Gluten free



  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Corn tortillas and brown rice pasta may be your new best friends. Also, tamari instead of soy sauce. Those three items will make it much easier to convert your old favorite recipes to gluten-free versions.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    This was a great thread with lots of people speaking from THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES of how going GF has been so great for them. Then along comes a jerk who just HAS to put in his uniformed opinion and basically call all the other posters liars. Yeah, sounds legit.

    And for my 2 cents- I went grain free and processed sugar free (both which can be inflammatory to many people) back last August. The improvement in my pain levels from 2 autoimmune diseases I have, was amazing. I would never have thought that a change in the foods that I ate, would actually make such a drastic improvement in my health and quality of life. I am a completely different person than I was a year ago, and everyone who sees me, definitely sees the change and has asked me what has caused the change.

    It is a bit of a hassle at first until you get used to it, but definitely worth it for me. I am a lifer now!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    there are some great stories on here. and I BELIEVE every single one of them. I do not have Celiac D. I have diabetes. I have hypothroidism. I have high blood pressure. I have lots of seasonal allergies and dust/mold are rough for me. I went gluten free because I decided I am not a cow and don't need to eat grass. I went grain free for the same reason. Call that silly if you please.

    But the results I have gotten from eating this way have more than imaginable given me tangilble results---like I said, NO MORE DAILY CLARITIN. That saves money and saves me from another stinking drug. I have lost weight, which may save my eyes, my legs, my LIFE. I am still diabetic but my sugars are awesome. Someday soon I do hope to be off of or lessen my medications, which will save $$. .

    I will stay grain-free because mainly I FEEL TERRIFIC. I have way more energy, less arthritis pain, less melancholy attitude, NO DANDRUFF, and no more Gassy Tummy.

    To each his own. If you are happy and healthy eating wheat, then go right on. However, don't make fun of those who feel different about it. We have real reasons for our choices. If I didn't feel different not eating gluten, then I would dang sure eat it since it easier to buy bread than to MAKE bread. This is not a FAD to any of the serious folks that responded. I cannot understand why someone wants to blast us for our choices. I don't care if you eat dog meat. If it makes you happy....then be happy! If it makes you feel healthier for whatever reason, then go for it! I won't dismiss your choices.
  • Pvestin
    Pvestin Posts: 19 Member
    Posting here because I think most of you can relate. I went out with DH on Wednesday. We decided to share our meals I ordered a pork loin smothered in cheese & jalapenos (I'm lactose intolerant but I can handle small amounts of cheese) and we also ordered ribs. When the food came the pork loin was flattened and BREADED! UGH. Hubby ate it, and really not so great.

    Then on Friday we went to a concert. My dh ordered chicken wings and sweet potato fries. He asked a dozen times if the wings had any flour, breading, gluten etc. No, he was assured. I told him to ask about the fries. When he picked them up sure enough, they coat the fries in a flour based seasoning. Nothing is safe. This is why I'm losing weight with GF. :) If one eats less, one loses weight.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I don't have celiac but I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease. It is suggested I go gluten-free and if it keeps me off meds forever, I'll do it. Haven't been trying for long but it's harder than thought. I found that eating no processed foods is much safer, but I like corn tortillas for the occasional "bread" treat. Gluten is literally in EVERYTHING. I try and stay away from gluten free foods (like bread and pasta), but I have found that the Brown Rice Pasta at Trader Joes is excellent. I cook for my BF and I nightly and it's hard to make him eat exactly the way I eat. This way I can have pasta with him!

    Good luck! I'm always looking for new gluten-free friends!
  • I also have hasimotos and I have found that I do a lot better on my diet going gluten free. I also have a husband that does not like to eat the way I do, so I fix two separate meals and buy two types of groceries~becoming expensive! Would like to be MFP friends with you. I understand where you are coming from!
  • DorothyR87
    DorothyR87 Posts: 113
    Prior to my upper endoscopy my Gastroenterologist said if someone really has Celiac and has been eating gluten for years it would take MONTHS to YEARS to remove all signs of Celiac in your body so you should be ok going GF for a week prior. I didn't get diagnosed with Celiac, but rather "Gluten Sensitivity." Maybe I'm a dummy but I would rather take the diarrhea and nausea and get to eat my yummy gluten then give it up and have no symptoms.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    you can add me. i went gluten free for 6wks cause i thought i was intolerant to it. you can find/make anything that you normally would eat. I can help you will that if you need me to
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ... I would rather take the diarrhea and nausea and get to eat my yummy gluten then give it up and have no symptoms.

    :noway: Does not compute!

    Maybe my nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety and pain were more severe than yours. My mental health was in serious decline due to my constant, chronic symptoms. I had lost all hope of ever being normal. I am just so grateful after all these years to have found a solution (GF). I can't imagine being so addicted to a food that I'd rather live in abject misery than be without it.

    Glad your gluten sensitivity is at a tolerable level, though! :flowerforyou:
  • zannestar
    zannestar Posts: 6 Member
    I've been GF for 4 years and I've never felt better, about a year ago, we discovered our daughter also had a gluten allergy, so our house is GF, but you'd never know it. Our friends and family can't believe that the meals they eat are gluten free naturally, my mother still buys ANYTHING that says it's GF, but we don't have a taste for any of the processed GF food. Our rule is - we make our own junk food from scratch. Friends and family can't tell that our meals or sweets/desserts/treats are GF. There are loads of resources out there, and while we used to eat out regularly, we really enjoy cooking and eating as a family at home. The food we cook tastes better too. Even our farmers market has a bunch of GF baked good/treat options. These area all things I love about being GF, along with: clearer skin, better sleep, comfortable gut, no headaches, feeling lighter, no more allergies, the list goes on and on... Would love to connect and share GF recipes.
  • laursed
    laursed Posts: 73 Member
    No Celiac! :smile: I was thinking about trying to add oatmeal back in, i seem to really miss a filling bowl of oatmeal.....does oatmeal work for anyone else? Glad i dont have celiac, but a little diappointed, hoping for a "reason" for my joint pain,low energy, low vit D......