Husban Accidentally Cheats on Wife



  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    derp on the typo in the title. My bad.

    As someone who has taken Ambien, I can attest that this is almost possible. What happens is you do things like normal, and at the time, you feel like there is nothing wrong with you. The next day, however, you have only the vaguest memory of things you did, and they seem like a dream. Sometimes you may find something you wrote that might have seemed brilliant at the time but makes little sense when you're not basically high.

    I dunno if he can remember NOTHING though. But then agin, the normal dose is one and he did take two... But it effects people differently too.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I have taken Ambien, and I can buy that you do stuff you don't remember MUCH of, but to lose a whole day and to mow the lawn...LOL
  • megabyt23
    megabyt23 Posts: 580 Member
    I like how this guy doesn't sound remorseful at all...He said his wife is vindictive because she'd be upset he cheated on her while drugged...ummmm.....even if the drugs did cause a black out or whatever...that'd be upsetting to anyone.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I have heard of these things several times. I once had a roommate that would do crazy stuff, as well. Since the person can't remember it, I don't think it would be a big hit. I, personally, like to remember my skills in the sack. Anyhow, this actually doesn't surprise me.

    First actual use case for Google Glasses!
  • lalaland82
    lalaland82 Posts: 176 Member
    I may get some for my other half the lawn needs doing, and if I write I have an STD on the pubic area he probably wouldn't get laid :wink:
  • nuttinbutsuga
    nuttinbutsuga Posts: 12 Member
  • cavanerwifey
    cavanerwifey Posts: 56 Member
    Be a man.
    Tell your wife.
    Stop taking it.
    Find another job.

  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member

    Tripped and fell right? Hate it when that happens.

    ETA: Okay went back and read it. Pretty funny. But wait....if it causes amnesia, then how do you remember that the Ambien induced sex was awesome? **Bullsh|t flag has been raised**
  • IndianMuslim
    IndianMuslim Posts: 154
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I have heard of people cleaning the house and stuff like that in their sleep when on Ambien.

    Maybe I should start taking it. . . .

    Stuff that, slip it into the hubbys meals and he can do the cleaning. Ill just make sure iv locked all the doors and windows and hide the keys so he cant 'accidentally cheat'
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sorry but i just do not believe this story.
  • shastacrystal
    Reminds me of the movie Side Effects. Cray cray!!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    My daughter was prescribed Ambien, and only took it once. She became an Indian woman named Sophia with long black braids, and there was a boy's head floating next to her, but it kept moving when she tried to touch it. After reading this, I'm thankful she can't drive!

    That was a crazy story, Wolfie!
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I took an Ambien once and everyone had denim dreadlocks. It was great.
  • BiblioTrecho
    BiblioTrecho Posts: 26 Member
    My doc describes it as the Tiger trance. Apparently Tiger Woods was on something like that when we ran is SUV into the tree.

    Yeah but I think that one was called “9 iron to the head by angry wife”
  • megabyt23
    megabyt23 Posts: 580 Member

    Tripped and fell right? Hate it when that happens.

    ETA: Okay went back and read it. Pretty funny. But wait....if it causes amnesia, then how do you remember that the Ambien induced sex was awesome? **Bullsh|t flag has been raised**

    hahah they said the the non-drugged partner said it was more creative and inventive...the drugged partner gets screwed.

    hmm...just re-read my post. haha i meant it sucks bc supposedly they don't always remember it...but I guess they get screwed literally as well.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    derp on the typo in the title. My bad.

    As someone who has taken Ambien, I can attest that this is almost possible. What happens is you do things like normal, and at the time, you feel like there is nothing wrong with you. The next day, however, you have only the vaguest memory of things you did, and they seem like a dream. Sometimes you may find something you wrote that might have seemed brilliant at the time but makes little sense when you're not basically high.

    I dunno if he can remember NOTHING though. But then agin, the normal dose is one and he did take two... But it effects people differently too.

  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    Had a girlfriend that took it. Doesn't remember anything after she took it, wrecked her car, and the next thing she knew she was surrounded by cops sometime later while she was just sitting in her car.
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    There are levels to this - get on something else- you don't want a repeat. If you had sex with her how do you know it was protected? Does she have anything, will you contract anything. Will you give something unknowingly to your wife.

    Your in a huge pickle on the cheating part. If my husband was on a drug that caused a side effect of amnesia and he cheated on me. Yeah.. it would cause a grand canyon between us even though it is not truly his fault. Can't help it my territory would have been violated and I would want to kill him. But I might stay with him to work it out and work it out for the kids.

    No ambien -and he cheat - atomic BOMB would go off and effect everything and everyone. Huge difference. Good luck but if you don't tell her and she finds out your in the later category. Or at least that is my opinion. Not her not in yours/hers shoes....
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member

    Tripped and fell right? Hate it when that happens.

    ETA: Okay went back and read it. Pretty funny. But wait....if it causes amnesia, then how do you remember that the Ambien induced sex was awesome? **Bullsh|t flag has been raised**

    hahah they said the the non-drugged partner said it was more creative and inventive...the drugged partner gets screwed.

    hmm...just re-read my post. haha i meant it sucks bc supposedly they don't always remember it...but I guess they get screwed literally as well.
