


  • foot1647
    foot1647 Posts: 92
    I love water but find that I enjoy it 100 times more when its so cold its almost going to freeze. I'm not a fan of ice cubes since I use a metal water bottle, but I have a pitcher of water in my fridge and if I don't want water immediately I'll fill my bottle up and stick it in the freezer for 10 or so minutes.
  • JoesphBiden
    Try having a big glass of water before and after meals
  • bunny92441
    bunny92441 Posts: 42
    I have a 20 oz bottle that I bring to work every day. I know I can drink 3 of these a day. One bottle between 8 & 10, one between 10 & 12 and one between 12 and before I leave at 4:30pm. Some days when I gets really hot, I have no problem drinking more.
    It's easier for me to count to 3 than it is to count to 8. :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    The 8 glasses a day of "pure water" is a myth, so if you don't like it you can drink coffee, juice, milk, pop etc in order to keep hydrated.

    juice is terrible. it is straight sugar. milk is also not healthy unless it's almond. drinking the purest form of liquid is really best.

    For hydration purposes it doesn't matter. Obviously if it contains calories you would have to count into your daily total.
    Milk contains a good amount of protein, calcium, potassium, Vit A & D so I do believe it can be considered healthy.
    Coffee, as well as supplying your body with water for little or no calories, has shown to prevent type 2 diabetes, cancer, as well as help with depression and Parkinson's disease.
    I'm not sure why water is considered the "best" source of hydration.
    ^Agreed. You don't have to stick to just plain water for hydration. I drink quite a lot of plain water, but my body also uses the water in my coffee, tea, fruit/herbal teas and milk, as well as soup and other foods. Water doesn't stop being water when you add other things to it. As it happens, I don't drink juice or soda, because I just don't enjoy them enough to justify the calories, but if I did - they would be hydrating me.

    There's also no magic amount of water you should drink. It depends on the individual and can be affected by climate and activity level. If your urine is a pale straw colour, then you're well hydrated.