how do i make the half an hour go quicker?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Plan to get to the gym when something good's on tv. I tried to plan my trips for when Ellen would be on. Ellen makes everything more fun. Even treadmills.
  • hide_yo_cats
    hide_yo_cats Posts: 83 Member
    Find better music.
    Run outside and enjoy the scenery.
    Or really, suck it up, it's just half an hour.

  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    God, I hate cardio on machines. I don't mind sweating and getting my heart rate up, but I just can't make it work at the gym. Those evil little voices in my head start trying to convince me it's time to stop about 5 minutes in and any time after that feels like a thousand years. I've tried switching machines (elliptical, Stairmaster, and treadmill for five minutes each) but it's only somewhat better.

    I'm done fighting it and am making the permanent switch to cardio classes and walking outside (since I'd die running in this heat. Ugh.)

    I would ditch the machines too if I didn't get a much better workout from them. So I try to get on them a few times a week.
  • NathanFronk
    NathanFronk Posts: 137 Member
    30 mins is really not that long. put some music on and suck it up imo

    LOL. In this forest of excuses this advice is much needed wildfire.

    Love it.
  • cmhodge08
    cmhodge08 Posts: 11
    Personally I went onto iTunes and loaded up on some songs specific for working out within a certain bpm (beat per minute) range. I chose to stick around 130 bpm. Using this music on my iPod while I work out on the elliptical for 60 minutes makes the hour FLY by. One of my favorite songs is from the album "Work Out 2011 - In the Mix, Vol. 5 (130 BPM)," song entitled "Viking (Original Mix)" by Orjan Nilsen. Healthy living to you all!! <3
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I am the type of person who kind of doesn't like working out. and when i say that i mean i don't like cardio. doing it for a half an hour is soooooooooo long, and incredibly boring.. and i find myself struggling through it, which makes me dread doing it the next time.and it also puts in into the "well i have already burned this many calories, how bad would it be if i stopped? I work out at planet fitness, so i can't use the wifi to access netflix on a tablet, and i have tried reading, but that makes my work out much less intense. i listen to music for the most part but i get so bored.. any ideas on how i can make it more enjoyable so i don't end up quitting, without sacrificing the intensisty?
    I don't know the PF places but are there individual tvs? just watch something , anything, a 30 min sitcom, the news, discovery, whatever. Or if you can use your tablet, then upload videos onto the tablet and watch them. or music is good. thirty minutes is not that much (I do 65 minutes on the elliptical most mornings). WHen i first started, i used to give myself 10 minutes (or 5 or 7, whatever) at level 1/pace X, then I would go to level 2/Pace 2X and so on. that made time go faster.

    Or as others suggested - switch off machines - do 10 minutes treadmill, 10 minutes bike, 10 minutes elliptical.
  • BananaFaceFace
    BananaFaceFace Posts: 70 Member
    Do group fitness classes!!! seriously they go so quick. I cannot stand using the equipment in the gym because I get so bored and I don't work as hard so i do classes almost everyday.

    Find something you think you will enjoy and try it at least 3 times before giving up, it will be tough at first but it won't be long before you love it :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you can do it safely, keep your eyes closed and engross in your music. It makes the time go so much faster for me.
  • Alicia_P_28
    Alicia_P_28 Posts: 76 Member
    You need to change your mentality. I used to HATE working out, and still don't LOVE it but I like it enough to do it almost daily. The reason is because I know exercise is the only way (other than eating right) to change my body. When you dislike the shape you're in more than you dislike walking or biking, then you'll start pushing yourself more and exercising longer than 30 minutes with no problem.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Try using multiple machines. 10 on the treadmill, 10 on the bike, 10 on the elliptical.

    Personally, I don't like cardio "exercising" but I love walking and riding a bike so I hit a trail near my house.

    I've thought that it would be wonderful one day to exercise with a purpose, say, train for a triathalon. But I'm not ready for a commitment like that. For now, it's artificial exercise.
  • kusterer
    kusterer Posts: 90 Member
    About 9 months ago, I started singing my own songs, instead of listening to them. Quietly under my breath if in a crowd, triumphantly out loud if not. Time speeds by. It feels like endorphins go way up. And memorizing the lyrics to a few hours worth of songs has been a great exercise-your-brain activity.
  • yumbinkbugonrox
    yumbinkbugonrox Posts: 61 Member
    i go to pf as well.

    put a movie or tv show on your tablet.

    sometimes i'll program songs on my mp3 player so i figure, "ok, if i do 3 AWK songs and 2 Lady Gaga's, a couple of Queens of the Stone Age and a Studio Killers (or madonna), i'll be done. the beginning 5-8 minutes is kind of a drag, but i periodically glance at the time. also, i tend to do 10 minutes elliptical, 30 weights, and 20 elliptical. i've also jumped machines 15 min in.

    hope that helps, good luck!
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    Running on a machine is boring for pretty much anyone. Do something you actually enjoy and wont mind doing for the rest of your life instead. Biking, hiking, basketball, swimming, boxing, walk with a friend, run around like a monkey, whatever it is you actually ENJOY. At the very least, run outside instead. The scenery makes everything much easier. You don't have to put up with some mind-numbing and unfun activity and just "suck it up" because it's only for 30 minutes. You should enjoy your exercise.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Do something different every 3 minute. My workouts are done in "rounds" so it's 3 minutes at 100%, 30 second break, etc., for 90 minutes. And trust me, it flies by. Ohhhhh, but 3 minutes can feel sooooo long sometimes too. In a good way.
  • x58890
    x58890 Posts: 14
    I used to have a Planet Fitness membership, but was irritated by the lack of equipment and ironically judgmental attitude. Regardless, PF does have their 30 minute strength circuit that you might find more engaging. It is a series of strength machines that you perform in rapid succession for 30 minutes. Your heart rate stays up the whole time, so you get a great cardio workout in addition to strength conditioning. Sign up for a free session with a trainer who can show you what to do. BTW, don't worry about bulking--that's just a myth. In the end, find something you like. If you don't like what you're doing, you'll never find the motivation to stick with it. Good luck!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I find that music is much better than TV or reading to fight boredom. Maybe you need to get some better tunes on your iPod. I've made a workout playlist that includes only the best songs I have for working out and staying motivated.
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    Yesterday I switched from listening to music over to audiobooks. I had a series of books I've been wanting to read for quite some time, but couldn't manage to work it into my busy schedule & other reading. I decided to try audiobooks as a distraction during exercise. I first did my 30 minutes of resistance training, then headed for the track to start my cardio intending on doing just 30 minutes. I got so engrossed in the book, an hour passed before I knew what happened! I think I found my new favorite activity for exercise!
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    :heart: This! Doing something you actually enjoy is key. Or work out with a friend. My friends and I all do an MMA class together 3X a week, and it's a blast! Walking on the treadmill? No thanks. Kicking the cr@p out of something? I'll gladly do that for 2 hours! Good luck!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    A really good audiobook that you're ONLY "allowed" to listen to when doing cardio. You'll find yourself doing more just so you can find out what happens next.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Find something you like to do and do that.

    I hate sitting on a machine watching my numbers go up, but I love swimming and cycling trails, so I do that.
    You can also clear out a spot in your house, look up some Youtube dance tutorials, and learn a new style of dance - that's a great way to burn calories that is also a lot of fun.