And the Most Annoying Fruit in the World Award goes to...



  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Bananas are not ripe until you can drink them.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    If i have bananas going bad, i just peel them and put them in a ziplock bag, and freeze them. Then later you can chop them up, blend them in a processor and make like an ice cream or something with them. Or use them in recipes. The consistency comes out like ice cream, but you'll get that strong banana flavor unless you add ingredients to it.

    I never thought of peeling them and then freezing them. I hope to remember that.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    The annoying ones: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, tomatoes, bananas*

    The ones that stay ripe but good longer: peaches, plums, nectarines, watermelon, pears, apples, anything citrus, mangoes, pineapple

    *the exception to this is unbagged Aldi bananas in the fridge

    I'd have to say the most annoying one is mangoes... not only is the 'ripe and ready' window slightly longer than the fall season in Minnesota, it's barely existent for the common one grocery stores stock! The usual suspects are almost perpetually under-ripe and the other variety shows its face for about two weeks unless you're a regular at the local Asian market. At least they're slightly better at hanging around in the fridge than thin skinned berries.
  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    To OP take some time and read up on how to pick out your favorite fruits. There are several tricks to look at a fruit on the outside and know that it will be good on the inside.

    Berries: Always look at the top and bottom of the container to make sure none of the berries have spoiled or that no mold has started to grow.

    Yeeeahh, this doesn't always work. I do it every time, and yet I still very often end up with surprises once I'm home or a few days after I buy it.

    As for the other tips, though, I'll certainly keep them in mind -- thanks ;)
  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    really, the banana? I would have figured it would be the durian...


    with it's hard, porcupine like outer shell, it's odor like 17 year old sweaty gym socks off of a putrified corpse, just to get at very little fruit... no matter how good it tastes that is WAY more annoying than a banana.

    I mean, even pomegranates are more annoying than a banana.

    Also, berries. I always sniff them to see if they're ripe but I rarely see them loose. I always check out the packages before I buy them but only from the outside. I never open them. And it never fails that the berries have started to rot from somewhere stupid you can't see from exterior inspection.

  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    OP, you're my banana soulmate. I feel the same way about them. I got so sick of freezing overripe bananas to use later (never use them later) that I just toss them out. Wish I had a monkey.

    The Most Confusing Fruit in the World award goes to kumquats. I don't understand them.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I like my bananas super overripe, so I have a pretty wide margin for when they become "bad". xD I don't mind them yellow, but I can't stand them when they're green.
  • phurst00
    phurst00 Posts: 100 Member
    I like to cut them into 4 sections (down the middle, then horizontally). I then load them with some peanut butter - usually less than 2 tablespoon per entire banana. Sandwich them together, bag 'em, and freeze 'em. They're a great snack and the texture is almost exactly like ice cream!

    ps - what works for me is to keep them out in a cool, dry place, not in a bag or container, and separate each banana off the bunch. Then if I know I won't eat them in time, I make my banana/PB snacks I listed above
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I think bananas are my LEAST annoying fruit. So easy to peel and eat! Ready any time. Other fruit you have to slice or eat around a core. I have 2 boys and all of us love bananas, so ours generally run out way before they go bad.

    My MOST annoying fruit is mango. Maybe because I'm not Cuban like my husband :-) but I can't slice this thing to save my life. Such a huge pit. When I try to cut it up, there's like a 1/2 inch of ftuit around a pit the size of a baseball. All the fruit ends up in shreds. Now I buy it all cut up at Wegman's!
  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned mangos as a "goldilocks" fruit. I mean, at about $1 each, it has to be timed just right in order to get the most awesomest tasting fruit ever. But for every 1 that is perfect, I end up enduring at least 10 overripe and under ripe fruits. :grumble:

    Y'know what.. This is another huge one I completely forgot. Mangos should definitely be on both the "Goldilocks" AND "Most Annoying" lists. Can't believe I left it out...

    Still, though, I buy, use and eat bananas far more than any of the other "annoying" fruits that have been -- very understandably -- mentioned, so that's still why that's personally my most annoying of all!
    I disagree, pomegranate iis the most annoying fruit . . . those damn seeds. It's like a mouthful of tasty pebbles.

    Lol..very good way to sum it up -- that it
    Just to give a bit more regarding my post about the vinegar wash...vinegar kills the mold spores on the fruit and rinses away other impurities...that's how it works at keeping the fruit fresh. Just make sure to rinse WELL! =p

    Hmmm that definitely makes sense. I'm really going to have to remember that.
    OP, you're my banana soulmate. I feel the same way about them. I got so sick of freezing overripe bananas to use later (never use them later) that I just toss them out. Wish I had a monkey.

    The Most Confusing Fruit in the World award goes to kumquats. I don't understand them.

    lol I've never heard of kumquats (definitely about to look it up), but yes, I feel like the same thing that you mentioned as your experience with freezing bananas will be exactly what ends up happening for me as well, lol..

    Well, UPDATE: There are two bananas that had well-surpassed their prime that I peeled (as icky as they were :-/) and tossed into a big ziplock bag and into the freezer yesterday, so we shall see how it turns out :)
  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    i'd go with Mango.. cause they are a PITA to peel! LOL
    or pomagranetes..

    Peel? A mango?

    You're doing it wrong. Cube it.

    Hmmm... I'm gonna have to try this next time. Thanks!

    SOOO many great suggestions, guys -- this is wonderful.