Weight Loss On The Implanon?



  • I've been on Implanon for 3 years & 4 months. I am a little late in having it removed. I actually lost 70 lbs. while I was on it. Dieted and excercised some for some of the weight loss. But about 30 lbs. in I started a new job and couldn't diet and workout the same. I still continued to drop another 40 lbs. That was after about the 1st year in. Since October I have gained approx. 30 lbs back. And I have done nothing different. So I actually think the Implanon made me lose. And now I think it being in over 3 years is throwing my body off. Hopefully when I have it removed this Tuesday w/ a little excercise and diet it will come off!!!
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I had one put in 7 weeks ago. In the last 7 weeks I have lost 6.7kg. In the 7 weeks before I had it put in I lost 7.8kg, so not too much of a difference there really- except I suppose in the last 7 weeks I have done a lot more excercise (30 DS), so I guess you might expect better weight loss.
  • sara_joyce
    sara_joyce Posts: 1
    i hate this thing i gained about 40-50lbs on it. ive had it for a lil over a year now and im stuck with it cause my insurance was dropped. i can get it taken out for $225, but i dont have insurance and cant get on something else after and im not tryna risk gettin pregnant. its driving me insane. my hormones are absolutely insane and i feel sick and bleed nonstop ALL THE TIME!!! i HATE IT!!! i watch my food and workout but nothing happens. i hate hate hate it!!!! its the tube of horror and can go efff itself. worst mistake of my life!! EVER!!
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I think this is common with the long-term doses of hormones. My wife experienced the same thing with Depoprovera. Horrid temper, and weight gain.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Implanon (Or Nexaplanon in my case) hasn't made me gain weight, but it's made me an on and off again psychopath. I'd lost five pounds, got the thing in and my moods went out of whack like I can't even explain. I was crying, screaming, cursing, and generally out of control for the first month. Only raw cookie dough could sooth my moods and I couldn't get motivated to leave my apartment, let alone work out. I put the weight back on, but I don't blame the implant. I could have tried harder to return to sanity, and instead contented myself to be lump on my couch.

    I've since mellowed out and gotten back on track. I don't mind the implant too much, though I sometimes notice I feel restless and am prone to emotional explosions not at all in proportion to the events taking place.
  • I have had implanon for over 5 years now (this is my second insert), and I too have problems losing weight. Within 2 years I gained about 40 pounds. But for the past 1 1/2 I have been at a steady weight. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and I eat about 1500 calories a day. Recently went to my OBGYN for a checkup and explained that I have not been able to lose weight. She explained that it was the implanon, and that everyone reacts differently to it. She recommend that after I finish up my last year on this, to try the Mirena. I just can't shed these last 20 pounds!! Uughgh!! :-(
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    My problems with losing / gaining wieght started after I had it taken out :/

    I loved it.
  • Reynafmedina
    Reynafmedina Posts: 1 Member
    i really think everyone reacts to it diffrently , ahaha im glad im not going crazy neither , but man i have gained so much weight in these 4 months i have gained 20 pounds when i was 120 none of my clothes fit it really sucks and my hormones are going crazy ; i cant wait till i get this out ! i still have to wait till next but man im so glad ill get it out im tired of gaining weight even after watching my calories intake and working out this birth control is crazy im going back to the pill
  • Implanon RUINED my life for 3 years. My doctor denied the fact that any symptoms were due to the Implanon. WRONG!!! I had it removed 2 days ago and I am already starting to feel better. Please avoid this or research it thoroughly before you get it!!! Weight gain,headaches, depression, anxiety, and constant bleeding for months on end!!!
  • flj87
    flj87 Posts: 1
    This Implanon has been the bane of my life for 5 years now! It has been so difficult for me to find a contraceptive method which works for me. I had tried all other methods and when they failed I tried the implant. I had weight loss for the first 9 months and lost roughly a stone without really trying to, however after that I had periods that would last for 3/4 months and my weight just seemed to go up and up. So onto Slimming World I went and I joined the gym and went 4 times a week. It was around this time I was getting married so I was hitting the gym hard and had lost 24lbs over the course of a year so I was pleased at that point. However they then put me on cerazette because I had constant spotting and I've now gained 8lbs over 3 months!! I haven't changed my eating habits, I haven't changed my drinking habits, I'm at the gym 3/4 times a week and am watching what I eat but it still keeps going up and up! Yesterday I had the implant out and stopped taking the cerezette so fingers crossed it will all settle down and drop off again. It has been a never ending nightmare, please choose carefully when the doctors try and push the implant to you!
  • msbluechallenge
    msbluechallenge Posts: 2 Member
    Until I read ALL of these posts I thought I was CRAZY! My Dr recommended this birth contol to help co trol my periods & help lesson my pcos. I was made aware of bleeding issues. Before the implant I had severe pain etc duringy periods & mood swings. I'm also a nutrition science major so I watch what I eat. Got the implant Feb 2013 & its now Nov 2013. I'm 50 shades of phyco crazy & I act likeII'm bi polar. Since August my periods got more painful & still came never shut down. Besides turning into a hateful witch....I gained 20lbs which diet & exercise won't fix. No I loom like my tummy is bloated & I'm bloated as if I'm 6 mo ths preggo....mind u I'mnot. Saw Dr last wk & told him mmyissues so he wrote me a prescription for Zoloft! I haven't picked it up & I refuse to take it. So tonight I decided to do some research. ...almost every place I visit many have side effects like my self. Now granted some love it & I'm happy for them. Yet I don't want to get arrested from shanking someone when I hit my max phyco mode. I made the hard choice by calli g the day after Thanksgiving or next Monday to get this thing OUT! Also a dangerous side effect started in August. Around the time I would tech ovulate my blood sugar would drop to aroumd the low 50s.....this isn't good. Mind you females with pcos the ovaries are trick buggers & also mess with insulin resistance. However I went from 300lbs poumds aroumd 2008 to a size 8 right b4 this implant. Pcos made it hard for me to keep weith off & I changwd my whole life exercise & eating habits around. So gaining 20lbs looking like a sea cow & dangerous drops in blood sugar was my sign to get it out. Nov I'm 4 days late & tbis isy 1st non period....I think. No sex here so I know 100% I can't be preggo. However I'm bloated I hurt & severe cramping. Only thing missing is my actual period. If this is what the price is to pay for NO period. ...I'll rip it out myself. I've also had major migraines, & my boobs went from a small b to a large c & feel like I'm being poked with a cattle prod....they hurt! I'm embarrassed to see ppl outside of work or school. I can't trust my moods & when I flip I've told ppl to die! This isn't me....it's devastating. Thank you for all who posted I feel so much better knowing for the 1st time in almost a yr I'm not alone....& crazy alone!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I gained a lot of weight with Implanon, but it has come off easily.

    *edit to be clear, I still have it. I got my second one in last year.
  • I've had mine about 2 1/2 years. I did notice an increase in appetite the first few weeks but it tapered off. My period is somewhat regular now, went wacky about 4 months after getting it initially. My biggest complaint is my absolute absence of libido.
  • I had my Implanon put in March of 2012 and had it taken out 2 1/2 - 3 weeks ago. When I first went on implanon I weighed 120lbs...1year and 8 months later..I gained 40 lbs. With NO difference in my daily routine between what I ate and how much I worked out. If anything..after I began to notice the weight gain I worked out more and ate healthier. No matter how hard I tried..I couldn't lose a single pound. Not even with diet pills. The pounds kept packing on and on. Not only that..my period was awful. I would have it almost 2 times a month, lasting anywhere ffrom3 days to almost 2 weeks. When I first had Implanon put in..I had my period for 20 days straight. And instantly began the weight gain. My appetite is just awful..no matter how much I eat I want more. The passed two and a half weeks without Implanon I've slowly noticed one to two pounds being shed and my appetite VERY slowly going down. I plan on getting back down to my 120 weight. Because being 5'1"...160 lbs is big. I don't recommend going on implanon!
  • Tiranoua
    Tiranoua Posts: 24 Member
    I guess everybody is different. I had implanon for 3 years and had it renewed in December with Nexplanon. I've had no issue with weight gain/loss. The only issues I had was mood swings and significant reduction in libido. Also, my periods stop for a long period of time. On implanon it was a year before I had one again and my hormones were wacky. This one I have now, I haven't had a period since it was put in. After reading the posts on this thread it never crossed my mind that I could be gaining weight because of it, but I'll definitely keep my eye on any fluctuations. However, it may be hard to decipher whether the implant is causing weight gain, or just bad healthy lifestyle choices.
  • clarebear230786
    clarebear230786 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been on it nearly 4 years and although I know it's not the implant that puts weight on it is partly responsible for my more severe sweet cravings!! I never used to have cravings like I have since having that in. I do believe weight loss is possible on it, you just have to make the decision that it isn't going to stop you :)
  • I have Implanon. I'm 5'3 1/2. When I first got it I weighed 125. I am no 165. I feel disgusting and I'm thinking about cutting it out of my arm.
  • hi, I have the implanon, I have problems with my weight too... I feel so awful because I cant stop to gain pounds... I need some help.. if someone know how could I lose that I appreciate it..

    I've been eating good, I don't eat junk food ... but im not doing exercise because I feel so tired... so anyone can give an advice please.. im desesperate.
  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member

    I gained two stone while on the implant. I had a 1200 cal diet which was clean and went to the gym 4 times a week despite feeling groggy and tired.
    I was still not losing weight. I did not want to remove the implant as I like not having to worry about contraception. However, I felt I had no choice as it was really getting me down. I got it removed a week ago. Since then- I have continued to do what I was doing- 1200 cal diet and going to the gym. I have more energy so my work outs are better but other than that I haven't changed anything. One week on and I have lost 4 lbs. I am really hopeful that I might actually be able to get back to feeling like me again.

    I would say if you cannot loose weight and you diet is good then get it out! It isn't worth feeling miserable over it. xx
  • Lady_Aaliyah
    Lady_Aaliyah Posts: 4 Member
    Did you Dr tell you it was the Implanon or something else?