i just cried resisting the urge to eat junk food (binge)



  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    I am proud of you for resisting!! The more you show food you have control and it doesn't the easier it will be to be as strong as you need to be!!

    Keep up the good work and writing all of it here may help ya see that was a GREAT Temptation you overcame!!! :flowerforyou:
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    OMGGGG i am so inspired by you. That inner dialogue you speak of I so rarely am able to tune out. I have cried many many many times. It feels good to know we're not alone. Way to go :) This is a huge sign of growth and determination. The strength you displayed is so admirable :)
  • I'm new to this site, so i hope I'm doing this right. Has anyone ever planned a binge? Like let yourself binge..for 2 days every 4 months or something like that???? or even like 2 days binge twice a year, totally planned and ONLY those times? I know binges are hard to stop I get that, but I'm wondering if anyone does just that...plan it and binge for those allotted days and then stops. Very curious. Thanks!
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    This is success! Awesome will power! <3
  • mickeyullrich
    mickeyullrich Posts: 156 Member
    The fact that you overcame your desire to eat that junk is such a huge accomplishment...you should be so proud of yourself. I have been in that situation so many times. I know that feeling of happiness...of planning and looking forward to a binge....and then the crappy feeling that came after it! I have been in tears wanting to eat my trigger foods and many times I have succumbed to it, but when I win, it is the best feeling and I feel that I actually have some power and control in my life. I did go to an eating disorder management center last year to help work through this issue, but I completely understand how you feel and I just want you to know you are not alone. Great job with this one...and if it makes you feel any better, I once ate my daughter's chocolate Easter bunny :embarassed: ....horrible I know!
    Hang in there!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I'm new to this site, so i hope I'm doing this right. Has anyone ever planned a binge? Like let yourself binge..for 2 days every 4 months or something like that???? or even like 2 days binge twice a year, totally planned and ONLY those times? I know binges are hard to stop I get that, but I'm wondering if anyone does just that...plan it and binge for those allotted days and then stops. Very curious. Thanks!

    Yes, some do with success so I read :). If you advance search the message board archives you'll see some posts on planned binges.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Ummm - you did not give in to the binge - you recognized the trigger and stopped the whole process. How could you not be jumping for joy at the amazing triumph????
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Read the book 'Unteathered Soul' by Michael Singer and you'll realize that "The Voice in Your Head" really isn't You." With that realization, you'll learn methods to eliminate the suffering and struggle. Kudos to you for resisting this time--you need to learn that it doesn't always have to be like that.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    you know where the jumk food road leads...hell. As you eat cleaner whole foods the desire will lessen. Those foods are designed to make our bodies want more and desire them like an addiction/ Not a conspiracy theororist asked (off the record) executives from 3 fast food chains were asked "If you wanted to lose weight, what is the first thing you would do?) All 3 of them stated cutting out fast food and sugar. These companies spend millions figuring out what brings us back, and what tastes good. Ever notice how sweet a Mc Donalds cheeseburger bun is? It does not taste like a regular bun. Most fries have added sugar..yes, sugar. You felt like an addict because your body IS addicted. The good news ..feed your body well, with REAL food in decent amounts and move. You willnotice as your metabolism repairs and your body is nourished with nutrients instead of emptiness, you will lose the crazy desires for the junk.
    When you want a biurger make a grass fed lean burger on a whole grain roll at home on the grill. Eat a quest cookie dough bar when you want somethingsweet. Or a yogurt with fruit and some cereal or nuts on it. You do not ha ve to survive on rabbit food. Eat real food. I have lost over 110 lbs or so, and I was the junk food queen, yet I was always wanting more. I KNOW you can do it!!!
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    First I want to commend you for sharing this with all of us. You have no idea how many of us can relate to this !!! You set your boundary & altho you wanted to go over it you DIDN"T !!! This is a huge HUGE NSV. I actually just posted a study that's been done on food addiction & how it's so real. We have eaten so many foods that are processed, have additives that MAKE us crave them, even after just a bite our brains get the fix & like a drug or alcohol want more. Our brains are sooo smart they crave what we feed them. You did an amazing defeat you gave your brain something nutritional & because it takes at least 4 months for all our cells to change it can take that long for these miserable & horrible cravings to go away. Sugar & processed stuff is the worse. I'm so proud of you ! Here's to eating healthy foods so we can finally get rid of these cravings & addictions :)))


  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Why would you be confused its pretty straight forward. The guy deserves some support obviously he has an eating disorder. He showed awesome restraint under the circumstances.
  • emmagiffard5
    emmagiffard5 Posts: 22 Member
    blaady hell ur only human don't beat urself up so much cake is cake! my skinny brother recently ate my 3 yr olds birthday cake whilst we slept peacefully and just thought he'd say errrm i'll get u another lol chill out mate u aren't the first person to put on weight and be obsessed by good food and ur not the last, this is the age we live in at least you know what you want to change and you can do it no matter how many set backs you have along the way chin up and carry on! xx

    Although I do realise how upsetting it is when u feel that you cannot control yourself I have been there and i'm sure i'll be there again and I understand it's upsetting being somebody's birthday cake especially a kids I understand u feeling bad but like I said it's still just cake, it's ok, it's not the end of the world. You obviously feel guilty but try not to, just log it and carry on, best of luck to you, sincerely xx
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    Congratulations! That must have been so tough but you did it!!! I think it's a great idea to keep a journal, or blog or whatever you want to get those feelings on paper. Very theraputic. Keep it up! Having buddies on this also helps to reach out to when you feeling like binging. Feel free to add me :)
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    blaady hell ur only human don't beat urself up so much cake is cake! my skinny brother recently ate my 3 yr olds birthday cake whilst we slept peacefully and just thought he'd say errrm i'll get u another lol chill out mate u aren't the first person to put on weight and be obsessed by good food and ur not the last, this is the age we live in at least you know what you want to change and you can do it no matter how many set backs you have along the way chin up and carry on! xx

    Although I do realise how upsetting it is when u feel that you cannot control yourself I have been there and i'm sure i'll be there again and I understand it's upsetting being somebody's birthday cake especially a kids I understand u feeling bad but like I said it's still just cake, it's ok, it's not the end of the world. You obviously feel guilty but try not to, just log it and carry on, best of luck to you, sincerely xx

    i disagree... it's not "just cake" when one is addicted to food. It's a very big deal. And eating the cake would have lead to Burger king and so fourth. You can't compare your skinny brother to someone else who is addicted to food and is suffering emotionally by this.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Totally been there, complete with the inner dialogue, due to my tendencies to slip back into Bulimia a few days each month. It can be incredibly difficult to resist, so I applaud you for doing so.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    You are not mentally weak at all. It takes a strong person to be so self-aware. You are awesome.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    You did an awesome thing, walking away from the temptation!! It will benefit you as we'll as your family!! Absolutely fantastic and inspiring!!
  • Thickivory
    Thickivory Posts: 36 Member
    I know how that feels. I suffer with the same problem everyday. If im upset, had a rough day at work, or stressed out at home. I do cry or think to myself how gross i am. Most of my dieting has failed b.c of it. but I am controling it and you can to. I always thought it i HAVE to have it.. only have aittle instead of binging and eating the whole damn thing. even if it messes up your logging.. atleast you got your fix, and u didnt have a break down doing it. its helped me alot.. i hope it does for you too:) u can do it!
  • KathryneJY
    KathryneJY Posts: 83 Member
    Did you know that withdrawal from food addiction can do screwy things to your emotions? Do you know how awesome you are today? Do you know that this episode could be your turning point?

    A story: I was eating dinner with my husband a few weeks ago. We were having steak, but they were quite big and before I even put them on the grill, I had planned to eat half of mine and save the other half for my lunch for the next two days. I told my husband this. So, we were sitting at the table after I had eaten my half and he was working on the rest of his steak and I mentioned how good it was. He simply said, "Why don't you eat the rest? You only live once!" I broke down in tears and was inconsolable for hours. This was near the beginning of my journey. I'd been working out, struggling with my time to do those workouts, and adjusting to my reduced calories. I accused my husband of deliberately trying to sabotage me ... and on and on it went. I went crazy for a bit. When I calmed down, I realized it was the adjustment that was making me emotional. My self respect and self-image was defined by this one piece of meat in my mind. If I failed to stick to my plan and calorie goals, I was a complete and total failure and would never amount to anything, I would always be ugly, and everyone around me would judge me for being such a failure.

    I now realize that's something I put on myself. I wasn't going to gain 50 lbs because I ate a piece of meat. But at the time, it was huge. It was the point that I realized commitment is not defined by a single moment, but by a sustained commitment to a better me.

    This was your moment. You won this battle, but some battles will be lost. Keep your eye on the end goal to win the war. Sometimes you just need to breakdown. It's not a weakness, it's a process. I'd like to friend you if you don't mind. It helps to go through this with support and it sounds like you could use some.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    To repeat: The important thing is that you did NOT binge. That was your Self taking care of yourself. It is a very good thing that happened to you. You have made enough of an honest decision that you need to behave differently so that you can live differently- you have decided that being healthy, happy and proud of yourself and your life matters, and, I am willing to bet, everyone of us who read your post 1) Applaud YOU! 2) Encourage YOU! and 3) can empathize with you because we have probably all had a very shame-filled eating experience of our own... we understand the almost painful draw of that cake and the rest of the imaginary binge. Take care, and be well, my friend. You need to remember this day as a very positive step forward on your journey.