5 things your mfp pals don't know about you



  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    1) I'm possibly the only person on Earth that has not seen Titanic
    2) I think all rabbits should be electronically tagged and asked to leave the country
    3) I still listen to tapes on my Sony walkman.
    4) I don't have a favorite colour or film or song...
    5) I was banned from Zumba for being so uncoordinated and for not being able to follow a beat.

  • 7opoundsin16weeks
    7opoundsin16weeks Posts: 211 Member
    1- I love Silent Hill
    2- I've been single my entire life
    3- I love Disturbed
    4- I do not like superhero movies (like Iron man, etc) and I have not seen the Avengers
    5- Silent Hill Revelation is my fav movie
  • TC1728
    TC1728 Posts: 264 Member
    1. An optic nerve disease left me legally blind for the last 20 years but I've never asked anyone to feel sorry for me.

    2. I work as an accoutnant

    3, I compete in duathlons, run 5k's, play golf, play softball, bowled a 286 game and ride my bike 9 miles to work everyday that isn't snowing.

    4, I'm a proud veteran.

    5. I deeply care about my MFP pals success.
  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    1: Even though nurses aren't supposed to get attached, I really really care about a lot of my patients. If something happens to them, I'm pretty affected, probably more than I should be.

    2: I have a long haired mini dachshund!

    3: I'm a serious Jeep lover.

    4: I love spending weekends on the river fishing.

    5: Fall is my favorite time of the year for so many reasons!!
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    1. i tried to commit suicide at 18.
    2. I cant eat anything over like... 20 calories or ill throw it up.
    3. I live on lettuce and heinz yellow mustard.
    4.I dont eat any white food, becsides egg whites. sometimes yoghurt.
    5. i am obsessed with angular, frail, and bony bodies.

    I mean this in the nicest way possible, get help. Like immediately.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    1. i tried to commit suicide at 18.
    2. I cant eat anything over like... 20 calories or ill throw it up.
    3. I live on lettuce and heinz yellow mustard.
    4.I dont eat any white food, becsides egg whites. sometimes yoghurt.
    5. i am obsessed with angular, frail, and bony bodies.

    I mean this in the nicest way possible, get help. Like immediately.

  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    1. I don't hold grudges, but I also don't give 2nd chances
    2. I'm still crying about the Spurs loss
    3. I'm worried the Knicks are going to lure Aaron Brooks away when we just finally got him back!
    4. I watch the movie Cars every day with my youngest
    5. Cooking and doing laundry annoy me

    ETA: my new ticker. 50 miles in July- starts today. I gotta see it for the motivation! :wink:

  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I was thrown out of a strip club for accidentally violating a stripper with a straw up the butt

    My friends call me rainman because of my abilities with numbers

    I enjoy cleaning
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    1. I can sing (really well), lol ... I won awards in high school and state competitions.

    2. I love martial arts and desire to learn multiple forms. I like the ability to practice aggression, lol (no, I am not secretly a dominatrix) :)

    3. I love to read but hate romance novels and soap operas with a passion.

    4. I am a SCUBA diver

    5. I've never tried drugs (not even pot) but I used to smoke half a pack a day and quit cold turkey over 18 years ago.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    1. I'm 43 years old and have never had a dental cavity.
    2. My office wall is covered in brightly covered post-it notes outlining the scenes for the novel I'm writing.
    3. I used to hate running. Now I've developed a taste for that exercise form.
    4. I sometimes feel guilty for being this healthy at my age.
    5. I love high heeled shoes.
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    1. I can still do a quadruple pirouette.
    2. I have had surgery on my left foot
    3. I love exploring the unknown
    4. I dislike my law class right now
    5. My hair is a pain
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    1.My Friends know that I am a identical twin but what they don't know is that we both talked in our sleep as children and my mother used to check on us and find us having sleep conversations, we both shared each others dreams literally for the first 10 years (thank god we got our own rooms before puberty lol)

    2.Once didn't sleep for 11 days was hospitalized on day 8, it was hell and don't recommend it...almost died and the whole universe was trolling me.

    3.My second toe is longer than my pinky finger and no I don't have small hands.

    4.Was a member of H.E.M.P, Help End Marijuana Prohibition and was on national news feed smoking a ten paper blunt on parliament stairs.

    5.Grew up in multiple foster and children homes but still loves my mom.

    ETA:Bad grammar
  • healthyandfitgirl14
    healthyandfitgirl14 Posts: 413 Member
    1) When I was a child I was in numerous commercials.

    2) I lived in Ireland for three years.

    3) I drank snail killer when I was 3 and almost died. (I was a stupid kid). I had to be taken to the hospital and got my stomach pumped.

    4) I have published a book, it's a crappy children's book, but I'm still proud of publishing it.

    5) I was arrested for underage drinking when I was 15 at a party. They cops took me and a lot of other people down to the police station and my parents had to get me at 2 in the morning. I definitely learned from that and I rarely drink anymore.
  • deevalentine
    deevalentine Posts: 10 Member
    1. Afraid of the dark.
    2. Sleeps with the tv on.
    3. Was a victim of child abuse.
    4. Unhappily married.
    5. Fear of closed in places such as elevators, car washes, and airplanes.
  • talk2elles
    talk2elles Posts: 124 Member
    1. I don't follow any sport unless I can be there in person: I love our Ice Hockey team and the fans are amazing!
    2. I don't work...or I should say I dont work for money, but I am studying for my degree (in Mathematics), I am a school governor, I teach 5-10 year old children First Aid and I am the treasurer for a local club :-)
    3. I was a very ill child, I spent a lot of time out of school, very underweight, unable to eat a lot of foods and the doctors weren't sure if I would make it
    4. I HATE the feeling of grass. Even as a toddler my mum could put me on a picnic blanket in the middle of the lawn and know that I wouldn't move off it. I still can't sit or walk on grass unless covered.
    5. I used to sing Opera and classical music - soprano - (I even won a trophy for singing Pie Jesu even though everyone else was an adult at the time.)

    ETA: spelling corrections :blushing:
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    1) I used to have an afro for 2 years.
    2) I had a pierced eyebrow for 2 years.
    3) I had a 2 year period in my life when I did whatever the hell I wanted. (yep, with an afro and piercing)
    4) I bowled a 277 game once.
    5) I played little league baseball. Still miss it. I'm pretty sure I can take on those 10 year olds now!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    1.My Friends know that I am a identical twin but what they don't know is that we both talked in our sleep as children and my mother used to check on us and find us having sleep conversations, we both shared each others dreams literally for the first 10 years (thank god we got our own rooms before puberty lol)

    2.Once didn't sleep for 11 days was hospitalized on day 8, it was hell and don't recommend it...almost died and the whole universe was trolling me.

    3.My second toe is longer than my pinky finger and no I don't have small hands.

    4.Was a member of H.E.M.P, Help End Marijuana Prohibition and was on national news feed smoking a ten paper blunt on parliament stairs.

    5.Grew up in multiple foster and children homes but still loves my mom.

    ETA:Bad grammar

    Always happy to be your other mum. Always remember that. I never knew the rest till now but I think you are great.. and your lovely lady too.
  • JPitbull91
    JPitbull91 Posts: 33
    1. Ive lived in 2 countries Germany and England
    2. Ive got my black belt in Wado Ryu karate
    3. I love documentaries on space and the universe
    4. My favourite drink is green tea with a tbl spoon of lemon juice!
    Alcoholic drink would be Jack Daniels and coke!
    5. I support Liverpool FC
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    1. I am MAD about history, and seriously wish I could go back in time to see the medieval world.
    2. I really want to own a castle.
    3. I am afraid of telephones, and if I have to dial a number I get seriously worked up. I can receive calls though with not too much bother.
    4. I'm very vain, and have a love/hate relationship with my body.
    5. I'm not a fan of my parenting skills.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    1. I came first in Music in twelfth grade (standard is insane and I worked freaking hard to come first)
    2. I have a weird fear of drowning. If its too wavey at the beach, I'm too scared to go in
    3. I have a retarded addiction to caffeine
    4. I'm doing a Masters degree purely to qualify for a working visa in the USA
    5.i spontaneously pierced my belly button when I was studying abroad in the USA in 2011, but took it out 3 months later. I still have a pale scar from it