Bee Pollen Diet Supplements..Fact or Fiction?



  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    If you want the nutrient content of bee pollen get bee pollen granules. They go good in protein shakes and smoothies. And, it is a whole food more than a supplement. It doesn't have wacky ingredients either.
  • A friend of mine lost a lot of weight, in less than a year...I saw her before and after pics on FB..and asked her what she was doing, as it was very rapid and a lot!! Ahe claomed she uses Bee Pollen.
  • She Claimed
  • The pills you are talking about are very dangerous. I've known many people who ended up in the ER with heart problems directly related to these pills. Stay far, far away from them!
  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    I have heard that taking Bee Pollen Granules is good for you- never heard of the supplement. The granules you actually get at a health food store are supposed to be very high in vitamins and considered a super food. My father in law has bee hives and he extracts from the hive. I have heard it gives you more energy which could contribute to weight loss. I have read that you need to be careful and start with one granule to see if you have a reaction. I have only taken one or two so far, so I can't comment on any "results."
  • I've been taking it since March 5th 2013. It's April 12th 2013. 38 days about.

    Started at 196.4 lbs now 167.8 lbs.

    28.6 lbs

    You will have some funky poop. but doesn;t seem to last long. Completely suppressed my appetite. 1 slice of pizza fills me up. It seems to have done a little cleansing downstairs, but not like a colonoscopy.

    Drink water, it will dry you out. After you eat, you will feel warm.

    Try it. get one bottle, split it with someone...if you like it, buy more. they give discounts if you buy 3 or 5.
    I'm not gonna post the address i bought it from, cause I don't wanna seem like i'm just trying to push it. Yes they are sold through independent sellers.

    If people ask, I'll post the address,

  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I bought a lb of bee pollen granules and now I'm addicted. I've heard that they are about 40% protein and have vitamins, minerals, hormones and enzymes. It's considered a superfood.

    If you try them you are supposed to try a few granules at first to see if you have an allergic reaction.
  • mysfit34
    mysfit34 Posts: 1
    I started taking the Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen in January 2013 after losing about 40 pounds the old fashioned way, the right way. Before January, I was exercising constantly, I mean killing P90X 5-6 days a week...which was a lot for me after 2 babies and a pretty sedentary lifestyle for a couple of years. So, anywho, the bee pollen made me super jittery and anxious with really bad dry mouth, even with double the necessary water consumption for my weight. I mean, water is all that I sodas, alcohol, etc...So, at first, I noticed the jitters and an almost upper-like ephedrine or something. I hate that feeling. It also made me feel like I was going to pass out when I would exercise, with significant chest pains and shortness of breath. But I continued to take them, primarily because it completely suppressed my appetite at first. I mean, debilitating nausea at times. But I was so focused on the weight loss and "feeling like myself again", I was willing to overlook these detrimental negatives. It also made me feel extremely moody, with very emotional outbursts and an overall agitated feeling a lot of the time. This is just not my personality, to feel this way. I mean, I am Type A (determined, organized, too serious sometimes) but not angry or angsty or anything like that...and no, it wasn't hormones, my youngest was already a year old at this point...So, fast forward to May 2013 and I am now no longer taking these pills. I recently found out that I have developed heart problems, I am not saying this is a result of the Zi Xiu Tang, but I am also not saying the converse. I am 34 years old btw, 130 pounds. I do know that I do not feel like someone with bipolar disorder anymore and I can finally exercise again without suffering chest pains.
    sidenote: The natural granules are a superfood and work great for energy.
  • Hi everyone.
    I began taking bee pollen,Durham's Queen's Delight (Royal Jelly 1000mg, Propolis 600mg, Beepollen 1500mg), because I read it could help with migraine headaches. After suffering with the headaches for 30 years and countless tests, prescriptions, preventatives, and Dr. visits I didn't feel I had anything to lose. I've been taking the above for over a month now and not one migraine. I usually have 3 a month. Coincidence? Don't know, but I'm not going to stop to find out. As far as weight loss, not so much. Energy? Even level of energy all day. No crashing mid afternoon.
    Good luck!
  • quinngirl8511
    quinngirl8511 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been taking it and the only thing that bothers me is know which place is the best to buy them since they say original and have there own quality tester on the site( dumb) bit I always got allergies all year round and to the point of doctor visits, time off from school, and antibiotics. I had to take two zyrtec a day all year and now I have not w
    Even had so much if a sneeze. I eat a normal amount of food because you get hungry but you don't crave. I have lost on
    Over ten lbs and it is because I am eating less and better. It does not make me hyper or shaky. People get sick because they are allergic and not a lot of people know what to look for ingredient wise also because you are not driving food you need to listen to your body and eat during the day, drink at least eight cups of water I had dehydration the firtdt week because I had finals and was being dumb...drink water eat food go for a walk. They are also used in china because they curve sugar cravings and help alcoholics quit drinking so if you drink a lot or right after taking the pill you will feel ****. I see the side effects people mention and I have had them too but when I look at the choices I made and look at a day I felt great I realize it was preventable. And they are a detox not forever you are supposed yo ween off of them at your goal and ease into just the pollen if you are on them too long you can build an intolerance just like anything else
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I always wondered what i was adding to yogurt, i thought it was plant stuff, not bee pollen (it got brought back from turkey)

    Apparently it helps with asthma.

    im going to go get a spoon!
  • I've used the Infinity Pollen B. Friend recommend and it worked. I lost weight within 10 days, suppressed my appetite. I workout and eat small healthy portions, I'm not craving food, just enough to be filled. Provided Energy, it makes you drink a lot of water, so you are purifying your system. So in the beginning I did pee a lot. I did it to get a jump start on weight loss. I had no side affects except for the dry mouth, but that is suppose to happen to make you drink water. I'm off right now, just to see if I can maintain my weight. You can only buy online and it;s not cheap. Your Nutrition stores have Pollen B...but not this pill. i only tried this product for the weight loss.
  • SCSantiago
    SCSantiago Posts: 1 Member
    I have a co worker/friend that started taking the bee pollen capsule "zi xiu tang" and she lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks. She didn't change her diet and was about to move so she wasn't really exercising. Not only could everyone else at work and myself see the difference but it was drastic.
  • jennski24
    jennski24 Posts: 3
    You should not take it if you have heart problems because of the natural i griends that can speed up your heart. The people you have know must alreadyhave had a heart condition.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    It won't help with weightloss - but it might help with hayfever. I hear that local honey is supposed to be good for that too.....
  • jennski24
    jennski24 Posts: 3
    Same thing has happened to myself and many many friends! We take all natural assets supplement with main ingredient bee pollen.You can google it and find a local distributor. It only cost a dollar a day/ $30 a month too!! Good Luck!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    xi zui tang probably contains zero bee pollen. The FDA put out a consumer alert about it this past October--here's what it says:

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use “Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Capsules,” also referred to as “Zi Xiu Tang Beauty, Face & Figure Capsule,” a product promoted and sold for weight loss and body reshaping. This product is promoted on, and possibly sold in some retail stores.

    FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that “Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Capsules” contains sibutramine. Sibutramine is a controlled substance that was removed from the market in October 2010 for safety reasons. The product poses a threat to consumers because sibutramine is known to substantially increase blood pressure and/or pulse rate in some patients and may present a significant risk for patients with a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or stroke. This product may also interact, in life-threatening ways, with other medications a consumer may be taking.

    Consumers should stop using this product immediately and throw it away. Consumers who have experienced any negative side effects should consult a health care professional as soon as possible.
    Health care professionals and patients are encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of these products to the FDA's MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program:

    Just to reitierate: there is no safe, magic pill for weight loss

    That's what was in the meridia that nearly killed me.
  • jennski24
    jennski24 Posts: 3
    I'm not familiar with the product you are talking about. But, All Natural Assets, which is the product that I have been taking contains raw bee pollen. In all of my research on raw bee pollen I have found no information that says that it contains any sibutramine.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi all! I started taking it right before Memorial day after seeing that a friend of mine had lost 45 pound in a few months on it. I was skeptical but since I knew her personally and could see the results myself I decided I'd give it a try. I don't take the recommended two pills a day most days which helps to stretch how far a bottle goes since it is so expensive and 1 pill a day gives me enough of the effect that I've lost just over 12 pounds in about 6 weeks. I am sure I could lose faster if I exercised at all or I took the recommended two pills a day but slow and steady is just fine with me. I was about 181 when I started and about 168 now. I want to get down to 155 so I'm hoping another 2 months and I'll come off them.
    As for side effects I haven't had too many. I do find myself in the bathroom more often if I eat fattier foods but nothing crazy or that limits my activities. I never really got that energy boost people talk about but I also don't get jittery or anything like that. It does make my mouth dry (some days more than others for whatever reason) but this for me has been really positive since I always struggle to drink water and this encourages me to drink it.
    What it does most for me is curb my eating. I still eat whatever I want and haven't modified my diet but I eat less of it. And I still do get hungry but now mostly at meal times and not all day long. And when I eat I find that I get full much faster than I normally would. And for me my biggest weak spot (especially after a night of drinks) is eating after the kids go to bed. This has pretty much stopped that. So now I find on a normal week day when I'm not eating extra bad and not drinking beer and wine I'll lose steadily. Over a weekend when we'll have lunches out, BBQ food, chips and dip, etc and beer/wine this was usually my gaining time but now I generally stay at the same weight.
    It is expensive but since I don't have to stay on it forever I'm ok with that. I know for sure I wouldn't be where I am now and certainly wouldn't be losing still (summer is always when I gain) without it.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    The FDA has a strong warning about this product and urges people to stop using this product. The first posting I came across when I googled this product.