5'5" - 5'6" women- goal weight?



    CGBUN Posts: 8
    I was always told that at 5 feet you should weigh 100 pounds, and 5 pounds for every inch thereafter. That's quite thin at my age; I'm not sure I can get back to that skinny. It's better if you look at health issues; I"ve heard that losing 10% of your body weight is good to prevent diabetes, heart issues, etc. when in doubt ask your doc. I set my goal to lose 30 pounds as a start, that'd put me at 5/6 and 160 although I'd like to be 150 or better, but that may not happen. What's important is the amount I've lost, not so much where I am now. average frame. I've kind of stalled at the moment, not quite as obsessive at charting as I was orginally.
  • cyndilie
    cyndilie Posts: 52
    I'm 5' 6" with a goal weight of 150. Currently at 158 (started at 171.5), size 10/12 with a medium frame (long legs). Twelve years ago I was at 145 and very pleased with my overall look, but now that I'm older (56) not sure if I can maintain 145. Obviously I didn't maintain it in my 40's either but that was before I knew about MFP and changed my lifestyle. I got to 145 by crashing and starving all those years ago. Anyway, heading for 150 for now and will see what happens next.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
  • sexysissie
    sexysissie Posts: 7 Member
    I am 5'5" and my goal weight is 150 .
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I was at one time 5'7", but after 2 spinal surgeries I am down to 5'6". The lowest I ever was as an adult (25) was 136. I was super lean at that time and was at the lowest possible weight my body could carry and not look sickly. At almost 50 now, I don't see myself ever getting that low again, but 145 would be fabulous! I will be happy with 150-155 to keep me in the healthy BMI range.
    I carry about 10 more pounds than the average woman my height due to my muscle mass, and 'girls'. lol
  • ErinG6191
    ErinG6191 Posts: 33 Member
    i am 5'5" and currently weigh 148. I would like to be 135-140.
  • Pande
    Pande Posts: 33
    I'm 5' 5.5"

    I want to be anywhere between 128 lbs to 145 lbs
    I set my MFP goal to 140 lbs and once I get there I'll figure out where to go from there!

    I /think/ I have a medium size frame and from what I can tell my hips will always be pretty wide no matter how much weight i lose.

    I also want to be semi-muscular, so I put my goal in the heavier side hoping it will be muscle weight too
  • RockingThis
    It all depends on how my body feels/looks. If i am fit and have a good body fat % then i will maintain. I would like to look fit and not jiggle. lol
  • jenna808
    jenna808 Posts: 79 Member
    5'6", with an original goal of 140 lbs. I'm currently 148, but have a high body fat %, so my main goal is getting that down and tracking inches lost, which judging by my body now I'd estimate 135 would be about where I'd like to stay.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
  • runbreatherelax
    runbreatherelax Posts: 7 Member
    My goal/maintenance weight is about 122. I am now about 128 (down from 190 at the highest).

    I am extremely small framed though.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Am 5'5 and my first goal is 150-145. And once there hoping to strive for 130s
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    I'm 5'6 27 years old. I started over 160 and am at 143 now. I feel awesome and am much happier with my appearance, but still have some serious love handles. I think I'll be happy with starting maintenance around 130-135. Right now the goal is 135.
  • Twinklegirl34
    Twinklegirl34 Posts: 59 Member
    5'5" current weight 130 maintaining for around a month aim to loose final 10 but in no hurry, working on building fitness, lowering body fat and putting in place long term healthy life style, rather than 'diet'
  • spiffybarbarella1
    I am 5'6" almost 5'7" and my ideal weight is 130lbs. At 125 I fit a size 2, and below that I look emaciated and a size zero.
    It all depends on your frame size. Right now I am about 137-140, and I fit a size 8.
  • thirteencor
    thirteencor Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'6", turning 40 this year. Aiming for 130-135 (I have a smallish frame).
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member

    I really prefer to be toned, etc regardless of what my weight ends up being. But my goal is to be a size 7/8.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    At 5'6" and 121 pounds, I'm thin but definitely not tooooo thin. I'm 24 and have a small frame, so it works for me. I wouldn't mind dropping down to 115-117 but I'm not actively trying for that. If it happens, it happens!
  • Pande
    Pande Posts: 33
    I'm 5' 5.5"

    I want to be anywhere between 128 lbs to 145 lbs
    I set my MFP goal to 140 lbs and once I get there I'll figure out where to go from there!

    I /think/ I have a medium size frame and from what I can tell my hips will always be pretty wide no matter how much weight i lose.

    I also want to be semi-muscular, so I put my goal in the heavier side hoping it will be muscle weight too

    dang I just took the frame type test. I thought I was medium framed but it turns out I'm small-framed! That means my goal should be even smaller haha;;;

    I'm only 23 so its possible for me to muster up the energy to get there. I'll keep my goal 140 still and then I'll make a new goal of 118-131 range after I achieve this one
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    I'm 5'6" with large frame (per wrist test) and 59 yrs old....my personal goal weight is 154-155 lbs. Once there, I may re-look at things. I am focused on lowering BF% to 29% and having leaner muscle mass.