Smoking or Not?

I am a smoker. I smoke everyday, about 3/4a pack a day. I want to quit, but am in the process of changing so much, I don't think I could actually do it. I busting my *kitten* working out, etc., doing excellent so far with my dieting, and not struggling with it. BUT working out is difficult, with me being a smoker.

For those of you that have smoked and quit, how? I cannot take meds for smoking cessation so that isn't an option for me.

For those of you that currently smoke, how in the world do smoke and workout?

I do ultimately want to quit because of the adverse affects that smoking does have, just not today, or this week.


  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I smoked for 10 years and quit 11 years ago. I used the nicotine patches. It worked pretty well for me.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I smoked for 10 years and quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant. My daughter is almost 2 and I only smoke when we go out and have a few drinks which is like twice a year lol. If you don't wanna quit, you won't. It's that simple. When you're ready, you'll know, and you'll do it. Losing weight is the same way.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    im smoking right now. seriously
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Quit cold turkey after 20 years ... Read Allan Carr's Easy Way Book, it deprogrammed me like magic.

    Good luck, you can't crave what you don't want.

    When you truly realise there are no benefits to smoking you just don't want one.
  • I smoked for 10 years and quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant. My daughter is almost 2 and I only smoke when we go out and have a few drinks which is like twice a year lol. If you don't wanna quit, you won't. It's that simple. When you're ready, you'll know, and you'll do it. Losing weight is the same way.

    Honestly, I have a fear of quitting. I am doing really great with my dieting and losing weight, and am frightened that it could backfire. It is a goal for me in the near future, once dieting becomes a lifestyle instead of a calculation all day.
  • Quit cold turkey after 20 years ... Read Allan Carr's Easy Way Book, it deprogrammed me like magic.

    Good luck, you can't crave what you don't want.

    When you truly realise there are no benefits to smoking you just don't want one.

    Got it reserved at the library! Thanks!
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    I used to smoke a pack a day and quit cold turkey about 5yrs ago.
  • jdallas69
    jdallas69 Posts: 30 Member
    its all about the ganja smoke all ya want
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I smoked for 10 years and quit cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant. My daughter is almost 2 and I only smoke when we go out and have a few drinks which is like twice a year lol. If you don't wanna quit, you won't. It's that simple. When you're ready, you'll know, and you'll do it. Losing weight is the same way.

    Honestly, I have a fear of quitting. I am doing really great with my dieting and losing weight, and am frightened that it could backfire. It is a goal for me in the near future, once dieting becomes a lifestyle instead of a calculation all day.

    I know what you mean, whenever I attempted to quit before I had my daughter, I replaced my cigarettes with sweets and would gain 5lbs, freak out, and start smoking again.
  • DesireeAshley90
    DesireeAshley90 Posts: 137 Member
    Have you tried electronic cigarettes? My mom is the most close minded person in the world. She smoked a pack a day or two all her life. Two years ago we got her into trying the electronic cigarrettes and she fell in love. She bought them, started using them and the next day quit regular cigarettes. After a few check-ups with her doctor, her blood oxygen level had gone back down to normal and her lungs are "good as new" according to the doctor. She is so much healthier than she's ever been and she hardly smokes even the electronic ones now. Look into them there are tons of brands like bloog or blu brand. She was personally a fan of the bloogs. Good luck! I'm telling you my mom was stubborn as a mule and had tried everything in the book until she found these.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I'm a smoker :-(

    I manage to work out - I can run 7 miles in an hour, lift weights, do 30 mins HIIT on an elliptical (not all on the same day!). I have no idea how much smoking affects me - maybe I'll do better when I quit?

    I did take a "staged" approach to my health: I starting eating right first; then ramped up my exercise. I've been at maintenance weight for a year now, so I figure I really have to let this one go too. I'm on day 5 of Chantix right now, with a quit date set for Wednesday.

    Sounds like you may be in the "contemplation" phase. It can last a while! But, when you are ready, it will happen!
  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member
    I quit cold turkey about 6 years ago. I went through phases where I couldn't stand the taste of it, I was addicted mostly to the motion of smoking. I woke up one morning, couldn't stand the taste of it and instead of still picking up a cigarette, I picked up a straw, lolly pop (I know, not the best for weight loss) or anything that I could use that I could get the same effect as a cigarette. I'm not saying that works for everyone, but it worked for me and boy am I glad that I quit. Good luck!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I quit almost 3 years ago after smoking for over 20 years. I had tried lots of times with patches, champix and various other stopping methods and failed. Then one day I just decided enough was enough and quit cold turkey. It was hard but I came to realise my desire to not smoke was stronger than the desire to smoke. Any time I Came Close to giving in I remembered that. Stressful situations were overcome by the thought of would smoking really help this? No the situation will still be there but you added smoking again to it.

    Quitting smoking is the biggest and best thing I have ever done for myself and I'm grateful everyday that I escaped the grip of the nicodemon.
  • belle713
    belle713 Posts: 30
    I smoked for a very long time. At my highest, probably 2 packs a day but on average, 1.

    I quit when I started swimming. It effected my breathing so adversely, I didn't have a choice. It became either smoke or exercise.

    I had quit several times between 2008-2010. Even though I caved, each time I quit became easier and easier. And the cheats became shorter and more sporadic. Until finally, I was quit. No drugs. Just lots of bubble gum & Jolly Ranchers.

    Of course now, I'd try to switch that for celery & carrots but at the time, I didn't care. Quitting was my only objective and I used any means necessary.

    Just keep trying. I never saw myself as a nonsmoker so trust me, if I can quit, anyone can. :) Also, when you fall off the wagon, don't get discouraged. Similar to dieting, EVERYONE falls off from time to time. Just know that it's temporary and get it out of your system so you can quit again. Eventually, it will become permanent.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • vickylee26
    vickylee26 Posts: 35 Member
    Yeah I though that then I quit and put 25lb of the 28lb I lost back on!! So here I am again undoing my weight gain, I quit cold turkey but I was at a point that quitting was all I thought about and that was 9 months ago.... funny thing is I quit for way over a year each time I was pregnant and then went back to it- this time feels so different I cant imagine ever going back to "needing" a cigarette.
    Good Luck !!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I was a 2 PAD smoker...quit Sept 2012 as a part of this whole Good Livin' thing I'm high on. I used an e-cig and reduced my nicotine dose bit by bit until I got to zero nicotine. I did this over about 6 months. I still pull on my zero nicotine from time to time, but not much anymore. Once these batteries I have are toast, I'm just done period.

    The e-cig really helped a lot with the whole hand to mouth thing and helped ween me off the nastiness. I went with a model that looked and felt nothing like a real cigarette as I wanted to distance myself from that somewhat.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I smoked for 40 years and quit last Sept. did Wellbutrin and patches. I finally made it but it has been a hell of a struggle. Also I gained the mandatory 20 lbs. I am finally just now getting back to my Sept. weight. Now was it worth it? Oh heck yes. Would I do it again.... In a heart beat. I feel and smell so much better. I have more stamina and strength. My lungs are coming back, hills don't bother me.... It's all good. If you are on this site to improve your health then you have to quit.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I smoke, but not a lot. like 1-5 cigarettes a day or every other day. I want to quit too. Me and my husband have tried the nicorette gum and the electronic cigarettes too. I liked both of them.
    My husband quit before a few years back with just using the nicorette gum. And he also lost a ton of weight too. You just gotta be willing to do the sacrificing. And you have to have the will power. It will be hard but you can do it.
    And as for the exercise I manly walk. Or do small bits of exercise that I can handle. Just gotta do what You can.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quit cold turkey after 20 years ... Read Allan Carr's Easy Way Book, it deprogrammed me like magic.

    Good luck, you can't crave what you don't want.

    When you truly realise there are no benefits to smoking you just don't want one.

    ^This, except for me it was about 15 years of smoking.
  • I'm a smoker :-(

    I manage to work out - I can run 7 miles in an hour, lift weights, do 30 mins HIIT on an elliptical (not all on the same day!). I have no idea how much smoking affects me - maybe I'll do better when I quit?

    I did take a "staged" approach to my health: I starting eating right first; then ramped up my exercise. I've been at maintenance weight for a year now, so I figure I really have to let this one go too. I'm on day 5 of Chantix right now, with a quit date set for Wednesday.

    Sounds like you may be in the "contemplation" phase. It can last a while! But, when you are ready, it will happen!

    I tried Chantix and it really worked to help me quit, but after a week and a half, I became suicidal, going into rages for no reason, was completely unstable. I had to quit. There was no other option for me here. It is a great med if one doesn't have the side effects I did. It worked so great, even the nausea was worth quitting. Good luck to you!

    I am where you have been, the contemplation stage, changing one thing at a time.