Killing myself for Nothing



  • I am doing a shake and cleanse program...I have lost 45lbs in just over 3 months. The program is based on the science of getting healthy and the weight loss is the bonus. I have never had more energy or felt this gd in a long long time. I even sleep deeper. just something to think luck
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    Jillian expects five pounds a week.

    Jillian, to put it bluntly, is full of fecal matter.

    Ten pounds in a month is absofrickinlutely incredible progress, and you should be proud. You should also not expect it to continue at that rate, because you don't have enough excess body fat to support that kind of weight loss.

    Ideally, with 44 pounds left to go, you should be aiming for one pound a week. The only thing you should feel depressed about is that your expectations were unrealistic.
    I absolutely agree. 1 pound a week is perfect. I lost 40 pounds over a year. It patient.
  • nccheesehead
    nccheesehead Posts: 15 Member
    Jillian is smoking rope if the goal is 5 per week! slow and steady wins the race... stay positive!
  • gmmendenhall
    gmmendenhall Posts: 24 Member
    No, I had been a stay at home mom for years, took care of myself, ate right and exercised. Then I started working full time in a behavior disorder classroom. I packed on 40 pounds in 2 years by eating school lunches, drinking lots of soda, having treats in the teachers lounge, etc. Plus it was a high stress job.

    So now, I am eating right, will continue packing my lunches for work once it starts back up instead of taking the easy way out and having the school lunch. Then I just have to plan a time in the day to incorporate exercise and I will be okay. I am sensible about the long term, just not very sensible I suppose when I hear JM talking about 5 pounds a week and a jean size in the first week and my weight loss is nowhere NEAR where it could be.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    10 pounds is pretty friggin awesome! You should be proud of your accomplishment. If it were easy everyone would be fit. Try eating a little more then 1200 calories and keep on going.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jillian is an idiot..

    you are losing almost 2.5 pounds a week that is really good..

    at ten pounds a month you will have dropped forty pounds in fourth months..I think a lot of people on here would kill for that...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am doing a shake and cleanse program...I have lost 45lbs in just over 3 months. The program is based on the science of getting healthy and the weight loss is the bonus. I have never had more energy or felt this gd in a long long time. I even sleep deeper. just something to think luck

    what are you cleansing?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    measure yourself. you are probably gaining muscle.

    On that large a deficit doing cardio, the OP is not gaining muscle. If anything she is losing muscle.


    ^ This.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Also, with all of your workouts, is 1200 a day really good for you? I mean, you have quite a bit of weight that you'd like to lose. I don't know your age/weight/height, but 1200 really isn't much. It should be the bare minimum. I'm losing on almost 2000 a day.

    you don't know stats but think 1200 might not be enough??? rolling eyes...ok then...
  • I cleanse because of all the toxins I have consumed from preservatives and chemicals in our food. The toxins build up in our bodies and the way the body protects itself is by storing toxins and free radicals in fat. As I lose weight, toxins are released back into the blood stream. I cleanse 2 days a wk/3 times a month. If you don't cleanse the toxins as u lose weight you end up with very high levels in ur systems which causes to body to want to protect itself and store them as fat again...rebound.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I cleanse because of all the toxins I have consumed from preservatives and chemicals in our food. The toxins build up in our bodies and the way the body protects itself is by storing toxins and free radicals in fat. As I lose weight, toxins are released back into the blood stream. I cleanse 2 days a wk/3 times a month. If you don't cleanse the toxins as u lose weight you end up with very high levels in ur systems which causes to body to want to protect itself and store them as fat again...rebound.

    wat toxins does this process release?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Ten pounds in a remarkable weight loss.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    I cleanse because of all the toxins I have consumed from preservatives and chemicals in our food. The toxins build up in our bodies and the way the body protects itself is by storing toxins and free radicals in fat. As I lose weight, toxins are released back into the blood stream. I cleanse 2 days a wk/3 times a month. If you don't cleanse the toxins as u lose weight you end up with very high levels in ur systems which causes to body to want to protect itself and store them as fat again...rebound.

    The body protects itself by storing toxins in the fat? As opposed to getting rid of it in poop and pee....your logic is sound.
  • 321ccarter
    321ccarter Posts: 2 Member
    I was at 1300 calories a day and burning about 500 - 1000 a day in exercise and was not losing a pound for 3 weeks... I was getting frustrated and my son said to increase my intake to 1400- 1450 a day and in one week I lost 3 pounds. He said my body thought I was starving itself.
  • Junie2013
    Junie2013 Posts: 53
    3.5 lbs a week is pretty unrealistic for most people (aside from quick drops due to water weight). There is only so much your body can burn off at a time.
    10 lbs in a month is fantastic progress.

    You really need to readjust your expectations. You aren't going to keep losing at that rate forever. It gets hard. If you are disappointed with 10lbs in a month what will happen when you hit a plateau (not losing for weeks) or your weight loss slows to 2-4 lbs a month?

    This. Also, you should not feel like you're killing yourself. You want to create habits that you'll keep up forever. If you're unhappy then how do you expect to keep going indefinitely?

    Ditto. Plus, you may need to eat more. Your body is pretty smart about not letting you starve.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Well, I'll agree with the others here. 10lbs is great! What I would do is change up something a little bit, eat like 1,500 cals a day for a week or 2, or tone down the exercise a little. Maybe your body would like a small rest. I heard great results from people who switched something around on their diet. I think you may be working a bit too hard. Depending on how long, the jogging ALONE will be suffice for the food intake you are doing.

    But still... 10lbs is not nothing. I know we all WANT to lose the weight fast, but we can't really expect it...You must put a hult to this idea.. it's just not healthy to think like this... especially with only needing 44 pounds more to go. You are VERY lucky to have even lost 10lbs in all honesty.

    You might try weight lifting, that burns calories and will build some muscle (not like manly muscle, but something that can fill in the gaps later when your fat is gone and skin is hanging, and trust me... it will, EVERYONE complains about this).
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    I cleanse because of all the toxins I have consumed from preservatives and chemicals in our food. The toxins build up in our bodies and the way the body protects itself is by storing toxins and free radicals in fat. As I lose weight, toxins are released back into the blood stream. I cleanse 2 days a wk/3 times a month. If you don't cleanse the toxins as u lose weight you end up with very high levels in ur systems which causes to body to want to protect itself and store them as fat again...rebound.

    wat toxins does this process release?
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I'd be happy with 10 pounds in a month :grumble:

    Congrats :drinker: Celebrate your progress and keep at it :flowerforyou: It takes time, work, patience, and dedication :smile:
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    The only time I could lose 10lbs a month was when I was over 300lbs.
  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member
    10 lbs is awesome. If you think it is nothing...carry around a 10 lb bag of potatoes! That gets heavy after awhile.