Not so much a rant and profile pictures

Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
First things first I am not saying whether or not you post a profile picture of yourself is dependent of what anybody else thinks. I am not going to be calling any one a coward because they are unwilling to post a image representing themselves. I know my level of required privacy on here is different here than any other person. This is a question I have with my fellow MFP users on how you treat people with image, differently than those with out. I'm not talking about people that you are attractive to, but all photo user vs non. Does having a face to the name make it more personal? Does it help you encourage more? How much does their smile in their picture add to their words of encouragement? Because for me it seems to be an important factor early on. I have plenty of friends that choose inspiring quotes or pictures instead of photos. And they are great, but I have noticed faster support connections with people that have posted true pictures of themselves. I'm quicker to let my guard down, quicker to trust. Not to say this is permanent. A good MFP friend is a great commodity on here. When you have someone constantly lifting you up it covers up the fact I have no face to the name, but early on I find that photo helps


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    But that is my Face :-)
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    I run from cameras so there are very few pictures of me. I've had too many negative comments when I do get the courage to post a picture of myself. I realize I should not care what other's think, but when you have low self esteem and are self conscious to begin with...the comments only make things worse. On top of that...I am very, very shy.:blushing:
  • AJinBirmingham
    I like people to have real faces (and bodies) so have posted pictures of myself.

    (The only people NOT allowed to see all of my activity on here are my close family and friends, because they're "feeders" and generally unsupportive. They think I'm too skinny - 5'5'' and a solid 128 lbs, perfectly healthy - and have a "gym addiction." Sheesh, all the addictions running rampant in this world, including in my own family, and I should be concerned with my time on the elliptical? No. Just no.)
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I run from cameras so there are very few pictures of me. I've had too many negative comments when I do get the courage to post a picture of myself. I realize I should not care what other's think, but when you have low self esteem and are self conscious to begin with...the comments only make things worse. On top of that...I am very, very shy.:blushing:
    I also run from cameras. I sometimes think I look really good in the mirror take a photo and its horrible. I can't take good pictures I have no idea why
    You safe from shaming here. You post pictures only when it's right for you. That's your decision. I am just opening up a dialog that might be affecting you. Are people with out photos treated differently than those with photos. Is the problem worse for men. Are more women stand offish is a man decides to be totally anonymous. Do you ignore friend requests from people without photos?
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I like to see faces as well. It does help make things a bit more personal. For those who only show body shots I wish they had a face to with go with it. I wouldn't feel awkward communicating with a headless person! LOL That's just my opinion.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    But that is my Face :-)

    You have such a cute face too ......
  • mdamronjr
    mdamronjr Posts: 4
    People aren't proud of how they look. I work hard, I want to show it off, simple as that.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I enjoy when people have a picture because it feels like I've almost actually met them, but I think that you can discern a lot from the pictures that people put up (like a doggie :happy: or their kids) because it shows what is important to them. So even if it isn't a picture of them, I feel that those pictures still a good representation of them. Confidence builds slowly, especially when it comes to weight (regardless of how people will or will not be judged), so I understand that maybe some people might not be ready for that step and it actually makes me want to encourage them more. The pictures of celebrities and such are things that I don't really get as a profile picture either. But it wouldn't deter me or encourage me either way. I applaud the people who do put up pictures of themselves, but I still have the same good connection with those who don't have pics up.
  • bunnybonbonslayer
    I guess for me, it's knowing I can go on a rant about my job (b/f boss, g/f, dog, neighbor etc) and can keep from getting busted if no one really knows what I look like. I can pretend it wasn't me...

    But I agree, it is easier to get personal with people when you can see their face.
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    It does seem easier to make a friendly connection if a person has a face. It doesn't deter me from adding those without a "real" picture, but I sometimes wonder....who are you? LOL! Silly, right? I know, but it's true. I think posting pictures is probably difficult for some people, but it could be a good thing if you think about it. People can certainly see your accomplishments if you show them your true self.
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    It doesn't matter to me either way if people on here have a profile pic or not. It doesn't impact at all how I interact with them. I have added people with pics and those without.
    That being said, I'm a bit of an anomaly on the internet because I don't really call people my friends unless I have actually met them in person and have become friends in real life. I don't like to get to know people on the internet. I like to encourage, be supportive, give advice, get advice, read, interact through written word, and generally help improve myself and others, but I reserve my attachments and emotion for people I can touch.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I dont' care if they have personal pics or stock photos found online, but I am a little leary of anyone with the generic blue person photo.
  • nope31
    nope31 Posts: 174
    Can you please repeat the question?
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    I agree that a picture of the user is more personal. But my current image is a sign of support for a friend here on MFP. It is to honor their struggle and to remind them to make the lawls. Its all about the lawls.
  • DragonSpark
    Doesn't matter to me either way, however I do think the pictures of things other than people's faces gives more of a glimpse into their personality.

    I absolutely love your ticker BTW. =)
  • shell2belle
    shell2belle Posts: 23 Member
    I'm shy and embarrassed of how I look, so I chose my awesome dog who never judges. (Not implying that anyone here judges, but I have very few pictures of myself). You're right though, it's much easier to make connections with people when you know what they look like. Maybe I'll gather up the courage to take a picture eventually, but for now, my pup will have to do. :D
  • blacklaceroses
    blacklaceroses Posts: 48 Member
    I love photos................but i understand those who don't but i always wondering what they look like. *shrugs*
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    I love seeing pictures on this site! I love the progress bar too, seeing in multiple ways where different people are on their journey!
    I dont treat people any differently (I always go by the golden rule, not something so pointless and uncontrollable as appearance!)
    This is one of those websites where I'll accept any friend request no matter what..(unless theyre a jerk, i havnt met any of them here! !:) facebook on the other hand is something where i actually have to know someone lol.
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    What's the question?

    In regards to your photo, in making relations a headshot or shoulders up with you smiling at the camera will always be the fastest way to connect with people or break the ice. But body shots or random images are fine. It's your MFP account right? Your choice! Go crazy!

    PS: Also, with most if not all aspects in life, if it's something uncomfortable it'll usually lead to greater things. It's that comfort zone you have to be wary of.
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    I pay little to no attention to a posters profile photo. Some of the really creative or funny non-photo avatars are great and I appreciate those for a quick chuckle.

    Bottom line; I'm not here to bond with posters or make friends (real life or virtual) so a lack of photo has no bearing on whether I respond to a post. When I glance at the chit-chat section of the MFP boards I'm consistently baffled by the number of threads that involve commenting on a persons photo, or saying something "about the person above you". Just.Don't.Get.It.

    My time on MFP is hit and run; I come in to log food, and quickly scan the forum for mostly health/nutrition topics that interest me and that I might be able to help someone to answer their question.
    There is no extra time in my day to amass thousands of posts, or to spend anytime ruminating on what the person posting above me looks like or what their nickname might be.