barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member


:flowerforyou: Welcome to the ongoing supportive community for women…..the title says Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals and resolutions for June?

:flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you set for July?

:bigsmile: If you have been part of this community we welcome you back.

:flowerforyou: If you are here for the first time, you can become part of the community just by posting and coming back regularly to join the conversation.

:flowerforyou: It makes the thread more personal if you’ll sign with your name (or alias) and general geographic location.

:heart: Barbie from NW Washington

:flowerforyou: July Resolutions:
*finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
*continue with the squat challenge
* a plank a day
*18,000 steps a day
*don’t take things personally
*don’t expect praise or recognition
*keep doing the things that have been working

June Resolutions (with end of the month updates)
*dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt (Jake started it, but I’ve done very little partly because of all the time spent dancing and partly because of the sore muscle in my b*tt)
*be agreeable---say “OK” (excellent, I needed this on the day when the regular line dance teacher came back)
*strength training once a week (only the squat challenge and my daily plank---blame that on the dancing and sore muscle)
*act the way I want to feel (excellent especially on the day the line dance teacher came back)


  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thanks Barbie:flowerforyou: !

    Will be back tomorrow to go over my June goals and post my July ones!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!

    DeeDee in NC
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    I didn't post any June goals. My July goals are to get back to logging every bite, keep going to zumba 3 times a week, use the weights, and walk several times a week.

    I'm so thankful for this group and that the thread keeps going. Thanks, Barbie.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy almost july 1st
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks Barbie for the new thread. June goals were to up my steps to 8500 and more managed that most days, then to use my
    kitchen digital scale more yikes found out some amounts weren't what I thought, need to use
    it more ! and to drink my water hot weather helped there.

    July goals are to continue with junes and try to improve even more.

    Good luck too all Juanita in sudbury
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Last day of June and time to review the month. Although I didn’t meet my resolutions 100 % I feel like I accomplished a lot. Been a lazy day for me. After church we made a big salad then watched golf for awhile.
    Meg – you did well on your June goals. I agree with you that whatever you can do with exercise is better than none.
    June resolutions:
    Jb – enjoy your visit with your Mom. You are lucky she is able to do so much at 88.
    Happy Birthday Grandmallie. Hope you enjoyed your day. Better post this before it’s July! Whoops too late, July is already posted so I’ll start there!
    Here’s my review of my June goals:

    -get at least 5000 steps EVERY day – Almost everyday and lots more some days
    -do weight routine 2 x a week (Have the book, the dumbbells and the ankle weights.) Now I’m ready. Guess I wasn’t too ready as I didn’t do it 2 x a week. Been much better the last two weeks.
    Focus on water. It’s hot and humid so I need more water. Did really good on this one!
    Log and Post everyday. Didn’t post everyday but did log.

    Sue in Tx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Karla - welcome! I'm so sorry about your mother.

    I feel like a slug. Didn't do any formal exercise today. But tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extreme pump class. I did go out and put stain on the places where the lattice was stapled on the pergola. But that's the most that I did today. I did make two batches of blueberry muffins. I'll freeze them, take some to the farmers market Sat., give Jessica some to take to Maine when she goes, and have some for the next time Rummikub is here. I also made her a fudge cake to take with her. I can hear her now "my mom said I can't come empty handed and she knew that I had the interview, so she made this cake and the muffins for you."

    janie - welcome. We're so glad you found us. Yes, this is one fantastic group of supportive women.

    DeeDee - I think beet greens are an acquired taste. The man at the farmer's market said that there are some people who really like them. I guess I just wasn't brought up with them.

    ohiomomof2 - I try to make some things that are healthy. Admitted not all the time, but lots of the time. Like those pineapple zucchini muffins. I also like to experiment, like with those this time I used 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 AP flour. I thought it gave it a different texture, a better texture, really.

    katla - I really hope you feel better fast

    I don't know why, but for some reason my back has started hurting. I'm going to probably make this short so that I can lay down and just rest it.

    I think I figured out why I had such a pain in my stomach yesterday. I can't help it, but when I'm baking, I always snack. Yesterday, I was having some not-so-healthy foods and my stomach was just saying "I don't think so"

    yanniejannie - I gave Lance insulin today. It seems that he's (and this isn't unusual at all) leery of me when I'm standing, even if it's behind him. Today as he was eating, I bent down and was petting him, then I gave him the insulin. I didn't get a dirty look or anything. I think almost every cat feels intimidated when you're standing. I was able to brush them both. But I'm thinking that I need to keep them in the bedroom until after we get back from Europe. It probably wouldn't be good for them to be used to being able to go out in the rest of the house, then when we leave they have to stay in the bedroom. I can't have Cheryl looking all over for Lance.

    Carolyn - my favorite way to pamper myself is to just float in the pool while listening to the waterfall. To me, that is just SOO relaxing

    I could have sworn that when each of the kids were baptized, they wore this "hat" made out of a handkerchief. The idea is that when they get married, they take a few stitches out of the "hat" and carry the handkerchief. I tried to look for Bryan's, but I couldn't find it. Maybe he never had one. I did find this "bib" that the church gave him, so I'm going to take that to the wedding. He won't carry it down the aisle, but I will. How I cried seeing some of the pictures of him and the things he wrote. What the h*** happened to him????

    jane - so sorry you're feeling so badly. I've heard of taking magnesium, but I don't do it.

    Vicki - boy, Christmas at your house must get awful expensive!

    grandmalle - your father is ever so lucky to have you in his corner.

    patcoeoh - welcome

    I don't understand it, but my back for some reason is hurting, so I'm going to make this short. I'm sure it'll be much better once I lie down.

    DebA - glad you didn't come home to being flooded out!

    jb - oh, that's so wonderful about Mariah. I'm keeping everything crossed for Wednesday.

    Meg - I don't think the crumble absolutely needs to be in the refrig, but I'd put it in there if I could. It'll last longer, too.

    Michele in NC
    (who will proofread this time...lol)
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks, Barbie -- July, here we come!
    Gail, metro ATL
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Time to mark the new month once again. Best wishes friends.

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for the new thread, Barbie. My goals remain the same. I like simple, especially when it works so well.:wink:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening ladies. I just finished another cooking class for my DD and her friends. We cooked very healthy for dinner: broiled sesame lemon chicken served on a dressed salad using the same rub. It was under 400 calories and very yummy. One of the girls wanted to learn how to make Scottish Scones so we made Glazed Maple Pecan Oatmeal Scones. So incredibly delicious but a gizillion calories (more than the dinner!). :noway: We kept a couple scones and let the kids take the rest home (thank goodness). I'm so stuffed right now. :blushing: At least I burned almost 900 extra calories between a long bike ride and teaching yoga. I'm dreading what the scale has to say tomorrow. :ohwell:

    Barbie - thanks as always for keeping this thread going! :flowerforyou:

    June Goals:
    Maintain even on vacation by logging and exercising so stick to my overall calories - actually down a pound from my maintenance wt!!!!
    Continue to try new healthy foods and do the next challenge Renny throws out there - still eating pretty healthy, but noticing that I'm letting more "treats" are sneaking into my diet now that I'm on maintenance. Still eating a ton of fruits and veggies. Green smoothies are now a regular meal or snack
    Finish de-cluttering the house - YES!!! Still have to organize all my recipes and cook books but made major progress on this one
    Get back to jewelry making - making a little but not as much as hoped
    Practice piano - very very very bad about this. Need to find a new strategy to fit it in. Waiting to the end of the day is not working...I'm just too tired
    Drink lots of water - mostly doing better on this, but can still do better.

    July Goals:
    Continue to maintain by logging, sticking to my calories and working out
    Continue to try new healthy foods and do the next challenge Renny puts out there (no pressure Renny)
    Add a physical challenge (doing the squat challenge right now - do the next one put out there)
    Keep treats as occasional vs. daily indulgences
    Finish de-cluttering: attacking the recipes and cookbooks
    Complete outstanding jewelry orders
    Practice piano
    Drink lots of water

    I've got a couple very busy weeks in front of me so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check in with the thread, but know I'm thinking of all of you.

    Sending hugs to all those who are struggling
    Congrats to all those with SV and NSV

    Jodios :smile: :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    I just read a rather long article with some interesting comments on weight gain and obesity, following is a link:

    Terri (from Oregon)
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Made it into July! Goals later. Just got power back after it being out for 5 hours. A tree came down on the main line up the road. No fun for a Sunday evening.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Good-bye June Hello July - I sure hope you are better than June. Weather-wise we will start out with unusually lower temps so that's a blessing. But will begin the month in the doctor's office for DH. Praying not to end the month there.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    been gone....now I'm back....................serious this time and committed.
    determined in AZ (Barb)

    Should list July goals:
    Eat right - count everything
    Lose at least 5lbs in July
    Begin the WW program week of July 1
    Stick to it....no matter what
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I didn't do so well on my June goals. 6000 steps a day --- I would say about 95% of the time ye, Fix at least one meal at home a week ---- no. O fixed one meal, it was a flop. I still continue to gather recipes though. I think one thing that has got me down is the no weight loss although I have tried to refocus on the fact that I am losing inches. I am so glad I finally gave in a took measurements. Now if I could just take pictures. I can't remember the last time I was comfortable having my picture taken. I had to have it taken for my daughters wedding but that's it. So I need to continue to keep the same goals as I had in June. I will try to increase the steps to 6500. I added another strength exercise and I think that's what did me in this weekend so I need to back off on that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, July! I can't believe how fast the time is moving!

    The skies here in southern Az opened up with huge storms tonight. The monsoon season has begun. Unfortunetly, up north of Phoenix, they had a wildfire blow up in the strong winds, and 19 firefighters are confirmed dead. It is to horrifying to even comprehend.

    Thanks for the kind words, Meg, you can stick your nose in any old time and help me. I really appreciate the support.

    July goals: Keep logging my food honestly and daily
    Keep getting into the pool or to the rec center fitness room, 5X a week.
    Get vegies into everyday's plan
    Keep being an active part of this group because you do all help me stay focused

    Thanks everyone, headed for bed with the windows opened and the smell of fresh rain perfuming my world!

    Pat (Phoo)

    Oh, I noticed someone (and I didn't get the name, sorry) had a saguaro cactus for the identity square, and they said they were coming back and were serious this time. Well, I love my saguaro, I am serious this time, too, and I am also in Az. Welcome back and I look forward to getting to know you!
  • christschild2
    christschild2 Posts: 97 Member
    Well it is July and we are now officially more that half way through the year. June was somewhat productive but not as much as I would have liked. :ohwell: For starters, I didn't walk as much as I wanted, nor did I begin the Daniel Fast when I wanted. I began late which means that I am still in the midst of it. Personally, I could possibly do it for a lifetime,:wink: It's refreshing. My fitness partner had surgery in June, so she will be down for a while:frown: . I did encourage her more as I had planned for the month of June:happy: . We both joined Powerhouse Gym for $4.:noway: We will still continue to go to Curves, we just needed something a little more challenging than Curves. Another goal met was to start back making my skin and hair products. I made some liquid black soap, a mud shampoo, a liquid black soap with honey and coconut oil, and a body butter. I was glad about that because I really do like to pamper myself. I volunteered as planned at the assisted living facilities. It was quite joyful to see them so full of life and having a good time.:blushing:

    Now for my July goals:

    :heart: Continue the Daniel Fast

    :heart: Continue working on my health

    :heart: Continue volunteering

    :heart: Make sure my fitness partner takes care of herself

    :heart: Teach @ Vacation Bible School

    :heart: Don't fret about my play. I have to let it come to me and not go to it!


    :smile: :smile: So Ladies, lets all encourage each other and those around us. If someone comes across you mind, call them or send them a note or text,because they may need to hear from you .

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: To all the newcomers to this thread, WELCOME, WELCOME.


    Nan in the Great Lake state of Michigan
  • nanasorchid52
    Hello July and hello ladies!

    Have been logging every day - but not been able to post for such a while but thinking of you all and reading posts when I can. :smile:

    June's goals-
    1 Continue to make Healthy scrummy low fat meals - achieved - just love my food!!
    2 maintain weight and have fun! - amazingly achieved - occasionally dipping under- such fun gaining!
    3 Vary exercise to confuse metabolism - yes this is working- more weight training than cardio.
    4 add weight training - upper arms definitely more toned, batwings not waving as much!!
    5 try some more footpath routes - yes achieved even if I was scared witless being chased down a field by cows who thought I was going to feed them!!

    Number 5 meant I found a lovely little village pub which is very isolated. Serves lovely home cooked nutritious food and has great entertainment. Have been with friends a few times - so this June goal has been a major success!

    So on the notion of '" if it's not broken why mend it?" I'll repeat them for June.

    its a lifestyle change really
    July goals-
    1 Continue to make Healthy scrummy low fat meals
    2 maintain weight and have fun!
    3 Vary exercise to confuse metabolism
    4 weight training
    5 try some more footpath routes

    Good luck with your June goals which ever path you chose!!

    Keep smiling.

    UK WALES. :smile: :wink: :smile:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Happy July 1st gorgeous girls & thank you to Barbie to getting us started again. I do so appreciate what you do Barbie. I may not post a great deal but I read often. I'm trying to post more often as I find it helps keeps me on track.

    Lovely afternoon looking after our lovely grandson Ethan while his Mummy & Daddy went to the movies. We had a nice long walk. then back to to the allotment for a while & picked 2lbs of strawberries.

    Better get ready for work so have a fab day all.

    Geri in England
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies and a very happy July.

    I'm off to hospital this afternoon - surgery tomorrow. I am determined to get this over and done with as fast as possible as I'm just too busy to be out of action.

    Have a great month my vit f bunch.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x