I Want That Time Back!!!



  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Quite the contrary, I actually enjoy bad movies. Especially bad horror movies. If I can give an award to best worst movie EVER it would be:


    Absolutely hilarious.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    When I was about 16, I was visiting my older sister (she would have been 24) and her friend's husband rented a movie for us all to watch for movie night. It was called "Spanking the Monkey" - I sh1t you not there is a movie called Spanking the Monkey and yes it is actually about spanking the monkey.

    It was probably supposed to be some thought provoking indie film but it was complete and utter CRAP
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    :heart: MST3K
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I unfortunately have many moments of time wasted due to my bf loving the most idiotic and gross movies. The most recent one? The abc's of death...a bunch of short stories.There was one about farting, one with a chick with a giant penis for a sword fighting another girl shooting vegetables out of her hoo ha.There were many others that should of left me blind :/
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    Quite the contrary, I actually enjoy bad movies. Especially bad horror movies. If I can give an award to best worst movie EVER it would be:


    Absolutely hilarious.

    Might I suggest to you, Monsturd, then.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    this movie called 2 girls 1 cup. i should have known something was weird about the movie when other people told me they wanted me to videotape myself watching it.

    I almost puked after 10 seconds. Shut it off and had nightmares about it. Disgusting doesn't even begin to describe it.

    Yeah, don't even go there.
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    The Eragon movie. I walked out grumbling that I should not only get my time but my money back as well.

    OMG, THIS! The books were so good, but the movie was TERRIBLE!
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    Les Mis. I've seen the show twice on Broadway and it was phenomenal. So, after the movie got such amazing reviews I just went ahead and bought it. I BARELY made it even halfway through before I shut it off completely disgusted with how they ruined my favorite show of all time. I wish I had that time back and that money back!
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    I had this feeling the other night when I watched Magic Mike. I had heard great things about it (from my girlfriends) so I was kind of looking forward to it. I wanted a decent storyline to go with the half-naked well-shaped menfolk dancing and gyrating around, but it fell really short. I kept wondering when it would be over and even checked to see how long it was at one point. I would have just turned it off, but I wasn't watching alone. *sigh*
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    OMG- Let me in.

    My fiance and I were in the movie theater watching it... after a half hour, we looked at each other and said "it'll get better, I'm sure of it". Finally, after 1.5 hours, he says "It'll get better... " I told him "well, it's a 2 hour movie, and it's been 1.5 hours, they should be at the climax now, I doubt it's getting better!"

    Worst. Movie. EVER
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    I had this feeling the other night when I watched Magic Mike. I had heard great things about it (from my girlfriends) so I was kind of looking forward to it. I wanted a decent storyline to go with the half-naked well-shaped menfolk dancing and gyrating around, but it fell really short. I kept wondering when it would be over and even checked to see how long it was at one point. I would have just turned it off, but I wasn't watching alone. *sigh*

    Yea Magic Mike definitely lacked plot line. I think they were hoping that the stripping would make up for it. It didn't.
  • MidlifeGlowUp
    MidlifeGlowUp Posts: 91 Member
    Silent Hill Revelations. I went hysterically blind within the first 30 minutes. Why must the women in horror films be so very stupid?
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    A hansel and gretal movie from redbox. I thought it was the new witch hunter one. Lol no. It was so predictable and terrible. I love movies based on stories from when I was a kid but that one was bad.

    I couldn't even finish this one. I am a horror movie fanatic but this was the stupidest thing I have ever watched. EVER.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That's never happened to me. If I am about 20 minutes in and don't like it, I push stop and watch something different.
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    Quite the contrary, I actually enjoy bad movies. Especially bad horror movies. If I can give an award to best worst movie EVER it would be:


    Absolutely hilarious.

    Might I suggest to you, Monsturd, then.

    And bad, bad, so bad its awesome...Manos the Hands of Fate (Its an MST3K and I don't know if you can find it as a stand alone). I promise you will want to overstuff the legs of your pants and go as Torgo for Halloween.
  • mfrkorey
    mfrkorey Posts: 176 Member
    I actually walked out of the theater while watching Cool World (1992)
    I was young and a Brad Pitt fan. I don't even remember what it was about now. :laugh:
  • lizamichelle1
    lizamichelle1 Posts: 36 Member
    I unfortunately have many moments of time wasted due to my bf loving the most idiotic and gross movies. The most recent one? The abc's of death...a bunch of short stories.There was one about farting, one with a chick with a giant penis for a sword fighting another girl shooting vegetables out of her hoo ha.There were many others that should of left me blind :/

    I watched that! They were all stoopid but I found 3 of them kind of funny. The one about the little boy being afraid of the toilet, the one with the parakeet , and the one with lady trying to flush the poo. Granted they all ended badly and disgusting but up until the end I found them funny.

    But overall another waste of time.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    Quite the contrary, I actually enjoy bad movies. Especially bad horror movies. If I can give an award to best worst movie EVER it would be:


    Absolutely hilarious.

    Might I suggest to you, Monsturd, then.

    And bad, bad, so bad its awesome...Manos the Hands of Fate (Its an MST3K and I don't know if you can find it as a stand alone). I promise you will want to overstuff the legs of your pants and go as Torgo for Halloween.

    I absolutely love Manos, the Hands of Fate. I have it on VHS in a 3 pack series:laugh:
    And thanks, I will check out Monsturd, it sounds like it will be loads of fun. (pun intended)
    Plan 9 from Outer Space! This is a must to watch. Anything by Wood.

    Will do!
  • lizamichelle1
    lizamichelle1 Posts: 36 Member
    Then you may also like Human Centipede 2. I only saw the second one, I believe. I will NEVER see the first.