5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • Nancy_AZ60
    Nancy_AZ60 Posts: 99 Member
    HI, I am 5'3 and I have about 50 lbs to get to my goal weight of 130-135lbs. I have also gotten those comments when I was at 139lbs a few years back, people say your too skinny, you look unhealthy etc. But no im more concerned with gaining muscle and strength this time around.
    I had this too when I was getting back to a healthy body..I told them well you are used to the chubby me... this is the healthy me. Seemed to work.
  • soniyas
    soniyas Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my GW is 130. I got down to that weight with some serious low carb before my wedding and have since gained a ton of weight (CW: 186.8)

    I just started low carb again - feel free to add me, if you'd like!
  • kcmw112
    kcmw112 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I'm looking to get down to 125-130. I started at 205 and I'm currently 198 so I'm still kind of in the beginning stages.
  • musicsunlight
    musicsunlight Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5f'3 and my goal weight is 126
  • sndyxo
    sndyxo Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'3.5 and not really sure what my goal weight would be. I remember being around 124-126 and still looking chubby! So I guess I'll just try and lose weight and lower body fat % until I'm happy with what I see in the mirror. I wouldn't mind seeing 115 on the scale though (:
  • I'm not in this range but I thought I would share :) I'm 5'1" and my goal is 110. I was about 105 in high school and looking back, I don't think I was too skinny. I just had my first baby so losing the weight is tough! Although I would like to 110 pounds I think realistically I can get down to 120 or maybe 115. I was 130 pounds when I got pregnant and now I am 138.
  • Lutielu
    Lutielu Posts: 188 Member
    Hello there. I am 5'3" (on a good day) Pre-pregnancy weight I was usually around 135-140 lbs. I had curves but didn't overly worry about how I looked in a bathing suit. Once I dipped around 125-130 people began doing the same thing, making remarks about how I was losing too much weight, was I okay, was I stressed? My goal is to get back to 135 lbs.
  • Reality03
    Reality03 Posts: 2 Member
    Not quite 5'3.....5'0 actually....the DR says I should be 120. My goal weight is healthly life period. Although I would be satisified with 140.....
  • I am 5'3. In September it will be two years since I had my son. When I went into the hospital I was 200 lbs. I gained a lot when I had him. It was really hard for me to find the motivation to actually work out. After being so sick all the time I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I started setting some goals for myself and kept a little journal where I made myself workout even if I was too tired. All along I knew I was just making up excuses. Since exercising and having my son I managed to get myself down to 141lbs. I want to be down to 125lbs but if I can get myself down to 130 I will be happy. Im wanting to be down 130 before our family beach trip in august and I am sure its reachable. The comments from people that I know and don't know on how much I have lost weight has put me in a different perspective about things. My clothes started fitting better and were looser. I knew I was doing something right.

    I put myself through a 30 day squat challenge and I finished that up a few weeks ago. It felt amazing just to accomplish something. I also do zumba and a few circuit workouts as well. I also try to walk during my lunch breaks and a few circuit workouts as well.
    I think I have done great so far and I continue to work on it. I just want to be healthy and happy for my family. \

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  • Naturally_sassy0525
    Naturally_sassy0525 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm 5"4 current weight is 210... I wanna first get out the 200's. My first goal is to be 160 my ultimate goal is to be between 140-145.
  • MrsDanner78
    MrsDanner78 Posts: 107
    I am 5'3" and my current weight is 230... My first goal is also 160. I've never been under 160 since junior high (like 22 years ago) so I have no clue what my body may look like when I get there, let alone what my goal weight should be. So I'll need to reassess when I get to 160, I think.
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
  • xX_Samantha_Xx
    xX_Samantha_Xx Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 5'3. Current weight is 163. I started around 168. My goal is to get to 135. I'm in my 5th week of Crossfit now. Believe it or not, I noticed results after the first 3 visits. I don't kill myself yet, I go 3 days a week. Usually Tues, Weds, and Friday. I figure once I build up, I'll be able to get the 4th day in there. :) But for now, it's slow and steady. But 5 lbs in a month isn't too bad!
  • My goal is not to jiggle.

    Ahhh...yes me too!
  • Oh but fitness-wise my ultimate goal is to do a 100 mile century bike tour!

    How wonderful!
  • Ideally just healthy! No certain number in mind.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    I'm 5'4. I started in April with livestrong and lost 10 lbs. Just moved over to mfp. I'm looking to lose another 10! Goal weight is 120 by September :)
  • fatsheet
    fatsheet Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'5 and started three years ago at 200lb.

    As of today, I'm 166lb. My goal is to drop to a normal bmi, which is probably around 150lb.
  • egnirysbust
    egnirysbust Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal is 130. I've been at 135 before and was really happy with that weight, but I want to see if I can be even happier at 130.
  • Bubbles110lbs
    Bubbles110lbs Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 4 ft. 11in, and wondering if I should be offended by the fact that your implying those measurements are short! I decided not to be offended:) My advice is- if you have the right motivation you can do anything!!! I have a brain tumor on my pituitary gland (meaning my hormone levels have completely ceased to exist) so its supposed to be impossible for me to lose weight, in fact most people with this problem tend to be morbidly obese. This is mainly because people with my problem aren't able to know when they are full, like that signal in your brain. YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DO IT!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Here I am 3 brain surgeries later, and two years away from ending chemo, Yet 20 pounds lighter :)