Many diets have failed for me. Will this really work?



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the fact that MFP is not a diet is really the amazing thing about it.

    its really a tool that allows you to eat just about whatever you want and if you have the discipline, still come in at your calorie and macro goals.

    personally i think your ultimately better off eating 'clean', once you understand that you do what i said in the last sentance, it seems like your not really restricting so much, or at least it gives you more options and insight and consiquently more control.
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    well done on your 6 lb loss,110 is fine if you have a small frame if you are very petit,Im 5 ft 2 and a medium -large frame and 126lbs was the lightest I was ever I was a member of unislim then and I was told if I lost more weight I would be suspended so I went to 134 lbs and it was fine then had a couple of successive pregnancies and here I am again trying to get there!!lol walking and a good diet is a great way to long term weight loss sure it takes time but forget the word diet it places restrictions on you straight away,what you do must be sustainable you wont keep going if its not,this time last year I was about 162lbs now Im at 145 so its going the right way but slow and steady,there are no miracle cures just good food,dont starve yourself and exercise!Best of luck!
  • michellechawner
    Your other diets have failed because this is more of a lifestyle change, like everyone has said.

    What really helped me is making better choices, eating a lot more proteins instead of carbs (yes I still have them, just not like I used to!) And my FitBit. the website here actually REALLY overestimates calories burned... It said I was burning 250 calories on my walks at lunch, I was really only burning about 100. My Fitbit also tracks my sleep, which my doctor is happy as I am on meds that cause sleeping issues and now we can look at it and assess it together.

    I also spend a lot of time behind a desk as I work IT/Tech support for a small telephone company. M-F, 8-5. I walk at lunch, and my co-workers will attest to me getting up randomly and doing jumping jacks, jogging in place, lifting boxes when shipments come in, etc.

    Here are my stats, in case anyone wants a new friend or thinks they can relate:

    Age: 27
    Highest Weight: 167 (2009)
    Lowest Weight: 125 (2011)

    Diagnosed with Moderate FMS (Fibromyalgia) 3/2012

    Started back on here 3/2013: 142
    Today: 128
    Goal: 120 (then I will re-assess)

    You're going to do great OP, just don't be too hard on yourself. I've learned I'm so hard on myself - last night I went out to dinner and enjoyed - and was almost 800 calories over - I felt so guilty - but, I hadn't had a cheat meal in about 6 weeks. It's all about moderation and learning to re-program your ways and makes better choices each and every day.
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    Does it sound like I'm doing the right steps at the moment?
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    I do have a scale and weigh everything so this does help A LOT. I feel like it has been very key in my diet.
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes it will. Don't give up, and be kind to yourself. Oh, and did I say "Don't give up"? Cause, "Don't." I am 5' tall, 41 years old and started at 196. I have been hanging out at 113-117 for the past several months, so you can do it. :)

    That makes me feel a ton better! Knowing someone out there is the same size as me and is able to reach that weight!
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    Hi. I have lost weight a few times in my life on diets and calorie counting alone. And I've always eventually gained it back, plus more. As you age, you are going to gain weight, even if you never changed a thing. So the challenge isn't just simply to maintain your weight by maintaining your calories and exercise, but you have to actually cut calories and/or add exercise as you age. It sounds daunting for someone out of shape and leading a sedentary lifestyle (like me). But like you, I am determined. You have to make this a lifestyle change, or you will fail. Over and over again. Welcome to the club.

    I've been doing zumba and am losing close to 3 lbs a week when I'm doing 4 days of workouts. Have you checked for zumba on their website? There are millions of classes and they are often held in your neighborhood places. I go to one within walking distance of my house and it's at a veteran's hall. I can do in-home workouts, but they don't motivate me as much and I get distracted when I'm just trying to get started, so I try to get 2-3 zumba classes in per week.

    Good luck!
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    The key is consistency and making the right choices. Megan hit the most important point. It is about changing your lifestyle. You can still diet, participate in programs throughout this. As you hit your weight goals you can start setting different goals for muscle mass or BMI, measurements etc.

    You also have to be really honest with yourself about what you eat and burn. Depending on your type of workout ( running vs pure cardio , etc. ) you could even get a heart rate monitor, fitbit and even apps on your gps enabled smartphone. Check out the Apps above to see what you can link to MFP and it will take some of the guess work out of what you are burning. I manage in the IT / Outsourcing field and spend a lot of time behind a desk or in meetings. I am also married and being away from home too long isn't feasible with the kids and my wife working. I walk / run and swim, no monthly fee's and I find both fun. Find every opportunity you can to motivate yourself by doing things that YOU like.

    Thank you. Because you also sound very knowledgable with this, do you think 1200 is too low of a calorie intake goal?
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    This is a lifestyle change and as you continue on with the program you will see how great it will make you feel. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and always remember to lean on the support of the people here on MFP. We are all here on the same journey. I feel the weight you want to get to may be slightly low for you if you felt you were too skinny when you were previously that size. Just gauge as you go, when you feel comfortable with yourself then you can begin to maintain or really push some strength training for toning. But don't give up, stick with it and you will definitely see a change and not just a temporary one, but one that will stay with you from here on out. Keep up the good work.

    That makes sence about the feeling comfortable with yourself then evaulate from there. Thank you.
  • Cullinanmarti
    Cullinanmarti Posts: 72 Member
    You are doing great! Do not worry about joining gyms (a walk with your husband after dinners just as good), or fancy equipment (although go shoes are a must have!) . This is a chance to really make a life style change.. Oh and at your desk, you can always do chair exercises. Remember every little bit helps... Do dips between ph one calls or stand when you take a call. Park in the last row of the parking lot. But the best advice is just be patient, kind and loving with yourself. You have the great blessing of time on your side. Watch and record your diet (the studies show y eat better if you record). Be mindful of your choices but do not judge yourself harshly. Most choices become mistakes only when you fail to change for the better. You are capable of wonderful things and weight loss is only a small part living healthfully. Just lean in to the process. You are capable of soooo much. Good luck and add my as a friend if you so desire.....
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    It's not a matter of whether or not the diet will work. The question is: will you work?

    MFP hasn't been helping me very much, but that's because I find it really hard to stay under my calorie limit, also to be consistent about exercise. I have only myself to blame for that.

    Agree with this.

    Diets or eating healthy even has never failed me before, I failed at them. You have to want it, and more importantly you have to be HONEST with yourself. You'll hit a plateau or gain one week and get upset, but did you REALLY try? Or did you eat like *kitten* for a couple of days during that week? Whenever I get upset about a gain, I look through my diary. Oh, right, I ate Sour Patch Kids 3 days in a row and had chocolate cake and pickles for dinner... Duh.

    Good luck!

    Haha! I really hope you don't eat Chocolate Cake AND pickles for dinner!!! That sounds awful!
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    I'd agree that MFP isn't really a diet plan, more of a calorie counter.

    - forget about the gym. p90x is going to give you a better calorie burn and resistance work out then what 80% or more of gym goers put in

    - consider running outside. spend the treadmil money on new clothes that you'll soon need or perhaps new cooking utensils.

    - The lowest calorie goal in p90x is 1800. they calculate that the program burns 600 cals a day. at 1200 cals input that means your body only has 600 cals to do everthing else it needs too. You'll drop weight hand over fist but a lot of it will be muscle and then it will slow down. recomend you eat at 1800. i see your not really doing the whole program so maybe just add 300 for now so your eating 1500.

    - it probably seems hella gimickie but i do believe in the post workout drink they push. at the very least i recomend eating some crabs and protein immediately after exercise.

    Great Advice. I may just bump up to 1300 and see if I still feel good every day. If I feel rundown I will raise it more.
  • ericthirdrow
    ericthirdrow Posts: 27 Member
    Best of luck!

    Stick with it, even if you have a cheat day here or there to celebrate a birthday, or the 4th of July, or whatever else. No one is perfect and is going go eat 1200 calories or 1300 calories every day for the rest of their life. That's unrealistic and we're human, not robot. Small changes can add up though and it's amazing what even a little portion control and increased exercise can do.
  • mhoeff1
    mhoeff1 Posts: 163 Member
    HI I too am only 5'3 and have the curse of thunder thihgs big butt and hips to go with a smaller waist making fitting into a decent pair of jeans a pain been this way for years even when I was at a good weight all you can do is find a good exercise to get and keep them tone and as for diets not working I have tried several as well and I too failed at many including weight watchers give this a chance before you start to worry youve already lost 6 pounds so keep up the good work ive just started and have made it one of my goals not to worry until ive seen failure so make sure you track what you eat so that others will be able to see if there is something you should work on changing have yourself a happy healthy day
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think first you stop thinking of a diet as something temporary and something that can fail you. Diets fail because people stop following them. Eat a diet that you enjoy and feel you can stick with for the rest of your life. Ideally, the only difference between your diet while losing weight or while maintaining that loss would be the number of calories.

    Just follow the MFP plan and don't try to lose too quickly and you should do just fine.
  • erinhughes113
    erinhughes113 Posts: 21 Member
    Wow. I really appreciate everyones support and advice. Feel free to follow me (add me as a friend) and we can help eachother strive and accomplish our goals. This was a very helpful message board for me FOR SURE. I couldn't have asked for better responces! I definately am going into this with a second wind and a better mind set on the outcome. Thanks again to all of you! :smile:
  • TheRainQueen
    TheRainQueen Posts: 43 Member
    I sent out a friend request to you :) I think a lot of this is way more emotional and psychological for me than physical. That being said, I have tried a lot of different things as far as diets and feel a "lifestyle change" is a better way of looking at it. Think about what you'll be gaining in confidence, self-esteem, loving yourself better rather than "giving things up" for the sake of "dieting". I lost 67 lbs on here by being conscious of calories and working out a lot. 45 of it was in a 3 month period. I did a 1200 calorie diet. You CAN do this. Please don't be hard on yourself. I find it's so easy to go there for a lot of people but stress can also be a factor in weight loss/gain. Hope this helps in some small way - Rain :)
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    Hey Erin!

    I'm so excited that you're doing's really one of my favorite workouts! I think your goal of 110 is great for your height...should fall into the healthy weight range.

    One thing I'd recommend is following the nutrition guide. I think with those workouts, 1200 may not be enough to fuel your body. I was doing the same thing and didn't see the results I wanted, until I upped my calories to around 1600-1800. They are intense workouts and you need to think of food as fuel!

    I'll friend request you...and if you have any questions let me know!
  • ericthirdrow
    ericthirdrow Posts: 27 Member
    Wow. I really appreciate everyones support and advice. Feel free to follow me (add me as a friend) and we can help eachother strive and accomplish our goals. This was a very helpful message board for me FOR SURE. I couldn't have asked for better responces! I definately am going into this with a second wind and a better mind set on the outcome. Thanks again to all of you! :smile:

    You can do it!

    My fiance' and I are about to add the 30 Day Shred to our plans... wouldn't mind adding a little muscle to the fat loss.
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Your goal is not far fetched. That is where you should be for your height. I am exactly that. The thing about all this is that "diets" don't work. It is about living a healthy lifestyle and splurging every once in a while. You must find balance and you will be on track :)