Can't understand not being able to get all your calories...

It just blows my mind!! I feel so jealous every time I read this! I literally can't imagine what that is like, or how it leads to weight gain....

Anyone able to enlighten me in my ignorance?


  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    I've noticed when I eat a lot of vegetables it can be a challenge.
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    Usually, those people are miscalculating and/or lying to themselves and/or depriving themselves to be dramatic.

    It's just so "amazing" how a 350 pound 5'3" female that's 35 and has been overweight her whole life eating tons of god knows what can download MFP and magically 6 days later "can't bear" to eat 1400 calories in a day.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I've never experienced that problem. :frown:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sometimes I can't get quite to goal because my carb count is too high and I can't find any pure protein to eat to keep it down. I have T2 and have to keep my carbs low. But I don't do it on a regular basis.

    However, for someone that has no medical restriction, I don't see how they cant get in all their calories.

    How it leads to weight gain? Someone can explain the science of that situation better than I. :)
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    when i don't eat meat or processed carbs it takes me a lot to get to 1500 calories in a day
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Usually, those people are miscalculating and/or lying to themselves and/or depriving themselves to be dramatic.

    It's just so "amazing" how a 350 pound 5'3" female that's 35 and has been overweight her whole life eating tons of god knows what can download MFP and magically 6 days later "can't bear" to eat 1400 calories in a day.

    This times infinity.
  • jinna86
    jinna86 Posts: 93
    I've never experienced that problem. :frown:

    Me neither. I wish I had problems like that :tongue:
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    Stumps me! I look at peoples diaries somedays and notice they dont eat past afternoon tea - um can't rememebr the last time I did that.......
  • erikalanem
    erikalanem Posts: 48
    Ive done vegan, gluten free (at the same time) before and didn't have that, seriously, I did....but I do love to cook, so maybe that's the difference...I made some killer black bean and sweet potato enchiladas....and lots of other great stuff, didn't even lose weight....
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I never used to understand it either, but lately it's made more sense to me because I've really cleaned up my diet. When you're eating nothing but veggies, fruits, and some lean proteins, it IS really hard to eat enough calories. For that exact reason, I eat "clean" (paleo, actually) about 80% of the time and allow myself treats the rest of the time. Without the treats, I would never even come close to hitting my calorie goals.

    Then again, I aim to eat almost 1800 calories a day. It does still blow my mind how some people can't reach even 1200 calories. Like, cook with some olive oil or something! It's really not hard!
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Usually, those people are miscalculating and/or lying to themselves and/or depriving themselves to be dramatic.

    It's just so "amazing" how a 350 pound 5'3" female that's 35 and has been overweight her whole life eating tons of god knows what can download MFP and magically 6 days later "can't bear" to eat 1400 calories in a day.

    Not everyone is overweight because of what they eat. Issues with the thyroid can make it even hard for someone to determine whether or not they are hungry and can also stall the metabolism.Now that my thyroid is now properly working when I used to count calories I had trouble reaching my calorie goal
  • cuddingm
    cuddingm Posts: 41 Member
    I have had days were I do not meet my calorie count mainly because I am eating foods like celery and watermelon, low calorie or "negative" calorie foods. The gaining weight part of being under calorie intake is that your body is not knowing when it is going to get the proper nutrients next so it holds on to everything that you give it. It puts all the food into fat stores making you gain weight. That is what is commonly called starvation mode. Your body enters starvation mode when not giving proper nutrients for a period of time. I have a few friends that do not eat enough in a day and this happens to them and I have other friends who don't eat enough and are super thin. Depends on the individual.
  • jennagoogles13
    Not being able to eat enough to get to your 1200 calorie goal = 1st world problem...
  • foot1647
    foot1647 Posts: 92
    I don't log most of my Veggies or Fruits because I don't feel they should take up my daily food requirements/calories. Fruits and veggies are a necessity to me so I just eat them whenever I want and not log it, unless its with a meal (sometimes) like today I had a banana with lunch and I was at my desk so I just added it all together. But if I want a snack and make a salad with 10 different veggies I just eat it, guilt free anyways so I don't count it.

    I couldn't possibly be the only one who does this? My calorie goal according to MFP is 1,650/day (without cardio) and I'm always within 200 calories, give or take, from that without fruits and veggies being logged anyways. I also do measure out with measuring cups and spoons how much I am eating so when when I put 2 tsp of mustard on a sandwich, I actually am. If I say I ate 15 potato chips because that's a serving on the bag I will actually count 15 chips so I can log it correctly. I find it fun and entertaining.
  • erikalanem
    erikalanem Posts: 48
    Thank you all for sharing! I def understand better now, I think I am just too much of a foodie, when you give me dietary restrictions, I get creative! But I don't stop eating full meals... Anyways, thanks!!! :) And some of you made me laugh! I gotta go to bed, my workout is only 6 hours away!!!
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    1. Not everyone is over weight for the same reason. Me, I got over weight after having 4 children while being under the assumption It was my responsiblity to "eat for two" when in reality I only needed to eat about 400 cals above maintenance.
    2. healthy food goes further than junk food. If I eat nothing but ravioli, treats, and pretty much non satisfying food (that is ussually triple the cal intake per serving) I could eat 3000 calories easy without even trying, but when I eat lean chicken breast, and vegies, and things with sufficient protien ect, it not only has a lot less cals per serving (leaving more food to eat through the day) but keeps me full longer.
    3. With the dieting myth that you pretty much have to starve yourself to lose weight, so many people's metabolism has been out of wack for years, I see that in my friends here, and my friends in the real world.
    4. drinking your calories. I used to drink so many calories, sweet tea alone... I don't even want to think about it lol, but does sweet tea fill you up? no, it just replaced the water that I now drink that has 0 calories. And then theres those that had a soda habit... do you know how much room for food calories that leaves if they gave it up (mostly)?

    Point being, not everyone is the same. We came here to learn better eating habits and as you can see from above, can result to a larger food intake than what we were actually eating before.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I don't usually have that problem myself, but watching portion sizes and eating healthier foods with a lower calorie count could fill you up before your goal (depending on what it is).

    Other people have different reasons for having gained weight in the first place. For me, it was mostly drinking (and not watching portion sizes on pasta). When I cut back on this a bit, I definitely couldn't consume even close to the amount of calories I had been drinking a lot.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    Usually, those people are miscalculating and/or lying to themselves and/or depriving themselves to be dramatic.

    It's just so "amazing" how a 350 pound 5'3" female that's 35 and has been overweight her whole life eating tons of god knows what can download MFP and magically 6 days later "can't bear" to eat 1400 calories in a day.

    ^ This. Denial's a son of a *****.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I have a problem with food for over a year. If I eat to fast or too much oil I get dizzy. I also had heart problems from years of heavy drinking, previously a smoker and use to eat super greasy food every day. So I took the wake up call quit all drinking and smoking and ate little to no fats unless it was in veggies, fish, or chicken naturally I didn't eat it. I also at my worse was afraid to eat because I knew eating was going to make me dizzy. So I wouldn't eat but one meal a day. Plus nuts and oats here and there. My bad cholesterol went way down, my heart got healthier and I gained weight. For a year I gained weight which confused the hell out of me. Until last march I found this site and learned about eating too little. The first month I was having trouble breaking 1k calories, but I was eating raw veggies and grilled skinless chicken. Now that I have lost some weight I seem to tolerate oil better but still can't go crazy. I know I am truthful to myself about my intake because I my body forces me to be. I now eat 1.5k or more calories a day but it was a struggle at first and I defiantly wasn't losing much weight until I was closer to 1.5k. It wasn't until I could have a piece of pizza every once in awhile till I went over my goal

    If you don't eat enough your body stores all it can in fat and when it does burn energy it burns muscle over fat. So weaker body and fatter body. Starving your body can cause weight gain. That's why all those staving kids in those commercials have little beer bellies. The body is trying its best to optimize your energy take less calories to burn muscle than fat. Thus your BMI is lower. Body is protecting you but at the same time making your fat percentage go up. Every carb that you take in is stored instead of burned as energy
  • WMackS
    WMackS Posts: 4
    The problem isn't getting all the calories, Anyone can eat 3,000 calories of fatty burgers, cake and icecream... It's getting all your calories while hitting your macros (protein/carbs/fat)

    Generally, its good to get

    1g of protein/lb of bodyweight
    0.5g of fat/lb of bodyweight

    and fill the rest with carbs. That isn't so easy if you're not used to it