Look at this visual 250 lb woman vs 120 lb woman (pic)


Kinda blew my mind.. I thought u all would like it as well!

These two pictures show body scans of two women approximately the same age and height. The one on the left weighs 113 kg (250 lbs), while the one on the right weighs 54 kg (120 lbs). Accumulated adipose tissue is not the only difference between the two; the obese woman has an enlarged heart and her lungs are somewhat restricted.

Obesity has recently been declared a disease by the American Medical Association. While this does not have any legal ramifications, it may encourage doctors and insurance companies to take more steps in treating and preventing obesity. However, many disagree with the AMA's definition, citing that obesity is a complex issue with multiple causes and treatment options.

Obesity is defined as having a body mass index over 30 kg/m^2. It greatly increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoarthritis.

More info: http://bbc.in/14whyV6


  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Very interesting, cool post.
  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    Very effective photo.. thanks for posting.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member

    These two pictures show body scans of two women approximately the same age and height. The one on the left weighs 113 kg (250 lbs), while the one on the right weighs 54 kg (120 lbs). Accumulated adipose tissue is not the only difference between the two; the obese woman has an enlarged heart and her lungs are somewhat restricted.

    More info: http://bbc.in/14whyV6

    ok what is that black turdey stuff in that 250 pound woman's stomach area? ewww..

    By the way, inside both of them are a 120 pound woman, the one on the left just has more padding to get to it.. but inside, they are the same really.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member

    ok what is that black turdey stuff in that 250 pound woman's stomach area? ewww..

    By the way, inside both of them are a 120 pound woman, the one on the left just has more padding to get to it.. but inside, they are the same really.

    :huh: Really? It's poop and gas. You're full of it too (no pun intended :laugh:) just like everyone else. Everybody poops. lol.

    And no, the bodies are not the same minus the "padding." The obese woman has cardiomegaly (which resulted from her body requiring her heart to pump harder to perfuse blood to her excess tissues), her lungs cannot fully expand (because of displacement from visceral fat), and she has extra visceral fat, predisposing her to T2DM, insulin resistance, and other obesity-related diseases.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    bump. work doesn't let me see the picture
  • misskeara
    misskeara Posts: 8 Member
    Great inspiration- thanks :D
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member

    For the people who don't think its a sickness. Does the fat one look healthy? Heck no
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    It is not just the adipose tissue that sets them apart. Look at the hip, knee and especially the ankle joints. All look compressed and out of alignment. I would like to see a back view as well because I know my back suffered with the extra weight I was carrying and is much better now.

    Seeing this really brings it home the kind of damage being overweight can do to your body, damage that we can't see. Just because you do not have diabetes or high blood pressure etc does not mean you are healthy on the inside.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Really interesting. Thanks for posting!
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member

    Kinda blew my mind.. I thought u all would like it as well!

    These two pictures show body scans of two women approximately the same age and height. The one on the left weighs 113 kg (250 lbs), while the one on the right weighs 54 kg (120 lbs). Accumulated adipose tissue is not the only difference between the two; the obese woman has an enlarged heart and her lungs are somewhat restricted.

    Obesity has recently been declared a disease by the American Medical Association. While this does not have any legal ramifications, it may encourage doctors and insurance companies to take more steps in treating and preventing obesity. However, many disagree with the AMA's definition, citing that obesity is a complex issue with multiple causes and treatment options.

    Obesity is defined as having a body mass index over 30 kg/m^2. It greatly increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoarthritis.

    More info: http://bbc.in/14whyV6

    This is such an eye opener! Thank you.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Bump. The joints are interesting too.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member

    ok what is that black turdey stuff in that 250 pound woman's stomach area? ewww..

    By the way, inside both of them are a 120 pound woman, the one on the left just has more padding to get to it.. but inside, they are the same really.

    :huh: Really? It's poop and gas. You're full of it too (no pun intended :laugh:) just like everyone else. Everybody poops. lol.

    And no, the bodies are not the same minus the "padding." The obese woman has cardiomegaly (which resulted from her body requiring her heart to pump harder to perfuse blood to her excess tissues), her lungs cannot fully expand (because of displacement from visceral fat), and she has extra visceral fat, predisposing her to T2DM, insulin resistance, and other obesity-related diseases.

    yeah and what I was trying to say was that inside every 250 pound woman is a 120 pound woman (or 150 or whatever is your ideal weight).

    Hmmmm on 2nd thought, the 250 pound woman has her organs overworking, and probably damage to parts like knees due to extra weight and the heart having to pound extra hard, so perhaps there is more than we can see, based on deterioration and wear and tear of the overweight body.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    An eye opener, no doubt.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member

    ok what is that black turdey stuff in that 250 pound woman's stomach area? ewww..

    By the way, inside both of them are a 120 pound woman, the one on the left just has more padding to get to it.. but inside, they are the same really.

    :huh: Really? It's poop and gas. You're full of it too (no pun intended :laugh:) just like everyone else. Everybody poops. lol.

    And no, the bodies are not the same minus the "padding." The obese woman has cardiomegaly (which resulted from her body requiring her heart to pump harder to perfuse blood to her excess tissues), her lungs cannot fully expand (because of displacement from visceral fat), and she has extra visceral fat, predisposing her to T2DM, insulin resistance, and other obesity-related diseases.

    yeah and what I was trying to say was that inside every 250 pound woman is a 120 pound woman (or 150 or whatever is your ideal weight).

    Hmmmm on 2nd thought, the 250 pound woman has her organs overworking, and probably damage to parts like knees due to extra weight and the heart having to pound extra hard, so perhaps there is more than we can see, based on deterioration and wear and tear of the overweight body.

    Whoops! Sorry, I misunderstood your 120lb-in-a-250lb-woman statement! My bad!

    But yeah, this is the perfect example of why it's important that the medical community has deemed obesity a disease. Her organs are working harder, certainly. You can really see the difference in the livers, too. I wish there were a posterior shot so we could see the kidneys and the spines to compare. I'm trying to track down the original but I can't find it yet... The photo itself is at least 3 years old.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Wow...makes you think about the health effects of obesity more than the aesthetics...
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank You for posting this
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    It is not just the adipose tissue that sets them apart. Look at the hip, knee and especially the ankle joints. All look compressed and out of alignment. I would like to see a back view as well because I know my back suffered with the extra weight I was carrying and is much better now.

    Seeing this really brings it home the kind of damage being overweight can do to your body, damage that we can't see. Just because you do not have diabetes or high blood pressure etc does not mean you are healthy on the inside.

    This is what I also noticed right away,poor joints!
  • bodyscan_zps67791213.jpg?t=1372265654

    These two pictures show body scans of two women approximately the same age and height. The one on the left weighs 113 kg (250 lbs), while the one on the right weighs 54 kg (120 lbs). Accumulated adipose tissue is not the only difference between the two; the obese woman has an enlarged heart and her lungs are somewhat restricted.

    More info: http://bbc.in/14whyV6

    ok what is that black turdey stuff in that 250 pound woman's stomach area? ewww..

    By the way, inside both of them are a 120 pound woman, the one on the left just has more padding to get to it.. but inside, they are the same really.

    The black turdy stuff is likely brown turdy stuff.
  • dannyw83
    dannyw83 Posts: 1
    That's a real eye-opener...