200+ (Week 44) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina...I seen your post this morning about your running....so very proud of you for getting it done and out of the way early! I have found that I am not getting to my workouts until 11 am or so and then it just seems like my day is over, but by the time I get kids and chores finished it's 9:30 or so and then now thta the computer is open...I find myself sitting and catching up on things...I really should workout earlier. I am wanting to get back to my sewing room...I haven't made anything for a few months and it's starting to get to me...I have to play with the fabrics to keep me sane!
    I find this week I have really had to push myself with my workouts too...my TOM is coming, probably next week...so I thought maybe that is what is was...I am also in my 8th week of insanity...I get bored easy and I think I am wanting this series to be over and start something new. I have also had a lot of stuff going on and I would really just like to take a break...so sick of watching the scale, you know!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- perhaps you, like me, as reached training fatigue- you with the set insanity schedule and me with the running training... doing the same thing pretty rigidly for that long is not keeping me super interested, and I still have almost 2 months of it left! Sounds like you'll be able to mix it up soon though,which will be nice. It can be easy to get bored, and with exercise, I think it's important to keep it lively and as interesting as possible, as it is a lot of work, and who wants it to just be a chore? I certainly don't.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    @ anvy1221: Yeah, I don't get much me time. We really depend on the money. So, it is really hard. I do have to say, because I work some much extra, my hubby pretty much takes care of the house.

    Yesterday was good, today is looking better. IDK, it just sounded good since it is hump day! Well, I am feeling kinda blah today. I ate well yesterday, but feeling kind of bloated. Drinking a lot more water today in hopes it will relieve my bloated feeling.

    Looks like we have to get rid of our treadmill. Hubby's foot have issues after using it. He went to the doc and he said no more treadmill. So ladies, any suggestions on what kind of equipment we can get to replace it? We have very limited space for something.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Debra- perhaps you, like me, as reached training fatigue- you with the set insanity schedule and me with the running training... doing the same thing pretty rigidly for that long is not keeping me super interested, and I still have almost 2 months of it left! Sounds like you'll be able to mix it up soon though,which will be nice. It can be easy to get bored, and with exercise, I think it's important to keep it lively and as interesting as possible, as it is a lot of work, and who wants it to just be a chore? I certainly don't.
    Amen to that!! I think I am actually missing my runs and I know my Bella is too...poor girl, I was out on the porch the night before talking on the phone and she kept bringing me her tennis ball...looking at me with those big eyes like "why have you not been playing with me?" I used to take her on a run/walk a few times a week...but since the insanity started...I haven't done that...so yes, I'll be glad to mix it up a little...might even throw a belly dance routine in there.....I really enjoy that and I haven't done that in months either!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey girls. .I'm around just insanely busy. Until my inlaws leave around Sept 10, my ONLY goals are to not eat like a pig and keep the drinking to a respectable level. Which can be hard. LOL.

    So. my plan right now is stated as above, and then once they leave I am going to join a gym again and even pay for some sessions with a PT to get me headed in the right direction. I've got no travel plans or anything, so far, in my way until March, so that is a good solid six months that I should be able to push myself and lose as much as I can. I am right now trying to mentally prepare myself for it because I usually do great for about two to three months and then fizzle. I will honestly need your help to keep pushing!!

    I hope you all are doing well and I will keep posting from time to time. I'm reading what you guys are writing, just right now things are crazy and I don't have a ton of time to use this site.

    Take care!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang - It feels good to have a short break this afternoon. I do have to go out and see more clients... Happy Hump Day. I wish it was the weekend but then again we are getting company with 5 kids from 1 to 12 in age - I see me pulling my hair out again. Why does it seem like all my friends are baby machines??? How can you afford 4 to 5 kids in this day and age?

    Kristina - I watch White Collar. I think the star of Burn Notice is sexier:blushing: We DVR everything and are a few weeks behind... Yes, I'm getting burned out with the running. It's starting to feel like a chore. I'm hoping the enjoyment picks back up soon. I think I'm just tired from work and working out (*sighs*)

    Deb - great plan with your daughter. Again - so sorry to hear about your friend...

    Lacey - I hear you on the time issues. Come back to us when you can.

    Mish - have you thought about an elliptical - it's more low impact? or a recumbent stationary bike? Was your husband trying to run or just walking on the treadmill? Has he had his gait analyzed? He may just need shoes or inserts that correct poor foot alignment.

    Amy - Welcome back. Glad you enjoyed your trip - someday I'd love to visit England... I :love: BL and will root for your friend!!! Hope your back feels better soon - ice, heat and stretches really help.

    shamrock - congrats on your loss this week:flowerforyou:

    Danielle - congrats on your loss too!!! Your weekend does sound fantastic.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Misch - I vote for an elliptical with the arm bars that you can hold on to for upper body exercise as well.

    Amy - take it very easy with your back. Mine got "thrown out" riding the max train in Portland one day about 10 years ago and it has been very very sensitive since. In fact, ever since the fishing trip mine's been hurting, pretty badly, and I don't even really know what from. Do lots of stretching.
    Every morning before I get out of bed, I pull one knee up to my chest at a time and stretch my back that way. My chiropractic masseuse chick recommended it to me and just this simple stretch in the morning has seriously been a Life. Saver.
    I will root for your friend on BL too. Exciting!

    Girls - the whole work out thing getting boring is what got to me too. Stick to it. Don't stop! I stopped and I am regretting it. I cannot WAIT to get back into the gym in a few weeks and get moving again!

    Okay, it has been one he11 of a week thus far. In.Sane. I am going to go home, change, wash my face and head out to sushi with my husband. Our first meal alone in months. Yeay!

    I just wish the dern grandparents would answer their effing cell phones! I've called twice now to check on Gracie and nothing. Its starting to piss me off a bit...and scare me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hi ladies! I'm back from my camping trip. I had a WONDERFUL time relaxing up in the mountains. If we are facebook friends, you will see pictures eventually. I face two busy days at work catching up, plus planning for the "Family Fun Day" that I'm helping out with for our department on Saturday. Plus I have a mini high school reunion thing on Saturday night. Its basically just our group of friends meeting up at someone's house. It might be Sunday before I get a chance to really catch up with you guys.

    I'm nervous to see what my weight will be in the morning. I haven't weighed since Friday. I busted my butt putting up the tent and walking around everywhere and hiking and all that jazz. Ok...here's the breakdown of my camping trip...Got there Saturday around 1:30 and it was POURING rain, so I slept in my car for an hour and a half and there was finally a small break in the storm to put up the tent. It was raining again by the time that was done so I lugged everything into the tent in the rain. Sunday I basically laid around and read all day. It was great. Monday I went to Lake Junaluska and walked around the lake. Its a 2.6 mile lap and it was gorgeous! There was a "Rose Walk" where the sidewalk was lined with rose bushes. It was a good quarter mile of roses and I LOOOOOOOVE taking photos of flowers. I also found some new flower that was like nothing I've ever seen. I'll have to post a picture here when I finally get them loaded on the computer and edited.

    So then on Tuesday, Lexi and I got in the car and drove on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I noticed I kept driving up and up and up.....I stopped at this big overlook area...the kind with a large parking lot and restrooms and even a little store. They had a short trail you could hike up and see a better view....the first overlook was only .2 mile up, the other stop was .5 mile up. Easy right? I mean, that should be NOTHING. umm...yeah....NOT. The altitude made it impossible to breath and the hike was STRAIGHT UP. I got to the .2 overlook- it was a paved path to that point. I started going up to the .5 overlook but it wasn't paved and climbing up roots and rocks while trying to hold on to Lexi's leash and take pictures.....yeah...it wasn't happening. I'll have to double check with the pictures I took, but I think that stop was over 5700ft above sea level. After that stop, I was going down again and was around 2200ft above sea level by the time I got off the parkway. When I took Lexi into the little store at that site (the guy behind the register said it was ok) everyone inside commented on what a great (and cute) dog she is.

    Today I packed up and drove home. I got to meet Good Guy halfway and he took me out to lunch. In our conversation he called himself my boyfriend again. And I know this time he was sober (he called himself that a couple weeks ago when we were out drinking with my bff and her husband). I told my bff about that this afternoon and she asked when I was going to call him out about that. I told her it isn't official until our facebook status is changed lol.

    I am not ready to go back to work tomorrow. I need a day of rest to recooperate from my vacation lol but man I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Your trip sounds awesome! I love camping but haven't done it in a loooong time.

    Lacey: I am being careful with my back. DH has had a lot of back trouble so he knows a lot of stretches that I've been trying.

    Victoria: Wow, 5 kids under 12 - I have no idea how anyone can afford that. I have a hard time affording my ONE kid. Sounds like a busy weekend for you!

    Debra: I think Insanity is what hurt my back (doing the ski jump abs work). It's become really hard to get through the Insanity program lately as I think my mind has wandered off. It's gotten boring, I guess. (Not easy, by any means, just boring doing the same workouts over & over) Me & my dog have started running & walking together outside & she loves it (so do I).

    Well, it's Thursday and it's already almost the afternoon! I spent the morning on Skype with my mom talking about England & catching up and before I knew it, it was 11 am and I hadn't even had breakfast yet. I have to get a walk/run in with the dog as I know my back isn't ready for Insanity yet. The weight gain from the vacation has been coming off so I'm hoping to be back at 221 (pre-vacation weight) for my weigh-in this week (I was at 222 today so maybe I can get there). Hope everyone has a great day.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning super pals!!! I need to be quick and get on move on getting out the door. I did manage to run 7 miles this morning and loved every min of the cold weather. I'll check back later.

    Kendal - your trip sounds fantastic!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good Guy has officially become my boyfriend. :bigsmile:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Friends...my grandson's are waiting on me...I can't reply to everyone right now like I would like...but I will later.

    Hope you are all enjoying the day!

    week 8 day 5 complete with insanity max interval circuit....this week has been tough...I am getting a little bored with the workouts...not that they are easy...I think it is because I know what's coming...lol, but I'm pushing thru and I have lost some inches, 1 more week and this program will be complete...then I think I might start something new....hmmmm

    Gotta run...talk with you all later
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- EEEE! *twirls* *flails* congrats hun! :drinker:

    Yesterday was an EXTREMELY LONG day. Up at 5:30 to run, at work at 8am up until group ended at 7:30pm, then talked with coworkers observing my group, and then did dinner with them. Didn't get home until 11pm. UGH. So ate much later in the evening and not something great, which didn't make me happy. Today it's beautiful outside. I have to work a bit late again today. Tomorrow I'm supposed to run in the morning, but if it's still nice out when I get home, I might move up the 4.5 milers to this evenign if my legs are up for it (I usually take a day off in between runs), and will do some crosstraining tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll do a DVD or something tonight. The run would be a better calorie burn for me. For lunch, we had pizza at work (ugh), but have eaten well otherwise today, so I don't think the damage was super severe as long as I do some exercise tonight and keep the eating for dinner in check. Don't think I'll be down where I was yesterday tomorrow morning... I was up 3 pounds this morning... no surprise after eating badly and late last night and TOM starting any day now. But, I know I've had a good week overall, and the numbers will show eventually.
  • jbisme
    jbisme Posts: 16
    To all that has made this great choice to shed these unwanted pounds. Reading the progress ones have made gives me the courage I need to make this journey. I can do it because you're doing it. Congrats to all.

    Keep up the good work
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: