Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • YourFriendBecky
    I started out my day with an unplanned lunch out in a restaurant. Later on daughter had made dinner and drinks and dessert. I wasn't going to try to count calories for the day-- figured it was impossible-- but there will always be things like this and I decided to just make an educated guess. I'm afraid that not logging my food will be a slippery slope, so I just have to do my best!

    I agree with what kappyblu said about how it's so nice to be able to work on losing weight while still eating normal foods.

    Stephanie, good for you standing up for yourself at the doctor! Keep us updated!

    Welcome to everyone that just joined! (Actually, we're all pretty new, since the group just started.) : )

  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    You are right Becky, sometimes life happens and we can only do our best with our eating. It is times like that which are our true tests. Even if for some reason our calories do go over does not mean that we have sabatoged our plan. There will always be things that we can not control in our lives the true test after we eat off plan is whether we get back on plan as soon as we can or if we allow this to sabatage all our plans. I know what my choice would have been in the past and I hope that my choice is different now. Everydat is a new day and everyday we have to decide what we are going to do that day.
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    This group is gonna help me keep at it.... am 6 pounds away from 100 pound loss..... and I have that much more to lose again... So. thanks guys here we go.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • YourFriendBecky
    WOW, Mary, when you hit that 100 pounds be sure and tell us so we can throw you a virtual party on here! I am so amazed and proud of you!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    (I wish there was a smiley for a standing ovation.)
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    Starting out my day on a good foot, I have been stuck in a so so place lately. Not going over my calories but not eatting real health. This is a life style change not just a quick fix!:happy: So today I am taking care of me and watching everything I do and eat closely. I am starting my day on here reading what others are doing and how it's working for them, and if I start to waver I will turn to you for help, not do the same old things that don't work.:flowerforyou: . So heres to a great Wednesday everyone:drinker: Thanks for all you do to help!
  • traclin
    traclin Posts: 15
    Hey everybody! I wanted to make a couple of comments about the posts I have been reading. I know I personally am pretty quiet in public, I don't want to draw attention to myself anymore than my weight already does. This offers a sense of unanimity which helps me be me. I think you all have such wonderful personalities and I commend you all for having the guts and using your power to make this journey. Whether it be standing up for yourself for a surgery, admitting that your tummy works the appliances in your kitchen, or that you just had a bad food day. Kudos to all of you for sharing your human moments because your guts to share that helps me (and I bet a few others) feel OK about being human too.

    The post above about removing yourself when the weight gets to be more than we can process is exactly what happened to me. I chose this picture because it is exactly what I was doing with the weight. This picture was taken 2 days ofter my 37th birthday last month and is an exact representation of where I was emotionally with the weight. Well folks, it's time to pop that bubble!!

    I had another appointment at the clinic yesterday for my weekly weigh in and food consult and I wanted to share a few things they have told me so far. If this info is common knowledge forgive me but I was completely illiterate to healthy food choices. Eat loads of fresh veggies and fruit, nuts (lower fat nuts), at least 8 cups (or 4 16.9 oz bottles) of water a day. Other changes like whole grains in bread and cereals. Orowheat makes those sandwich thins that are really good and for a bread lover it is a life saver. Also brown rice instead of white rice, they have instant that prepares the same and really does not taste much different. Just a few things I have been educated on so for and thought I would share. I was told to stay on the outside of the grocery store, produce, dairy, meats. If I have to venture into the middle isles I keep it to light or fat free things, 100 cal packs things like that.

    This info has been pretty helpful to me. I have been paying attention to my food choices for 3 weeks as of tomorrow and am down 16.6 pounds so far. Maybe a little nugget of this might help one of you! I have not really exercised at all yet, I will kick that in when I hit the first plateau. OK folks, lets go concur this day. It is supposed to be 110 here today hopefully I will sweat a pound or 2 off thanks to good old Mother Nature. Happy Wednesday!
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    Congrats Marymooster on sticking with it for almost 100. I have at least that much also.

    I have heard that before about shopping the outer edge of the store. Though I think it demands a reminder now and again. All the small changes we can do add up to a large change. We CAN do this. We WILL do this.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    Thanks for the tips, Traclin! :flowerforyou:
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Sign me up! I've got 182 pounds to loose and I'm raring to go!
  • katherb
    katherb Posts: 10 Member
    i need to count me in
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    I know I personally am pretty quiet in public, I don't want to draw attention to myself anymore than my weight already does.

    This is so me! As my weight crept up, I became more & more uncomfortable in my own skin & pulled away from people. So along with losing this extra weight, I've decided to add something back, more friends, be them virtual ones and in real life. I'm not going to let my weight (or my perception of my weight) hold me back anymore. I may be overweight, but I'm a pretty cool chick. :bigsmile:
  • YourFriendBecky
    I have a few long-distance friends that I used to do things with when we lived closer, but currently I don't have much of a "real life" social life, either. We recently moved to a new town and I work at home and don't meet anyone, really. My social life is living vicariously through my daughter... sad, I know! She has a great social life because she knows so many people from school.

    Truthfully, though, much as I'd like to have one or two "real life" friends to go out for coffee with or something, I like my solitude, also, and really enjoy the internet as a way to socialize. Plus, like someone said, the anonymity and distance makes me feel a bit more free to share things I might not share otherwise. And how often, in real life, would it be possible to meet so many people in a similar circumstance, needing to lose 100 pounds or more? Not likely. So this is great.

    Traclin, thanks for sharing all the info you've been learning, that's great advice. Congrats on losing so quickly! Do they have you on really low calories? 16 pounds in 3 weeks is a lot!

    I wanted to recommend something, too. I'm using MFP in conjunction with a book called "I Can Make You Thin" by Paul McKenna. He had a TV show on TLC a couple of years ago, and I decided to finally buy his book, which comes with a CD. The book is about learning to tune in to when you're really hungry and when you're satisfied. So many of us, me included, tend to eat too fast and then keep eating even after we're satisfied. He suggests sometimes eating with your eyes closed so that you're not eating based on how much food is left on the plate. I tried it at breakfast, and sure enough, I was full 3/4 of the way through my bowl of cereal, so I tossed the remainder.

    The CD is the best part, though. It's like a deep relaxation where he gives you all these suggestions about visualizing your slender self and imagining what you'll be doing day to day as a slender person. Also helps you feel more positive about eating healthy foods and exercising. And it's soooooo relaxing! I've only listened to it twice now, at bedtime, but it's the kind of thing that would be really helpful in the middle of a stressful day, too.

    Hope everyone's week is going swimmingly!

  • mrtechaddict
    Count me in. I've already lost 100 lbs in about 6 months, but I still need to lose 100 more. This site has made a HUGE impact on me. I can actually see what I'm eating and what it's doing to me, and reading posts from so many successful people helps, too. I'm more than happy to share anything and everything I've learned along this journey and I look forward to hearing about everyone else's success.

  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Oh goodness what a day. I went to a friend's yesterday and today to help her clean house, mainly the kids' bedrooms. Spent about an hour cleaning. The rooms were upstairs so I was up and down the stairs. My knees are killing me, but when we got home, my son and I went in and started cleaning his room. I know I am going to pay for it tomorrow!!
  • Barbie55127
    Barbie55127 Posts: 13 Member
    I have 96lbs to lose count me in!!!
  • YourFriendBecky
    Welcome new people! King, I'm blown away that you lost 100 since the beginning of the year! That is so awesome and amazing.

    If I had only stuck with that diet I started on New Year's... LOL

  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    If you're just not ready to lose the just isn't gonna happen. I know that feeling only too well. This is my second time around. I had lost 80 lbs with WW, but I quit going and quit working program.......and so here I am, gonna do it again. With this group and the support here gives me hope for the long haul. I've been on the site about 10 days, but only three days ago did I actually get on th scale. I was scared to see that number. But now I'm ok....and I look forward to going on the site and keeping my diary. I'm more motivated now because of this group. I believe I'm ready to do this journey for the last time.
    Thank you all for being there. "Chat" again tomorrow.....B-)
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    I'm working on adding friends from our group....just love the atmosphere here. It gives me the hope that I can actually lose this weight and that I am not alone on this journey. And I need all the friends I can get here.
    So thanks Ellen and thank you group. Have a good tomorrow!
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Plain black coffee is 0 points on Weight Watchers......that means free. It's all the other stuff you put in it. Have you checked out some of the fat free and/or sugar free nondairy creamers? They're not too terribley high in calories compared to nonfat milk in your coffee. I'm just sooooo spoiled when it comes to my coffee. It's gotta taste good or I just won't drink it. I's not like I drink coffee all day. B-)
  • YourFriendBecky
    Does coffee ever make you feel hungrier? I've noticed that it does with me. I do love coffee, though, especially with cream... though I usually drink it black.