoid it. I'm more likely to grab a bag of chips as opposed to a piece of cake (we never have cake around here). If we have a birthday gathering - and with 4 kids and 12 grandkids - we do - we make sure to send anything left over home with everyone else. Sweets and cakes and brownies and that stuff rarely gets eaten by us. Our dogs will eat it if we forget to send it with someone, but we don't have more than the token piece.

    I'm used to cooking for a lot of kids so we still tend to make more than we consume. Fortunately my daughter with 4 teenage boys only lives about 5 miles from here, so if we made Italian beef or Chili or something - thinking they were coming over and then they didn't come? We just call them and they retrieve it - crockpot and all. The hardest part is getting my dishes back:laugh:

    I made strawberry-rhubarb crisp last week when my son Daniel was here with his kids. I sent the leftovers home with him. little kids can eat that stuff and not gain a pound. That way we (and I mean the hubby and myself) aren't tempted...
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    My boyfriend helps out with the house - I don't care how much a person eats, a SO should help out with the house keeping.

    Besides that, he eats whatever he wants. We compromise on meal plans. He may have an extra carb/starch, I may add a salad, and we both have chicken or steak or whatever for protein. He loved me when I was 250lbs, and made zero comments about my weight. I will only ever say something if medical issues arise (and they have already) but I do not nag about it.

    Bottom line is - he can only save himself. When he is ready to change, he will - and I will be standing by and supporting him just like how I am now.

    Just like the example with the smoking. Just because you were ready to quit for good - does not mean he will be too. It took him 2 more years to quit, and that is fantastic.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    3000 calories is my maintenance weight
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Well, let me first say that I don't think I'm jealous. I don't think that would be it. He DOES gain weight. He weighs 235 and he's 6'. He carries all of it up front so he looks about 8 months pregnant but if he wears the right clothes - it isn't very obvious. I think frustrating is more like it. He goes on and on about how WE need to exercise more. I'm 5'10+ and now weigh 168. still not where I want to be, but getting there. He tells me he's in better shape than I am. He's stronger - but I'm more aerobically fit.

    I am NOT a carnivore but do eat meat once in a while. I prefer fish. I"ve tried to get him to play tennis with me but he says it would probably kill me to play.. He just doesn't want to, but he also doesn't want me to play with anyone other than the kids or grandkids. I told him I was going to bring my rackets into the shop and play against the wall in a vacant section of our building. He thinks I'm nuts.

    Yes, I have kids. all grown and living on their own. I also have 12 (going on 13) grandkids. We are self employed and business sucks. He goes into our shop every day. I work from home, unless we have a job that requires 2 of us, then I help with that. Work has been really slow, so the bulk of that falls on me. He's great at it when we have it, but it's been scarce.

    His Dad had a stroke at about 62 years old and spent the rest of his life in rest homes. I don't think my hubby is quite as bad as his Dad was, although his Dad did lose quite a bit of weight before he had his stroke.

    When he was younger he could eat TONS and never gain a pound. He's 62 now and although he's still pretty lucky there - he does gain weight. If I ate that much I'd weigh 300 pounds. I'm kind of a light eater but would love to be able to splurge. I gained my weight when I screwed up my knee last fall. I could barely walk, let alone exercise. We have no insurance (self employement sucks) so I had to get over it by doing what I thought was best.

    We've been married for almost 42 years and together for 4 before that.

    I think what bugs me is when he says WE when he doesn't participate. I have a little over 13 lbs to go. I'm probably OK now, but wanting to be a size 8-10 again. I don't want him to have a heart attack and I know he's frustrated that he's not losing weight. How does one gently suggest that perhaps he should track what he consumes?

    I eat frozen yogurt once in a while. he wants me to make the homemade butter pecan full fat stuff. He's addicted to fried chicken and LOVES Golden Corral which I try to avoid because I know ME. Every time we go somewhere he wants to eat out, so I try to go alone. I bring bottled water and a granola bar to KEEP me from wanting to eat fast food.

    I'm really interested in all the input. I don't feel so isolated. but, for the record - this is kind of a vent of sorts.
    Theres not much you can do if he dosn't care about his own health except to tell him you love him and want to have a long, healthy life together. He can get a thorough check up complete with bloodwork to see if all is well. If things aren't so good, maybe this will inspire him to change his eating and workout habits.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I am the big eater. I lose at 3,000 a day.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    Yes, my boyfriend's portions are totally out of control. I try to tell him I need him to be healthy and so does our son...he also needs to lose 20-30 pounds and I KNOW it wouldn't take much hard work. All he needs to do is cut down on his portion size, stop drinking mountain dew every day, and watch the snacking & junk food and I just know he would see some change. All of his weight is carried in his belly and that's the worst.

    Problem is, he has to WANT to do it for it to get done. So I try not to get on his case too much.

    His dad died of a heart attack when he was in the 8th grade. I am terrified he will have the same fate. You'd think that would make him want to be healthy, at least for his own son....but he says his dad's habits were much worse. And he says things to me like, "you'll out-live me anyway"

    I 100% feel ya on this one.