Jillian Michaels is the Devil!



  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I think when people say she is a "scam", it's because of articles on her background, certificates, etc. She might not be overly certified in exercise management or have masters degrees, but she touches a cord with many and she gets results.

    I am older, 50's and love 30DS but don't like others like Ripped in 30..the manner she talks, etc. is different and seems geared to a younger group. She also makes it seem like modifications are "gifts" in that DVD, on other DVD's she emphasizes that if you have bad knees, injuries, don't hurt yourself, "do this instead".

    Marketing makes most exercise promoters say things like "6 wk abs" and things like that, they know it depends on your body type, weight, genes, etc. Jillian will say, don't do just light weights for upper body in one DVD, say it's fine in another. It really doesn't matter, she is trying to give variety something I hope she continues in a new DVD soon. I've been lucky to work with doctors and physical therapists so I will separate hype from reality, but interval training and variety keep your body guessing. Moving is a great thing and she does get you moving. Just don't hurt your knees/back if something doesn't feel right. I skip a few things, never mattered to my results.

    Right now, she is finding out how busy mom's are and said in more than one interview, she is humbled. She's softer, (although Suzi' Orman saying "fat" was a joke I'm sure) and runs and does yoga, but less often. She mentioned 2 wks went by without a gym visit. Maybe, just maybe, she'll still be tough, but understand more why most people can't do quite as much as she does. ; )

    30DS helped me lose lover 15lbs and many inches and when I added Biggest Loser Last Chance for some more cardio, I lost more. Her No More Trouble Zones is a good one too. I don't' do most of level 3, but borrow some because of my knees doing level 2.

    You shouldn't lock into just one person or one workout, but if you understand to listen to your body, not to try to be her, she can work some magic.
  • chokalte
    chokalte Posts: 27 Member
    Hello All Laughing "JM is the Devil"...

    After reading this for a few days I decided to do try the 30 DS. OMG day one!!! She kicked my but! But thank you for the laugh and yes she is a She Devil.
  • DanciaKS
    DanciaKS Posts: 10 Member
    www.danciaks.wordpress.com scroll to "The Biggest Loser" lol I had a fun time ranting
  • AmyJo527
    AmyJo527 Posts: 90 Member
    I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism for the first time a few days ago...I thought I was gonna die! 50 minutes of that woman is just too much lol!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I just put Banish Fat in my amazon cart, I didn't like "6pack", too much swinging weights and jumping...a little jumping like 30 DS, I can improvise. This DVD looks like "fun" in some clips. ; )
  • katieuk
    katieuk Posts: 304 Member
    So would you recommend the Body Revolution workout?
    Have you done any of JM's workouts before.
    I love her workouts.

    I am currently in my 2nd to final week of Insanity, but prior to that I have done several of JM's workout DVD's and I am not sure about buying the Body Revolution.

    I have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones, Ripped in 30, 30 Day Shred, 6 Week 6 Pack & Extreme Shed & Shred... I feel like spending over £100 on Body Revolution would be silly when I could mix up all of the DVD's I already have and probably do all the same moves as what she packs into the Body Revolution system...

    What does everyone else think?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Keep at it. 16 minutes today, 17 minutes tomorrow, before you know it, you'll do the full DVD. <--- assuming the DVD lasts more than 16.5 minutes. :laugh:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    What does everyone else think?

    Any HIIT is good. Just cycle them to keep things interesting. I suppose you could even sell them on ebay and buy new ones with the money you make. Or make up your own focusing on stuff you hate. ;)
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    I love, love Ms Michaels! She's super 'delvish' lol...she knows how to get results and after all that's all we're interested in! I get up at 6 each morning to exercise doing Body Revolution and will be on Week 5 Monday, just the Cardio to do tomorrow to finish week 4. Hard, but certainly doable if you have a fair level of fitness, also agree that if too hard that you don't stop, just follow the modification version or just, skip in place, till the next section starts, just DON'T GIVE UP! You got this! :flowerforyou: I also still do a weekly Spin, Pilates and Body pump class!
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I've turned 30DS into a 90DS. I am spending 30 days on each level. Yes, I hate her a little. yes, I often want to puke or punch her in the face, or both. But....I've had tremendous success! Whatever she is/isn't, I am living proof that her workouts, paired with determination, get great results!!!

    Off to do day 13 of level 3!!!!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I almost got Body Revolution but heard it is really a re-hash of them all....how many exercises can you do? Many say who have done 30DS, the beginning weeks are easy. Maybe if it goes down in price, but I wont plunk down 100 when I have so many already.
    I like Biggest Loser Last Chance with Jillian also..collagevideo has it as Interm/Advanced. It's the hardest of the BL series I think. 25 minutes of intervals, some harder than Shred, some easier, but you can improvise a bit. Half hour of interval training and hitting all the muscle groups is nice. She does triceps, something she tends to neglect in some DVD's.
  • avargasgirl78
    avargasgirl78 Posts: 2 Member
    I switch between ripped in 30 and 6 week 6 pack. I have never gotten to my second week on any riped in 30 and have been doing week 1 for about a month now. I swear this week will be my last week of week 1! I don't feel like i do it enough days of the week to move up. Maybe 3 or 4 days a week. I live in an apartment and wait for the neighbor downstairs to blast thier music to begin my workout, at that point I feel they shoudn't mind. But I have to be ready to go at 6am, or 10pm, my neighbors favorite radio blasting hours. I love love love Jilian, I talk to my TV like we're old friends. I'm a small framed woman, trying to get stronger, and toned. I gained close to 80 pounds after having a baby, lost most of it over the course of 2 years of regular excercise and I've taken up a whole new lifestyle when it comes to food. I'm hoping Jill will help me finally get rid of this lower belly! If I ever see Jillian, I seriously might run up and hug her.. lol.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I think I'll do 6 week 6 pack next....Starting in two weeks...if I can separate myself from 30DS...It's been with me since the beginning of this "go-around" and I've been so surprised at how well it's working! Love JM routines....not sure we'd be BFFs but that's okay. I don't even have to like her, just have to do what she says!
  • Darmanin
    Darmanin Posts: 75 Member
    it doesnt get easier--you just get stronger. Keep with it because its totally worth it. I freaking love that woman. Yes, she can be irritating, but like she says, she really does give results!

    Absolutely :-)

    I'm a relative beginner in the land of Ms JM. I am almost finished my first round of 30DS. I have had a couple of goes at the Yoga Melt Down level 1 ... and got half way through the 6 weeks abs level 1 (after doing level 2 of 30DS ... too much in one night for me).

    I am noticing I am getting stronger, that is for sure.
    But just as you get the push-ups under control, in level 3 she wants you to do travelling push-ups. ....Then just when I can do alll the jumping jacks without passing out ... she wants you to do them WHILE holding dumbbells in your hand. Seriously!!! LOL
    I only had 3kg dumbbells, but had to switch to my daughters 1kg ones for the jumping jacks.

    There are still some of the exercises I go between the advanced to the modified version for ... but it's getting better as I go along.

    Like others have said. Don't stop, just keep going. Doesn't matter if you aren't as fast or can'tt jump as high just keep going. :-)

    And like the pic I have for my profile says "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch"
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    I have 30 day shred. I have been able to make it through level 1 but have no interest in trying level 2 until I can make it through 1 without wanting to puke.

    Good luck
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I'm on Day 18 of 30DS and I think this workout is better than P90X. Don't get me wrong, P90X is a great workout, I did it for 12 weeks - but gave up because I just wasn't seeing enough weight drop. I couldn't cut enough calories to lose any weight because the workouts were so demanding that I felt starved all the time.

    Jillian's workout is perfect. Deceivingly simple, short and effective because almost every move works double the body parts. I don't dread working out because it doesn't consume too much of my valuable "free time". Best of all, I can eat smaller portions for my meals and not feel deprived of energy when it comes time to work out.

    I've seen better results in the 3 weeks I've been doing this than I did in 3 months of P90X. JM may be irritating as hell but buying her 30DS is probably the best money I've ever spent on any weight loss/fitness gear or programs.