Is your parter helping you on your journey?

Is your partner motivating you on your journey. If so what is he/she doing to help? If he/she is not, what would you like them to do for you that would help.


  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    I'm doing C25K and my hubby comes along with a stopwatch playing personal trainer. He also got me a bike so we can go cycling together :) He's a big fitness lover so he's pleased I can share that with him more.
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    No!!!! In fact back into my lifestyle change(after some medical issues) and he says why are we eating like this. He has noticed my good eating and exercising at all. Ugh!
  • I spend the weekends with my boyfriend since we don't see each other during the week. The first month of my weight loss journey, he was very supportive but not really doing anything on his end to help. He loves the fast foods. But I've told him since the start that I didn't want MY goals to pressure him in to making them HIS goals. But since I've lost about 8pds, he wants to help me continue to lose weight. On the weekends, he no longer gets fast food and helps me buy things to cook. He encourages me, tells me I'm beautiful no matter what the scale says, and keeps me positive. Whenever I feel that I'm not losing weight quick enough... his response? "SO WHAT?" He helps me realize that it isn't the weight that matters--but how I feel about myself and how I treat my body.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    my husband is lovely! Just supportive and encouraging, tells me I look great, it's doing me good and I should stick at it, and making me really feel attractive again. The extra weight was like another person in the relationship, getting between us and making me miserable. Most of it's gone now, and my husband is still there, and thrilled. He gave me a Debenhams voucher for my birthday, to treat myself to new clothes - and oh, the crash as the first dress size dropped! (next one, waiting in the wings...)

    The only thing I'd change would be that he works in London, and so has to travel down there for a few nights a week from time to time, which I find really hard. I can't complain, plenty of couples are apart much more I know, but this is recent for us and I struggle. Just me and the biscuit tin all on our own! And then he's knackered when he's home, so we don't get to do things I'd like, like I love walking on the moors and we rarely do that now. So I'd have him here all the time.

    But never mind, it is what it is. And he's so patient and loving and kind to me and so appreciative of everything I've managed, it doesn't matter that he sometimes has to go away.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I spend the weekends with my boyfriend since we don't see each other during the week. The first month of my weight loss journey, he was very supportive but not really doing anything on his end to help. He loves the fast foods. But I've told him since the start that I didn't want MY goals to pressure him in to making them HIS goals. But since I've lost about 8pds, he wants to help me continue to lose weight. On the weekends, he no longer gets fast food and helps me buy things to cook. He encourages me, tells me I'm beautiful no matter what the scale says, and keeps me positive. Whenever I feel that I'm not losing weight quick enough... his response? "SO WHAT?" He helps me realize that it isn't the weight that matters--but how I feel about myself and how I treat my body.

    What a lovely bloke :smile: Really glad for you
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I'm doing C25K and my hubby comes along with a stopwatch playing personal trainer. He also got me a bike so we can go cycling together :) He's a big fitness lover so he's pleased I can share that with him more.

    That's so good! It's bringing you even closer, how lovely :smile:
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    No!!!! In fact back into my lifestyle change(after some medical issues) and he says why are we eating like this. He has noticed my good eating and exercising at all. Ugh!

    Oh that's a shame :-( Have you talked about it at all? Would he understand if you told him what you're doing?
  • rshcraig
    rshcraig Posts: 53
    Yes yes yes. He has been fantastic. He bought me a treadmill as soon as he saw how serious I was. He is always complimenting me (which is still strange cause he's never been one of those compliment people) and now he's even started trying to get in shape. Lately he has been saying things like "wow you are ALREADY looking fantastic, i cant imagine in a few months" etc. He also always asks if we need to go to the store to get me more food so that I have healthy snacks etc to stay in my calorie goal. <3
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    In the past, my husband was in no way supportive - I think that's why I "failed" so quickly. THIS TIME, I don't know what the turn around has been, but he has been my biggest supporter through it all. He is forever telling people how proud he is of me for sticking to it and losing all that I have. He even got me my NutriBullet that has been my "go to" each day. I may not know what turned his brain around, but I'm not complaining :bigsmile:
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I have an amazing husband who totally encourages me along the way. He himself has changed his lifestyle and loves the fact that we can do this together. We don't workout with each other, we both consider that our "ME" time.

    However we cook good foods, buy healthy groceries, and learn to order at restaurants together. It's so nice when your partner is on the same page!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    If your significant other isnt onboard..thats a bad sign.
  • 3xpr3ss
    3xpr3ss Posts: 13
    I'm really happy to hear that most of you are getting that positive motivation from your partner/husband. I know at times I haven't always been that person for my partner and vice versa. This time around I am trying to be different for her and also for myself.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    My husband is being very supportive. He wants me to be healthy. I had asked him a couple weeks back that I wanted a heart rate monitor, and he immediately said no. But then he goes behind my back and researches them and then told me I could get one. LOL. If he has a random day off during the week he'll even do the 30 Day Shred with me. Last week I even got him to do squats and crunches with me. :) He's enjoying our meals more now too, he says the amount of veggies reminds him of his childhood (he grew up with LOTS and LOTS of veggies). I'm very thankful to have such an awesome and supportive husband :)
  • Somewhat. Better than before. But I need so much more help.
  • Yes! My boyfriend is incredibly supportive. He has helped improve our diet (since he does a majority of the cooking) by introducing new low fat foods and he has been 100% supportive of reducing our "order in" habit. He also bought me a bike around Christmas so that we can go riding together. Best help of all is that he is so encouraging...this was especially helpful during that first two weeks when I was "dying" from the reduced calories and the scale did not budge an inch. I wanted so badly to give up, but he told me to stick with it and walk away from the scale for a few days. When I jumped back on the scale, I had officially lost my first pound. I know I have not lost much in weight, but I have reduced my other measurements from all the cardio and healthier eating. He has been such a big part of my weight loss journey and I can only hope everyone else has such a wonderful partner to help pave the sometimes rocky roads.
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    Last year around this time my husband noticed that I was cutting portions and logging my food. He decided to join me and has lost 100lbs. We do meal planning and the grocery list together so that we can both have food that is going to support our lifestyle change. Recently we've begun to discuss getting ourselves into shape to try some 5ks.
  • I feel very grateful to have such a supporting boyfriend. We've been together four about 4 years now and my weight has fluctuated quite a bit during that time. He has never once mentioned it, or said a single negative word about my appearance - only positive things. He loves that I'm cooking healthier meals at home now, and even says how he's feeling better from eating better. I tell him when I lose some pounds, and he says "congratulations, I know how hard you're working!" He's supportive, and I love that. He never says anything about what I eat, how much, or anything! He loves that I'm exercising daily now because he says he can tell it makes me happier, and that's all he wants is for me to be happy.
  • pajouey79
    pajouey79 Posts: 39 Member
    I made my hubby go with me to the dr and he has been much more supportive now than when i was on WW. He even dug out the food scale so we can weigh what goes on my plate. :love:
  • susanrose73
    susanrose73 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes he is supportive. I need to appreciate him more! We started this together over a year ago and I wouldn't have been able to come as far as I have without him. <3
  • I'm a fairly solitary person, and I haven't actually discussed the details of this with my boyfriend. All I've said about it is that I'm working on getting in better shape, and sometimes I'll mention when I've gone to work out if it's part of the conversation about what we did that day.

    We eat basically the same foods, I just eat less if I've already hit my goal for the day. To me it would feel weird talking about weight loss goals with him... He'd probably say I look fine and wonder why I'm worrying about it. I guess what it comes down to is that it's a personal journey for me, and I'm a pretty private person.