Looking for other ladies, looking to lose 30 pounds or so!



  • jmoliveson
    jmoliveson Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there! I am so proud of your decision to join this site and the fight! I am also looking to lose about 30 pounds as my current weight is 173. I am 5 feet and I aim to defy the BMI with a toned and muscled body that I feel good about. This site is filled with soooo many amazing people who I am proud to be associated with! You can do it!!
  • dyevine
    dyevine Posts: 26 Member
    Also looking to lose at LEAST 30 lbs-
    Lost 30 lbs last summer (and gained half back) after I started my final year at Uni and began my student teaching!

    Hoping to lose about a pound a week- not going to yo-yo like I did last year just so I can gain it all back! Aiming to by 140 by Oct. 2014!

    height: 5'7"
    HW: 200
    CW: 185
    GW: 165
    UGW: 140
  • girlfury
    girlfury Posts: 27 Member
    This is awesome! I want to lose 30 more pounds! SW 192, CW 175, GW 150, UGW 145. I would really like to lose 10 pounds in a 5 week time period but so far the most i have lost is 1 pound a week. Anyone is welcome to add me if they like...i would love the support and motivation..
  • Bommy_7
    Bommy_7 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes please add me! I'm 27 married and am a working mom to a beautiful 8 month daughter. I've lost most of my pregnancy weight, but now I wanna loose this extra weight that I gained before baby. Ugh. Its so hard trying to get workouts in when I work full time and have a baby to take care of when I get home! Any encouragement would be great :-)

    SW: 214 ( pregnancy)
    CW 174
    GW: 140-145
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I've sent you a friend request. :flowerforyou:

    I am also 5'4" - looking to lose right about 30 - 35#.

    SW: 210 (Last Pregnancy - Delivery 10/10/2008)
    CW: 168 (I can't get below 165 for more than a day! :grumble: )
    GW: 135
  • gwenette
    gwenette Posts: 39
    Im 38 years old with two grown daughters so cant use baby weight as my excuse. LOL but i have went from 160 when my husband proposed 3 years ago--- to a now whopping 187 as of this morning!! Thats not my highest weight i was about hitting 240 at one point years ago and with me being 5'3 thats not good~~ My only problems is once i join these groups for motivation i can never find them again after a week or so? what am i doing wrong?
  • sweetcheeks1978
    ADD ME!

    I am 5' 2.5", a mum of 2 (4 and 5), would like to lose 30lbs.

    CW: 192
    UGW: when am happy

    I am doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution at the moment, hoping to see some results from that (currently on phase 2).
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am. I will be 62 in a month. Officially will become a senior citizen. Yikes! It has taken me almost 2 years to lose 30 pounds. I have been on here that long. Since January 1st I have exercised intensely. I did Just Dance and I am currently doing the Shred. Besides vanity, I want to lose more so I don't need a hip replacement. I am lucky if I lose 2 pounds a month.
  • esilvera19
    esilvera19 Posts: 10
    Hey! My name is Emma, you are free to friend me. I am a 22 year old rising College Senior and I am currently working on my fitness goals as well! I would love to lose about 20-30 pounds total to be at my ideal weight. This is my second go around using MyFitness pal as a weight loss tool and I hope it works! I definitely need inspiration/motivation at times as well as some people to keep me accountable. I am about 5’9” and currently 164 lbs. When I started college I began to really get into fitness (due to it being so accessible- the gym was across the street from my dorm!) I was at my lowest weight of about 148 but have gained some back recently due to a change in living situation (no more gym right next door) and also from studying abroad this past spring semester. I would love some inspiration and motivation!

    Highest Weight Ever: 178/179 lbs
    Current Weight: 164 lbs
    Goal Weight: 145/135 toned and healthy!
    Would love to just be more healthy, toned, and happy all around!
  • mfreeman0921
    mfreeman0921 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I am 24 and 5'11" . I am looking to lose another 30-40 pounds. Feel free to add me I log everyday and love giving and receiving encouragement.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    Hi I would like some motivational kick me in the butt friends looking to lose similiar weights. actually my really long term goal is much but losing 30 or so would put me out of the 200s and then I plan to reevaluate. Plus then hopefully I weigh less than my hubby.

    age: 33
    height 5' 6.5"
    highest weight: 237
    current weight: 234
    goal weight: 199
  • yacapraro5
    yacapraro5 Posts: 21 Member
    Add me!! We're like twins.
  • stacismith83
    Im in! I just turned dirty 30 and was hoping to lose 30lbs by my 30th birthday, but with multiple vacations and home visitors it didn't happen, but I did lose 18lbs and am proud of that. I want to lose 12 more (30lbs total) by my August 9th wedding anniversary, and then I'll set another goal from there! I'm 5'6", my HW was 190, my CW is 172 and my anniversary goal is to be 160lbs. Good luck ladies!!!
  • RachelGraceReed83
    RachelGraceReed83 Posts: 133 Member
    Hey Elisabeth!

    Feel free to add me!!!

    I'm Rachel, I'm 29 years old and I am also trying to get back on the wagon! I also am trying to lose around 30 pounds.

    I was at my goal weight around this time last year. Got comfortable with where I was and ended up going back to my bad habbits.

    Highest Weight : 185 lbs
    Current Weight : 169.8 lbs
    Goal Weight : 140lbs
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    Hi, I am 30yrs old 5'6 currently 171 pounds was at 183 lbs at my highest.I want to get to 135lbs but might not be realistic for me because I have a lot of muscle weight..More so weight doesn't matter as much as pant size probably.I want to fit into a size 8 sounds healthy to me and a Medium shirt.Right now I fit a Large shirt (barely almost tight) and a size 12 pants.
    I eat relatively healthy i think,but I had three kids and didn't exercise afterwards and partied a lot in life so mostly beer is to blame for me.
  • leyvad
    leyvad Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there anyone is welcomed to add me as a friend

    27yr old
    mom of two little girls

    HW 170
    CW 162
    GW 130
    LW 125

    looking more to lower my BF% from a 30!!! to a 20% mainly lifting weights to define and tone muscle.
    goal by october is to have lost at least 25lbs thats roughtly 2lbs a week
    I cant do it without your support MFP friends!!!
  • RachelGraceReed83
    RachelGraceReed83 Posts: 133 Member
    I eat relatively healthy i think,but I had three kids and didn't exercise afterwards and partied a lot in life so mostly beer is to blame for me.

    I can definitely relate to that...I've had too many beers and not enough exercising!
  • ktmottlnew
    ktmottlnew Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in. 30 and would love to loss 30, but 25 would do as well. Are we posting once a week? Friday?

    Highest Weight ever: 155-160
    Current Weight (CW): 155
    Goal Weight (GW): 130
  • emt0925
    emt0925 Posts: 4 Member
    So cool getting to know everyone a bit on here! Weight loss is 70% diet and 30% fitness...eating clean is essential!

    Sweat every day...I am so excited about this journey!

    Let's get it, girls!!
  • babspalmer
    babspalmer Posts: 48
    I'm a 32-year-old female, who teaches school during the school year and have the summer off. I'm also a diabetic. I'm looking to lose about 40 pounds, but just want to get healthy.

    Height- 5'3''
    Highest Weight-210
    Current Weight-200
    Goal Weight-160