What does your healthy breakfast look like?



  • Islandgirl_Aja
    Islandgirl_Aja Posts: 15 Member
    Greek Yogurt mixed with strawberries, raspberries and chia seeds super yummy and It's very filling! 350 cal 18 grams of protein 17 grams fiber :)
  • MyseriMapleleaf
    MyseriMapleleaf Posts: 81 Member
    Monster Ultra Zero

    the post says healthy lol

    Yeah, yeah. I know. But I take a medication that will make me fall asleep while driving if I don't amp up the caffeine- which is seriously unhealthy. ;)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I vary my breakfasts 'cause I like lots of different foods. Today was a bagel thin with Green Mountain Farms whipped cream cheese and greek yogurt, half a cup of fresh blueberries and strawberries and coffee.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    Mix one whole egg with half a cup of oats and water. Add half a banana sliced. Nuke in the microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Stir and smoosh in the now nuked banana. Enjoy!

    This breakfast keeps me full for 4-6 hours, which is unusual for me.

    Sounds great! How much water?

    Today I had Skippy Natural peanut butter mixed into Oikos nonfat vanilla greek yogurt, a banana, and a Chocolate Fudge protein shake. 422 yummy calories!

    Yesterday PB&J for 305 cals.
  • Bacon.....with a side of bacon. Followed by a nice glass of bacon. Oh, and some Nutella. Breakfast of champs right there. Screw Wheaties.
  • donna710
    donna710 Posts: 91 Member
    this morning was a multigrain flat bread with a sliced hard boiled egg on it and a banana....and a cup of coffee with vanilla caramel creamer!
  • kari_lh
    kari_lh Posts: 14 Member
    1/4 cup quick oats, Fage 0% blueberry acai yogurt, 1 tbsp Adam's pb, sprinkle of cinnamon.
    Usually I'll also have an egg and egg white scrambled with some cheddar cheese on top. I find I do better if I get LOTS of protein in the morning, otherwise I'm hungry an hour after eating breakfast!
  • Greek yogurt, banana and a tall cup of coffee! Usually I'll eat a dozen or so almonds for a snack shortly after.
  • mi_lady
    mi_lady Posts: 17 Member
    Fat free, plain greek yogurt, sugar free raspberry preserves, ground chia seeds. I make 5 servings (minus the chia, which i add at work) in small tupperware bowls and grab one every day on my way out the door.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    2 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled with shredded cheddar cheese.

    I eat this almost everyday.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    A banana or two; or a Kellog's bar; or a granola bar.

    Heavy breakfasts don't sit well with my gut. They never really have, but after a bike commute, I need to get something in me to get electrolytes and sugars back after a night of not eating/drinking, then doing 30 minutes of cardio.

    I envy the people who have pretty much every meal at 400-500 calories, coming in each day at a perfect match for their calorie goals :)
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Q - Why are people not using the whole egg? Or even mixing a whole egg with whites? The yolks are so incredibly good for you!

    Egg yolks are high in calories and cholesterol. For people watching these, egg whites are the way to go. I balance it out by eating 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Best of both worlds.
  • nataliemra
    nataliemra Posts: 29
    -2 eggs scrambled with half of a small avocado.

    -Fried (in coconut oil) egg on a whole wheat english muffin.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    People are making it sound "trendy" to use the whole egg, or saying whole eggs are good for you. No kidding. But some people might want to use egg whites. Maybe they're saving calories. It's like someone choosing not to drink their calories. You would rather spend the calories on something else. Some people eat a burger, but might not eat the bun, so they can save the calories the bread would give and eat something else for those calories. Give people a break.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Everyday is different but today i had scrambled eggs, toast, and a few walnuts.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    I have a few things
    homemade egg and mushroom roll
    Special K, with fresh strawberries
    apple, sultanta and cinnamon porridge
    if i get a good burn i add i a protein shake sometimes too.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    I eat a bowl of honey nut cheerios. It beats not eating anything for breakfast, something I use to do.
  • jblincoe
    jblincoe Posts: 1
    my wife and I drink our breakfast....fresh juice consisting of a beet, two apples, bunch of celery, 1cucumber, bunch of Kale, head of broccoli, little ginger root, 4 carrots and a squeeze of lemon or lime.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    My current fav is 1 whole egg+2 egg whites+ one mashed banana. Mix it all up and cook like pancakes. I pair this up with some sliced strawberries and greek yogurt. YUM!

    Plus the mandatory cup of coffee!
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I usually have a fruit smoothie that consists of 1 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, 3-4 strawberries, 3/4 avocado, 2 tbsp PB2, 1/2 tbsp honey, 1 cup of Almond Milk and ice. This makes 2 smoothies for my fiance and I.

    I'm usually drinking that at 6am, and it keeps me full until about 11:45-12pm.