And the Most Annoying Fruit in the World Award goes to...



  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I noticed whenever I buy organic produce, they tend to last longer. I am unsure if being organic actually plays a role but I do know they try and get the best quality produce rather than buying the bottom of the barrel stuff most grocery stores get.

    I bought cilantro last Monday from this local organic store, and it's still just as good as it was then, with only a couple leaves turning yellow from me neglecting to close the bag all the way.

    Try buying organic bananas and seeing if it helps at all or storing them in a cold place, that way they won't continue to ripen.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    try wrapping the stock (where they all join) tightly with saran wrap. That's supposed to slow the process
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Also, if your bananas are getting sun they will ripen at an extremely fast rate...learned that the hard way but got some awesome banana bread out of it.
  • Susan823
    Susan823 Posts: 18 Member
    I freeze them when they are getting near over ripe and blend them in a protein shakes.
  • Susan823
    Susan823 Posts: 18 Member
    Interesting I will have to try washing the berries
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Don't buy so many, and eat them. I buy them 5-6 at a time, on the yellow end of green. I'm fine with them a bit green, or all the way brown, and I eat them.

    The only reason organic bananas might seem to last longer (other than confirmation bias) is that they're shipped green (just like normal bananas) but might be warehoused differently en route. The organic bananas at my regular shop are lime green and solid like apples, so I prefer to pick up the regular ones that are ready to eat.

    I only buy organic produce when it's not available in regular... At this shop, that's Pink Lady apples and sometimes Honeycrisp.
  • bokchoybaby
    bokchoybaby Posts: 62 Member
    really, the banana? I would have figured it would be the durian...


    with it's hard, porcupine like outer shell, it's odor like 17 year old sweaty gym socks off of a putrified corpse, just to get at very little fruit... no matter how good it tastes that is WAY more annoying than a banana.

    I mean, even pomegranates are more annoying than a banana.
    Durian was my first thought, too. I used to be able to get fuss-free durian ice cream at a raw vegan restaurant but they closed a little while ago. It was tasty but very stinky.

    Apples are my trouble fruit. I stopped eating them for a while. When they are good, they can be quite tasty but they're so often mealy due to bad handling that I couldn't take the disappointment any longer. Now I am very cautious about only buying apples during their high season and even then only from the co-op or farmer's market because the regular grocery store ones always tend to be quite bad. Mealy ones can still make decent crisps/cobblers/muffins but I tend to prefer them raw.

    Also, berries. I always sniff them to see if they're ripe but I rarely see them loose. I always check out the packages before I buy them but only from the outside. I never open them. And it never fails that the berries have started to rot from somewhere stupid you can't see from exterior inspection.
  • MrsDanner78
    MrsDanner78 Posts: 107
    lol Another random thing that I found works with berries...

    FIll a bowl....but in a few tablespoons of vinegar and add the berries. Swish them around for a few mins. Drain. Rinse well. Let dry, put in dry bowl and stick in fridge.

    lol My berries last me the week without putting on any fur coats...strawberries up to two weeks.

    Try it, it works.

    This works really well. I actually will buy a LOT of berries at once - they are a favorite in my household, especially when they are in season. So I will fill up my sink with cold water, add a cup or so of vinegar and let them soak for about 20 minutes. Not only does it make them last longer, it cleans off all of the wax and pesticides that may be one them! Just make sure you let the berries DRY fully before you put them in the fridge or they will spoil fast!
  • hsmaldo
    hsmaldo Posts: 115 Member
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned mangos as a "goldilocks" fruit. I mean, at about $1 each, it has to be timed just right in order to get the most awesomest tasting fruit ever. But for every 1 that is perfect, I end up enduring at least 10 overripe and under ripe fruits. :grumble:
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    omg??? Oranges??? they're the least dependable/most time consuming fruit ever!!!! I can't count the number of times i've invested allllllllll that time peeling the freaking thing, and then it turns out dry. ugh

    bananas are the most dependable fruit ever. One look and you know how it will be.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Eat 4 a day and no worries. No more bad bananas! :wink:
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    Rather than buy a bunch of 5or6 bananas, I buy 3 yellow and 3-4 green. This way they aren't all getting ripe on the same day.

    This is what I do, and if any of them do get too ripe I freeze them and use them for banana bread.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member

    Wrong, it's grapefruit.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I disagree, pomegranate iis the most annoying fruit . . . those damn seeds. It's like a mouthful of tasty pebbles.

    To help maintain the freshness of bananas wrap the stem in foil.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Feed them to your mouse colony. If you are one of those weird people who don't have a mouse colony, then feed them to your roach colony. Then you save on mouse/roach chow so it's not wasted.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    If i have bananas going bad, i just peel them and put them in a ziplock bag, and freeze them. Then later you can chop them up, blend them in a processor and make like an ice cream or something with them. Or use them in recipes. The consistency comes out like ice cream, but you'll get that strong banana flavor unless you add ingredients to it.

    That is such a good idea...I have no idea why it never occurred to me! I love making smoothies with bananas, so frozen bananas would be nice to have.

    I think the most annoying fruit/vegetable (not sure) are avocados!!! While they do last for a while in their shell, once you slice into them, they go bad so quickly. Yuck.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    really, the banana? I would have figured it would be the durian...


    with it's hard, porcupine like outer shell, it's odor like 17 year old sweaty gym socks off of a putrified corpse, just to get at very little fruit... no matter how good it tastes that is WAY more annoying than a banana.

    I mean, even pomegranates are more annoying than a banana.

    I want to vomit at the very thought of being in the same room as one of these. I once got off a plane in Indonesia and the airport reaked of durian. The number of people who try to fly with these things is unbelievable.

    Can you imagine being stuck on an airplane with one of these for 5 hours?

  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Yeah I buy a lot of bananas and end up wasting half of them. I love them but I hate them so I feel you!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'd say more like the most versatitile fruit...

    bananna bread
    bananna ice cream
    bananna smoothies
    bananna pancakes
    bananna syrup
    bananna on ice cream
    bananna dipped in chocolate

    Most annoying fruit hmmmm...
    Grapes always go bad here..
    i'd go with Mango.. cause they are a PITA to peel! LOL
    or pomagranetes..
  • rem10210
    rem10210 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree, but disagree :D
    I am in the same boat with bananas, love them but hate waiting for them to ripen then they are overripe. However, the most annoying fruit are oranges. They are so good, but WAY too much work! By the time I have peeled them I don't even want to eat it anymore.