5 things your mfp pals don't know about you



  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I live in New Zealand too :drinker:

    1) I was a National TaeKwon Do champion
    2) I almost didn't start my first ever Triathlon as I had a panic attack before the swim start
    3) I cannot resist licorice
    4) I cannot pronounce "Squirrel"
    6) I am not very good at counting

  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    1: I spend most of my spare time working and campaigning to end the slaughter of dolphins and whales in Japan.

    2: I studied ancient matriarchal societies for four years and visited the remains of an Amazon temple.

    3: I grew up obsessed with Xena Warrior Princess... And still attend conventions to this day lol.

    4: I am passionate about women's issues, pre-ancient history, environmental conservation, astrophysics, metaphysics and ocean preservation.

    5: I am a minimalist, I don't like being weighed down by possessions and one day I want to live in a 150 square foot tiny house by the ocean :D
  • Ashleyxjamie
    Ashleyxjamie Posts: 223 Member
    - I am incredibly insecure about my looks and body(I just try not to show it)
    - I have a hard time trusting people because of being cheated on and taken advantage of numerous times
    - I am entering a music cover contest (the winner wins a $1000 music store gift card)
    - I had a short time dealing with depression a couple years ago and I am currently on anti anxiety meds.
    - I have a huge soft spot for animals and children!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    1. I have trypophobia, fear of things like honeycombs and the patterns in tripe. Sometimes I can't stand to look at the insides of a sunflower or a car grill (particularly Dodge grills).

    2. I started smoking when I was eleven, quit when I was 33, crave those cancer sticks every single day.

    3. I can't look at paintings that I have done without thinking they are total crap that no one would ever want hanging in their home. I loved to paint until my husband started pushing me to try to make money with it. I went a year without painting and am just starting to get back at it. For pleasure only.

    4. I am probably at least bi-sexual.

    5. I cannot pronounce the letter "L" in the middle of a word.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I am Pagan and a practicing Witch
    My favourite colour is purple
    I have had four husbands (this one is here for the long term!)
    I am VERY vain
    I have never wanted children of my own.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    1. I've had family members play in the NFL.NBA and MLB
    2. I've driven across the United States with my best friend
    3. I've Been to Canada
    4. Never broken a bone
    5. Was top 20 underclassmen in Baltimore in basketball
  • madisonmacbeth
    1. i tried to commit suicide at 18.
    2. I cant eat anything over like... 20 calories or ill throw it up.
    3. I live on lettuce and heinz yellow mustard.
    4.I dont eat any white food, becsides egg whites. sometimes yoghurt.
    5. i am obsessed with angular, frail, and bony bodies.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    1) I haven't always been fat :grumble:
    2) I'm a Jehovah's Witness but wasn't brought up as one.
    3) I am a recovering alcoholic and have been dry for 10 years
    4) I'll be celebrating my Silver wedding anniversary in a few months having been with my childhood sweetheart since I was 17 ( I'm 48 now)
    5) I used to be a Special constable (voluntary) for Cheshire police force
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    1. I am bluntly honest. I hate when people say "tell me the truth", and then resent me for that

    2. I am not into materialistic possessions. I keep what I need or what makes me happy. No mahogany furniture or marble counter tops here

    3. My best friend, my bengal kitty, diet this year. I miss him dearly

    4. I value intelligence in the person the most. Do not confuse this with over confidence. Some people can Google, and think they are smarter than wisdom itself

    5. I like exchanging emails
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    1. I'm German
    2. I go to bed ridiculously early (probably has to do with the German genes)
    3. I'm a history geek, only if it has pretty pictures though
    4. I'm obsessed with my hair (it changes style and colour frequently)
    5. I'm a hardcore metal head, especially when I lift (lifting heavy things is a lot easier when someone is screaming in your ear)
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    1. I have a lisp
    2. I love to dance to hip hop, trap, house, dubstep and drum & bass.
    3. I'm addicted to nail polish. No, I'm mean seriously addicted. I love nail porn.
    4. I have a faint birthmark on the back of my shoulder that looks like a small chain of islands
    5. I can sing with my mouth closed
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    1. I have a lisp
    2. I love to dance to hip hop, trap, house, dubstep and drum & bass.
    3. I'm addicted to nail polish. No, I'm mean seriously addicted. I love nail porn.
    4. I have a faint birthmark on the back of my shoulder that looks like a small chain of islands
    5. I can sing with my mouth closed

    You get funky to Jump Jump don't you
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    1. I tend to be on the quiet side.

    2. I was in the Navy for 4.5 years after graduating high school (1987) and served over in Desert Storm.

    3. I felt that I was 'overweight' in high school when I was ~175 pounds. Now that is my goal weight.

    4. I have no idea why I thought I was overweight at 175!

    5. I used to drink too much. I limit myself to only special occasions (holidays, etc.)
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    1. I once won 'wonkey Donkey' on SM:TV (UK peoples should know what this is) haha
    2. I had a poem published when I was 12years old
    3. I have the same birthday as Brad Pitt
    4. I was in labour with my first daughter 42 hours with no pain relief
    5. I have constant double vision
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    1. I have a lisp
    2. I love to dance to hip hop, trap, house, dubstep and drum & bass.
    3. I'm addicted to nail polish. No, I'm mean seriously addicted. I love nail porn.
    4. I have a faint birthmark on the back of my shoulder that looks like a small chain of islands
    5. I can sing with my mouth closed

    You get funky to Jump Jump don't you

    Funky doesn't even begin to describe it.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • yum2leal
    yum2leal Posts: 24 Member
    1. I'm a hopeless romantic still waiting for the moment where I will experience love at first sight ugggh :tongue:

    2. I'm extremely shy and what people see at work is a learned behavior :embarassed:

    3. I'm afraid of ghosts :indifferent:

    4. I love the beach :flowerforyou:

    5. I love drinking cocktails especially zombie and screw driver :drinker:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    1. I'm a cop (17 years and counting.)
    2. I have three college degrees.
    3. I've bowled a perfect 300 game.
    4. I'm a third degree Judo brown belt (can't seem to get my kata done to earn black.)
    5. I got scuba certified this year in Belize!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    1. i have a more risque sense of humor than people think.
    2. i have been on TV, on the radio, and on the cover of a newspaper.
    3. i sculpt (a little bit) and paint.
    4. i've never been in love.
    5. i could never live in a city, since i get easily irritated by large numbers of people and constant noise.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    1. I'm German
    2. I go to bed ridiculously early (probably has to do with the German genes)
    3. I'm a history geek, only if it has pretty pictures though
    4. I'm obsessed with my hair (it changes style and colour frequently)
    5. I'm a hardcore metal head, especially when I lift (lifting heavy things is a lot easier when someone is screaming in your ear)

    I got to bed ridiculously early, too. And I'm German. weird.