Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred commencing monday.



  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    My weights are 2.5 kg... Is that too heavy so? :O

    If you are able to do all excercises with those weights then should be fine....I use 2 kg weights and it's sure is heavy for me...
  • Danykia
    Danykia Posts: 7
    I'd like to join I'll do the first exercise today. I have the disk but gave up after 14 days cause I couldn't keep up with her, but I've lost 50 lbs since then so I might be able to do a lot more of the exercises
  • pabu13
    pabu13 Posts: 8 Member
    Me too... hihi... can try it again :o)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'd like to join I'll do the first exercise today. I have the disk but gave up after 14 days cause I couldn't keep up with her, but I've lost 50 lbs since then so I might be able to do a lot more of the exercises

    you know, if you can't keep up with her, just pause the dvd when you need to catch your breath. get some water, wipe the sweat off your face, and then hit play.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I'd like to join I'll do the first exercise today. I have the disk but gave up after 14 days cause I couldn't keep up with her, but I've lost 50 lbs since then so I might be able to do a lot more of the exercises

    you know, if you can't keep up with her, just pause the dvd when you need to catch your breath. get some water, wipe the sweat off your face, and then hit play.

    Best advice!!

    That's the way I got through my first round of Level 1, just keep hitting play you will build up your endurance and you will be able to finish. I stayed on Level 1 until I could finish it without needing a break, and without modifying exercises. Now I'm doing the same thing with Level 2. Don't give up you can do it, I started it when I was 265 lbs and trust me it wasn't pretty but I did it.
  • helsbelshms
    helsbelshms Posts: 93 Member
    I did 20 days and then due to other commitments couldn't start level 3, so now 2 weeks later I've decided to start again at level 1. I started on Tuesday (day 4 today) and I'm happy to say that my fitness is definitely higher and I'm user higher weights, but it's still tough. The first time I lost loads of inches but not a lot of weight. This time I'm controlling my diet too, so I'm hoping for more inches and some weight loss.

    Stick with it people, even if you don't see much weight loss the inches alone will make you look and feel better.
  • Pumpitusa
    Pumpitusa Posts: 169 Member
    Hey spiderwoman, I have 30 shred but havent even seen it yet I have had it for 2 months. I guess you actually have to open the box and do it o see results. Just thought you might like to know my experience with it. Add me and maybe that will jump start my dvd player.
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    I started 6/18. Today will be Day 4. I can already feel a difference. Mind you I want to stop because I'm sore, but my endurance for level 1 has already gone up. =) It's exciting.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Day 5... DONE

    After riding roller coasters yesterday and donating blood, I thought that I would be too tired today to get my workout in... Nope! All of my initial soreness is gone, too. I'm thinking that either tomorrow or Sunday I'm going to go up to level 2, and see how that treats me =)

    Glad to see all of the new people joining in! Feel free to jump in, ask questions, and get sweaty ♥

  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Haha, I guess this thread isn't as popular anymore. Oh well, I'll keep logging my stuff in here!

    Day 6... DONE

    I did level 2 for the first time today, and it kicked my butt. Oh my gosh. Still burned 300+ calories though, so I'm not complaining (too much). Hopefully it's just leftover lethargy from donating blood, or the fact that I'm trying to start working out before having breakfast. Oh well! I'm sure if I stick with it, I'll just keep improving.

    Also, I weighed in today (as I do every Saturday), and I'm down 1.2 lbs from last Saturday (even after pigging out yesterday!). So excited!
  • Fhiggs03
    Fhiggs03 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing that now and love it!
  • el2122
    el2122 Posts: 17 Member
    Im still here!!

    Ok so I skipped day 8 yesterday, went upstairs at 8 o' clock to put the baby to sleep and fell asleep for the night myself! Gah.

    But did it this morning instead.finding L1 easy now... Do not want to start L2 just yet do, I HATE L2!! Bah.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Day 7... DONE (Day 2 of Level 2)

    Level 2 sucks. So much. Oh my gosh. I will conquer this beast.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Day 8... DONE (day 3 of L2)

    I'm getting better at it. Today I didn't have to pause for breaks as much as I have been the past few days; I completed the last circuit of ab exercises without pausing ... Although I did very much enjoy that child's pose after it =)

    My new heart rate monitor should be arriving today in the mail; I'll use it with tomorrow's workout to get a more accurate reading of how many calories I'm burning, and maybe that'll help everyone else figure out how much they're burning!

  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Day 9... DONE (day 4 of L2)

    Ugh, today was hard! Got my new HRM in, and it says I burned 275. A bit lower than my old HRM, but that one kept funking up and reading numbers like 220 and then 40 (with 5 seconds in-between).. That might be why.

    Also, I encourage anybody joining this challenge to join the facebook group! THere's a link on the first page of this thread.

  • Mrskatie
    Mrskatie Posts: 27 Member
    A little late... but I'm in!

    Friend me, and we'll motivate each other.
  • mayaaa
    mayaaa Posts: 1
    I am on day 7, on Level 2. This video kicks butt however I don't really see a lot of weight loss but I do see muscle tone.
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Day 10... DONE (day 5 of L2)

    Whew. I'm running out of things to say, and breath to say it with. Suffice to say, I need a shower.

    Also, welcome Mayaaa and Mrskatie! If you want additional support and motivation, we have a (very large, very active) facebook group for it. <http://www.facebook.com/groups/163095290536513&gt;

  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I think I forgot to post yesterday. SO!

    Day 11... DONE! (Day 6 of L2)

    And, Day 12... DONE (Day 7 of L2)

    I seriously pigged out yesterday - ate a whole bag of chips by myself :( So I went running this morning before I did the JM 30DS, and ended up burning 800+ total calories! Super proud of myself. Now off to work I go =)
