Upset ...Closed minded people



  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    Oh I would be sharing that story (as well as their business details, website, address, phone, FB page, etc.) on every social media account I could get my hands on!!!
    GREAT IDEA! In fact, can you share the name of the store? Please don't if it's against the MFP rules, but man oh man... we could flood them with negative reviews.
    Yes, I'm sure that some negative reviews about their not wanting to buy someone's clothing will hurt business. Doesn't everyone check ratings before checking out second hand clothing stores?


    Really, people... get over it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    u are beautiful! post full body pics I will bet you are a please!!:)
    Best from Nyc
    Kristian Rocco

  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I don't blame you for being upset. I think what he did and said was a tactic to get all of those wonderful clothes for nothing. He expected you to think he was doing you a favor by taking something off your hands that he couldn't use. Meanwhile, he would have been raking in the money from the sale of those clothes. I agree with the person who said to put them on ebay. You can also try Craig's List.

    My next question is this, if he doesn't sell sizes 8-13, what does he sell, 0-7s?

    Remember that his opinion means nothing. They are merely words and yes words can sting. My favorite quote is by Eleanor Roosevelt. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." We all need to take that to heart.

    I agree with this poster. He wanted to take the clothes off you for peanuts. So his tactic was to make you feel **** so that you would just accept the money meekly and rush out embarrassed.

    I am so so glad you didn't let him have the clothes. Well done, you're the winner in this one. And yeh plaster his shop name about.

    I think this was probably his game plan... good on your for not letting him take advantage of you.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Oh I would be sharing that story (as well as their business details, website, address, phone, FB page, etc.) on every social media account I could get my hands on!!!

    Yes, I am afraid I would indulge in a little bit of Facebooking.... The key when you do that is to just tell the story (like you did) and not get personal.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Close-minded because he doesn't want to sell a certain size of clothing? Carrying more sizes (or styles or types of clothing, for that matter) requires more space and inventory -- which means more expenses. It's impossible for retailers to cater to everyone. As such, they must decide what they are going to sell, according to their ability to invest and the expected return on their investment.

    Y'all do realize that most businesses don't have unlimited resources, and cannot cater to every desire of every consumer, right?

    Granted, he could have just said that he wasn't interested in that set of clothing, but it's his choice what he buys and stocks in his store. It's also your choice whether you shop there or not.

    I agree with this post 100%. He should not have been rude but that is the way the world works.
    Sure, he has the right to not sell anything over a size 6. But you realize that excludes 90% of adult human females?
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    ok ill try and make this as short as possible. I always go to this 2nd hand store that sells really good clothes name brand and all. he just started accepting walk ins to sell your clothes for cash. so being a little tight on money since my husband lost his job.... I cleared my closet and on my way to the store I went lol....I had clothes from all sizes..8-13. mostly jeans barley worn. some even with tags on them. I facebooked the owner since he knows me from going to the his store so much and we r friends on facebook. when I get there with a suitcase full of over 30 pairs of pants and like 40 shirts and dresses and about 8 pairs of shoes all extras I had laying around in my closet, they tell me to give them 15 mins. so I browse try on some clothes I was going to buy. they call me to go to the front. she says hes going to explain how this works...I thought hmm ok.... HERES WHERE IT GETS GOOD...... he says I will pay you $10 for all of these shoes and $10 for about 8 shirts ....I looked at him and said well what about the jeans and the rest of the stuff he says well....unfortunately we cannot accept them because we don't have people of your size that shop at our store...I looked at him and said excuse me....I shop here and u know that. he said yea and honestly I wouldn't be buying these shirts from u but because I need larger and bigger sizes in my store I decided to buy them but honeslty ppl your size don't shop here and I don'cuz have room for bigger clothes. I was like wooowwwww....I was insulted I said well funny cuz the sirts are all meds and large and the jeans are mostly size 9...he said my point exactly....I said u can keep ur $20 and I grabbed my stuff and just walked out the store I left whatever I was going to buy on the counter. he was soo rude and I dunno why treat overweight people so rude...I got in my car and drove home and just cried....then as im walking towards my house a man stops me and says...hey I just want to tell you are a beautiful woman. I said thank you and then realized the problem wasn't me....its was the jerk at the store..i have enclosed a pic of a dress t

    I haven't been a size 7 since high school! And I was 125 lbs and a 5 foot 8 bean pole!! I would LOVE to get down to a 9. I'm in 11s now. How much?? I will buy them. :)
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Well, I'm sorry this happened to you, but it seems you put the guy on the spot. If he doesn't carry those sizes, he doesn't want to buy them. Yes, he may be losing out on customers, but he wasn't being intentionally being mean.

    Glad that the stranger gave you a compliment when you needed one.

    WHAT?!?! ????
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    Sure, he has the right to not sell anything over a size 6. But you realize that excludes 90% of adult human females?
    You also realize that 90% of adult females cannot afford a Gucci dress, right? Does that make Gucci wrong?
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    he "needed" to stock those sizes. Therefore, has room in his shop. Therefore inventory is not the problem...he is. That was my point. His legal rights to carry whatever he wants in his shop really has nothing to do with what I'm saying. You acted like the OP had no right to be upset and that this man wasn't rude about it because he most likely didn't have room in his shop to "cater" to everyone's (average peoples) needs. I was just stating my opinion that I don't think that is the case. I really didn't mean for it to spiral into a discussion about businessowners rights..i dont think its a major crux to the story. I don't think the purpose of this post was to debate about whether the man had the right or not to carry her clothes...we all know what his rights are.
    Please re-read my comments. I never excused the shop owner's lack of tact.

    However many times I re-read the account of what happened, it makes no sense.

    "unfortunately we cannot accept them because we don't have people of your size that shop at our store...I looked at him and said excuse me....I shop here and u know that. he said yea and honestly I wouldn't be buying these shirts from u but because I need larger and bigger sizes in my store I decided to buy them but honeslty ppl your size don't shop here and I don'cuz have room for bigger clothes."

    I suspect that the OP is misquoting the shop owner, as that last phrase makes no sense, or some part of the story is missing.

    This. I think the OP misunderstood something or her clothes were not size 9. The shop owner can sell/buy/stock what he wants. It's a free country (for now). The OP doesn't have to shop there.

    I can't believe the people here willing to take up pitch forks and lynch the guy all for a story you read on the internet.

  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    Sure, he has the right to not sell anything over a size 6. But you realize that excludes 90% of adult human females?

    Is this a real statistic? Or a "just guessin'" statistic?
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    Sure, he has the right to not sell anything over a size 6. But you realize that excludes 90% of adult human females?
    Is this a real statistic? Or a "just guessin'" statistic?
    Good point. You know, "just guessin" stats only fly at ASU. Anywhere else, they are not valid.
  • AnitaBlake0
    wow....stupid consignment shop. And yeah that doesn't make sense, if you've been shopping there, why would he not accept your hand me downs based strictly off of your size. If he can sell you clothes that size, buying them that size has to happen as well.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    Sure, he has the right to not sell anything over a size 6. But you realize that excludes 90% of adult human females?
    Is this a real statistic? Or a "just guessin'" statistic?
    Good point. You know, "just guessin" stats only fly at ASU. Anywhere else, they are not valid.

    You must have gone to UofA...or University of Phoenix! Or NAU! Or anywhere but ASU.
  • SewersofCasaBonita
    I think it was kind of rude of you to say, "excuse me?" when he said he didn't want certain items. He can choose to buy whatever items he thinks he can sell... and maybe he didn't like your items.
  • shadowharuka
    shadowharuka Posts: 92 Member
    Whoa is that a franchise that told you that? I sell my name brand clothes at a few different stores as I've been losing the weight and I have sold clothes from size 9-13 and never have they told me the clothes I sold were too big, in fact they bought a lot at those sizes! Those aren't even plus sizes! Plus the average woman wears a size 12/14 I believe? (in the United States)
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Did you delete him off facebook?
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Don't let the sizes of a popular brand of clothing or at a popular store get you down. Letting such insignificant things affect your happiness will result in one never being happy.


    I agree that his words were poorly spoken, however it is his store and he needs to make a profit. There are plenty of stores out there that cater to a specific build. The part that I don't understand is, if he doesn't have people your size shopping there, then how is it that you are able to find clothes in your size when you go?
    That aside, let it roll off your back. Life is much easier when you aren't analyzing what other people say about you.
  • TinaRoberts67
    TinaRoberts67 Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry he wasn't overly tactful...just take them elsewhere you don't need him anyway. I avoid those resell shops unless I am purchasing. My daughter bought a pair of jeans at one and three months later (or less) decided she didn't like them (never even wore them) took them back with some other clothes for trade and they refused to take them because the rise was to high....we were like what? We just bought them from you not even two months ago the rise was fine then..geesh
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    u are beautiful! post full body pics I will bet you are a please!!:)
    Best from Nyc
    Kristian Rocco

    Wow. Seriously Mr. Goodtimezzzzzzzzzzz?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    If he doesn't have her sizes in his come OP shops there?!