Wisdom teeth removal...intravenous sedation...FREAKING OUT..



  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I was freaking out about getting mine out too but it turned out not to be a big deal at all. I remember the doctor joking around with me, asking me to count backward from 100, and I don't think I made it to 95. Next thing I knew I was in recovery with a mouthful of gauze. I tried the pain killers they prescribed but got sick on them. But, it turned out the pain was manageable with just OTC pain relievers.

    The recovery for me wasn't too bad. The worst part of the whole thing was the residual jaw pain that I had, which lasted for maybe 2-3 weeks.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    You sound exactly like me about 2 years ago, haha! I had all four done at once, and all four were impacted and tangled with my nerves. I too have a history of serious dental trauma (had ALL of my baby teeth removed at a dentist because they refused to come out.) I'm extremely hard to deaden with Novocaine or any other topical meds and let me tell you what I think of conscious/intravenous sedation:


    No, seriously, the best thing ever. It is called "conscious sedation" because you can apparently still respond to instructions and breathe on your own, but I don't remember anything AT ALL. Nothing. I actually fell asleep in the middle of a sentence (I was arguing with the doctor that I was SURE it wasn't working and I wanted out, lol.) They put that needle in your hand/arm and you are gone in a few seconds...whoosh. You'll wake up in the recovery room wondering what the hell just happened. In a good way.

    The recovery was not as awesome. Follow all directions they give you to the letter. Do not sip through straws or even THINK about solid food for at least 4 days. Insist upon good pain meds and get them to sign off on a few refills of those beforehand if you can. By day three I wanted to chop my own head off. Have ice packs on hand. They may give you those at the clinic.

    But the actual surgery...piece of cake. Take it from a long-time dentophobe! Do not stress. :)
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    Had all 4 of my impacted ones removed when I was 19 or so. I was more than happy to be sedated - didn't want to flinch or twitch and have him hit something he shouldn't! LOL It was fine. The funniest part was that my mom wasn't thinking and served spaghetti that night, which I basically had to slurp up one noodle at a time. I don't recommend that.

    My jaw and mouth felt so much better once the teeth were gone - I have a small mouth, and my wisdom teeth were really pushing hard on the others since they were coming in at a weird angle below the gums.
  • sydney1984
    sydney1984 Posts: 38 Member
    Once again guys, thanks so much!!!! You all have me giggling right before bed with some of your recovery stories ;) I really feel more at ease reading most of your comments:flowerforyou:
  • darrell62
    darrell62 Posts: 40
    Once again guys, thanks so much!!!! You all have me giggling right before bed with some of your recovery stories ;) I really feel more at ease reading most of your comments:flowerforyou:

    So? How did it go?
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I had IV sedation. I freaked out (I don't do well with put under for any reason) when I was just starting to wake and bit the nurse badly when she tried to re-pack my gauze.

    I was eating normally in a week.

  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Ok so tomorrow I am having all 4 wisdom teeth cut out, they are all impacted and I am going to have intravenous sedation. My question is , have any of you had the sedation and did you remember what happened?? I have a slight, or big anxiety problem with the dentist and am freaking out slightly..lol. Also how long did it take to recover and you were back to yourself, exercising, eating normal foods....etc?

    Thanks so much in advance!

    I just had this done on wednesday. I'm in no pain today and don't remember anything from the procedure. My doctor said I can not work out for a week and to eat soft cool foods for 4-5days. Trust me you want the IV
  • I know this is way late but I just had all 4 removed yesterday under iv sedation and it was great. They gave me laughing gas while I was waiting for them to get started then the surgeon came in sprayed something cold on my
    Arm and started the iv. Then they stopped the gas put and oxygen nose cannula one and then they gave me anti nausea medicine and then said he started the sedation it felt like 20 seconds but it was an hour the nurse told me we were all done. The pain was kinda bad when I got home but I had a lot of pain meds From my cancer treatment 9 months ago. It's a med called dilaudid your surgeon will most likely give you Tylenol 3 or Percocet or Vicodin. Take the meds before things start to get to bad. I'm in day two it's sore and jaw is a little stiff but I'm eating yogurt and pudding and jello and ice cream. It's not that bad with the meds and put ice on your mouth and the swelling will be fine. Hope all went well with yours